Have you ever had a hallucination? What was it like?

by Nathan Natas 82 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Comatose

    And I wonder why in bible times everyone and their brother had a demon that possesed them. Coincidentally they also did not understand mental illness back then. Jesus never said, no they do not have a demon, they are sick and I can cure it. No, he "expelled the demunz". hmmmmmmmm

  • sarahsmile

    My ex came over after his Sunday meeting. He said that there is something I want to tell you, and you are the only one I can trust.

    Some lady after the meetings came up to me and said,"Are we both going to be in paradise naked." We were in a seperate area of the house, so I asked my sister to come in to see it he would tell her. He said nothing! I told her the coversation and she tried to reason with him. He just said,"how would you know she didn't say it?" Apparently we were not there.

    I learned you can not try to reason with crazy! I said no one would say that and he needed help.

    I reminded him of the three 3 foot see through aliens and the voices from the tv antenna,angels in the clouds.

    He will not go get help but believes they are all real.

    Looking back I realized that he never really heard anything I said. And made up garbage. One time, I had to ask his brother why he said certain things. His brother was insulted and wanted his brother,my husband, to set me straight. Like a coward he said I miss understood him. There was never a normal time when I was married to him.

    Most of the time he lived with paranoia and just stayed quiet and home a lot! He never socilized lik normal couples. One time I remember being on the passengrs seat,and he said get down someone has a gun. I ducked down then said is it safe yet I finally looked to see what was going on. There were no cars around at all. He said he was just getting ready for when there was a gun and somone was shooing. There were always excuses for his actions! When it came time for elders meetings he just lt me take complete responsibility. He said nothing.

    Although he would never see a psychiatrist long enough to get diagnosed, he was paranoid schizophrenia. His family some day knows he will needed to be institutionalize.

    I pesonally do not care what happens to him as long as he stays completely away from me. Sometimes he drives by my house and stalks me. He was caught following me down the street by my neighbors. Too many times!

  • yalbmert99

    Hallucinations may be caused by a psychotic disorder such as schizophrenia or bipolar affective disorder with psychosis. They can also be drug-induced.

    For your info, Jesus of Nazareth had a lot of them. Here is my book in pdf and audio (in french only for now) that demonstrates that Jesus was in fact suffering from paranoid schizophrenia.


  • ballistic

    I don't suffer hallucinations generally, but I am one of the people who see a speckled pattern everywhere, especially in a dark room, like a de-tuned TV.

    If I'm tired, then the speckled pattern can make your brain think you've seen a fly or spider or such like. This is simply because the brain is a pattern finding machine looking for, movement. So, it's a form of hallucination, although not maybe the type others are talking bout.

  • fulltimestudent

    Oh yes! Unfortunately.

    I was about 4 y.o and I started experiencing episodes of floating or flying around the room, I was terrified. Whether the feelings of terror came from the floating sensation or were associated with the cause I cannot say. My family would put me to bed and call the Doc, and he'd look at me gravely, as I lay in bed screaming with terror, and shake his head. He had no idea what was wrong, and perhaps thought I was a bit young to put into the looney bin.

    I did not find the cause until a few years ago, in talking to another XJW who had similar experiences, but he'd found the cause. Here's a pik:

    Commonly called 'Angel's Trumpet, I used to pick the flowers and pretend I was blowing a trumpet, thus ingesting some of the sap.

    Angel's trumpet, also known as trumpet flower or the horn of plenty, is a tropical native that has long flowers (up to 10 inches and 4 inches across the face).

    It's related to Jimson weed, and also contains the poisonous a lkaloid called hyoscyamine.

    Here’s what the US Department of Agriculture says about a related plant: “Datura intoxication typically produces a complete inability to differentiate reality from fantasy (delirium, as contrasted to hallucination); hyperthermia; tachycardia (increased heart-rate); bizarre, and possibly violent behavior; and severe mydriasis (pupil dilation) with resultant painful photophobia that can last several days.”

    It has high enough levels of toxicity that it can also kill you if you’re not careful about the dosage. As a hallucogenic its been associated with ecstatic religious usage in India and in native American societies. Early English settlers in Virginia used another related plant popularly called Jimson weed as a Salad and had to be locked up because of the affect of the plant.

    And, occasionally kids boil it up as they've heard some gossip about it, and sadly there have been fatalities

  • fulltimestudent

    Thank you Adam:

    The fallability of eyewitness testimony: http://www.ted.com/talks/scott_fraser_the_problem_with_eyewitness_testimony.html

    I appreciated your posting of this video link. I've known of this problem with eye-witness accounts, but its great to hear his account.

    From a religious aspect, it enables us to get a better understanding of what may have been happening in the gospel accounts. They were written some 30-40 years after the events they attempt to describe - and perhaps after many verbal accounts.

  • talesin

    Lest anyone think me a cad for being rude to a woman, permit me to explain that NewYork44M is a GUY, not a woman as his avatar suggests.

    Who said the she/he was a man or woman ?

    Nathan, what is your point? Uggh !


  • SnailsPace2

    This thread has been very interesting to read.

  • LisaRose

    My ex husband (who was raised a JW) regularly took LSD for a few years. He stopped taking drugs and got baptized. We went to see an old friend of his that he used to do drugs with and they started talking about their druggie days. This caused him to have flashback hallucination.

  • wearewatchingyouman

    I've hallucinated many times. The first time I was 22. I was praying and meditating daily at the time. I was eating extremely clean. After praying for an hour I was envelopesd by a warm light that seemed to be and come from everywhere, but slowly crept from the corners of the walls in until it wrapped me up.. Kind of like being in a womb of light, but the light was alive and seemed to be a concious being at times. I was basically giving myself over to God(whatever that is) letting it know that I would do whatever it wanted me to if it woud just let me know what that was when the experience began. The light seemed to speak telepathically. It just said "Do as I've told you to do my son" Over and over and over. I remember trying to ask what that meant but I couldn't get through the train of thought before being interrupted by that phrase. Once I stopped trying to interupt and ask questions, and just said okay it crept back and was gone.

    I spent the next 5-7 years of my life trying to figure out what the heck happened there. What that phrase was supposed to mean. What God "has told me to do" I never recieved a specific answer answer and never could recreate the experience. I tried dillegently to get the next clue. Both through sober meditation and every hallucinogenic drug/plant/fungus imaginable (I never experimented with hallucinogenics before the experience).

    Through much research I've come to the conclusion it was either an OBE brought on by an extremely emotionally vulnerable state or an angel that felt the need to confuse the hell out of me... lol. Either way I'm cool with it. It was an experience that led me down a path of personal discovery and open mindedness. I sure as heck wish it'd happen again though. It was way better than any of the drugs I've tried

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