Irony: JWs who refuse to answer their door on Halloween!

by adamah 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • adamah

    With Halloween fast approaching, it struck me looking back how ironic it was when the worm turned every year on Halloween, when JWs turn off the porch light, draw the curtains, stumble around in the dark, etc. when the Worldlies come to knock on THEIR door, lol!

    On the other hand, I remember the family escaping from the fortress at dusk to go to a movie, bowling, etc.

    What did YOU do on Halloween as a JW? And, what do you do now?

  • LisaRose

    I used to turn out all the lights, put a note on the door and hide out in a back room, hoping nobody rang the doorbell.

    Now I get dressed up, put decorations out, and buy bags and bags of candy. I think I spent $20 last year and we still ran out. We get a lot of trick or treaters, so we usually hang out on the front porch, if we stay inside we just have to keep getting up. It's so much fun seeing the kids in their cute costumes.

  • braincleaned

    Hahaha! SOOOO true. Ironic indeed. I give candies at the door... sometimes made up as a hunchback...

  • gma-tired2

    Then we always took the kids to dinner and movies or minature golfing. now stay home and give the kids candy with enjoyment seeing all the fun costumes, at 65 I never had a chance to dress in a costume to trick or treat.

  • jam

    I passed out WT to the children and they trash my home, kidding

    folks. But I'm sure some super ding dong JW have passed out WT on

    Halloween and bragged about it at the meetings. LOL

  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    Last year we had a ball with the trick or treaters at the door! This year we bought decorations for the garage and big cauldrons for tons of candy! It's gonna be so much fun!!! The kids won't have to climb up the stairs to the front door.

  • braincleaned
  • factfinder

    Told trick or treaters I did not celebrate halloween.

    Now-nothing at all.

  • adamah

    LOL, braincleaned! If I have a nightmare tonight, I'm going to be blaming YOU!

    I should add, my family celebrated a few Halloweens when I was a kid, up until about the age of 5 or so when my mom joined the JWs. I remember I once was Robin Hood (and my sister was Maid Miriam), and of course I remember the joy of gorging my gizzard on candy until a sugar-induced coma set in, which was avoided when my stomach decided it had enough and hit the "eject" button so I vomited it all up, LOL!


  • braincleaned

    Hahaha! I remember getting sick like that the day after. For some reason I could eat all the shared candy my friends would give me.

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