Who's Going to the Memorial??

by Prisca 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • amicus

    These things are easier for me. The lines less blurred. When my "visit' comes, as I expect it soon will; cloaked in the guise of an invitation to the memorial-my answers will be simple but clear.
    If asked if I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses, I will unhesitatingly answer, "Was James one of Jehovah's Witnesses? John? Peter?"..."Yes, then I think of myself as one of Jehovah's Witnesses as well".
    Is the Society the Faithful and Discrete slave? "No, they are neither faithful nor discrete. Their actions show that they've said in their hearts, "My master is delaying"."
    I have no family members who lay claim to the title of J. Witnesses. My true friends will stay by my side....The path I follow is not always clearly marked, but it does point in one direction, and that direction is not Brooklyn, NY. I don't wish to offend anyone, but I will no longer hide my true feelings-when someone chooses to ask what those feelings are.
    I don't care to spend the Memorial in a cold, dead building. There is a granite boulder close to my house overlooking the American River. In the summertime it serves as a great diving platform into the deep, clear water; about a 40' plunge. This time of year it's a great place to sit and read. That would be a great day to read about the actual event. Anyone care to join me? We could discuss it after reading aloud the various accounts, kinda like the early Christians would have done.

  • neyank

    You know amicus, that realy sounds like a great thing to do.

  • crittersitter

    the first time i did "communion" and partoke of the bread and wine was an unforgettable experience. i was really doing what our LORD commanded us to do. it was a joyful and meaningful moment for me.
    yes, the memorial sham at the kh is just that.....a sham and a shame, it has nothing to do with Jesus and his dying for us.
    i hope they figure it out one day, but did the pharisees change????

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