Should I go to the special assembly day tomorrow?

by Mellow 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mellow

    So I haven't been to a meeting for about two months now, but the program for tomorrow's special assembly day here in the UK looks like it could be a good opportunity for me to gather some info. Take a recording device and get some much needed ammunition to use to try and get my parents to stop going.

    It looks like the program is going to be very "you need to trust the organisation" based. I don't want to go, but like I said it could be a good opportunity.

    Plus I've wrapped my old NWT in shiny foil so I can fit in with the elite!!!!

  • OnTheWayOut

    Mellow, welcome to the forum. I will say this: someone here will still be attending these events due to their involvement with family and/or their status within the congregation. Those who feel they must attend can tell you what is going on at assembly talks.

    Generally, it's the same-old same-old. There isn't likely to be some new ammunition. I know what you think- that if you know exactly what they heard, you can use it in conversations with your family. But if you have not been going to meetings, anything you say about the assembly will be viewed as overly-critical. In my opinion, it would be just as effective, perhaps more effective, to read up on what's being said and simply ask questions of your parents in the days and weeks following the event. Instead of trying to seem overly-critical, make them think about it themselves with simple questions.

    If you strongly feel they are virtually ready to come out and just need some mental pushes, then feel free to ignore my opinion above. Otherwise, understand that it's a long-haul project to help others out, and there's always another Watchtower article or assembly talk at the next event, and the next one after that.

  • jookbeard

    can you get me a new Bible Mellow? I'm a Brit

  • Mellow

    Hey man. Thanks for such a great response.

    I guess part of me wants to see my friends there and maybe tactfully fill them in on my current stance, but the chances are that will get me DF'd. And my parents need more than just a push, which is a shame, they need a real slap around the face. They have been a part of it all for a combined 90+ years and they have full trust and confidence in the org. My brother and I have recently got out and with research and study been able to prove the org is false from both a scriptural standpoint as well as a physical/ethical standpoint.

    Perhaps what I need to do is spend a couple of hours just compiling some info at home for them to consider. They have listened to things I have said but they have always had a generic response. I hate the thought of breaking down something they have dedicated their entire lives to and believe in but at the same time I know it's damaging. They are tired of waiting for the end, and I don't want to be shunned by them or by my extended family.

    It's crazy isn't it that in standing up for what is right, I lose everything. Jesus spoke of that happening in scripture, but the org always apply it to themselves.

  • Mellow

    @jookbeard I may be a Brit my friend, and I wouldn't hesitate to get one for myself and you but my JW clearance isn't high enough to access shiny bibles.

  • jookbeard

    oh no!

  • OnTheWayOut

    Personally, I went through some time of thinking that if I just arm myself with information, I could help my wife free her mind.

    That does work for many here. But when it doesn't work, it's time for completely different tactics.

    Steve Hassan's books generally recommend approaching family to reach the non-cult personality. I have applied that by trying to help JW family see there is nothing wrong with using a holiday or birthday to give a present or to gather as family. I send postcards from vacations. I defend gays or religious groups when my JW family attack them- not to a degree where it becomes an argument, but just to a point where I show that the JW is just being so judgemental for no real good reasons. I like to point out where an education helped some young person, or where independent thinking has helped. Hassan's books suggest triggering thoughts about childhood or sharing photos with cult members.

    Typically, after logically discussing doctrine, and that doesn't work, people need to abandon trying to win over JW's by discussing doctrine. But I digress once in a while and slip in comments about the silly "generation" or other things. Mostly, the only thing I do with JW teachings is question whatever my JW family try to slip in, making them think about it.

  • turtleturtle
  • braincleaned

    YES. Record it and post it here, if you please.
    Evidence for us exes...

  • truthhurts13

    I'd go, might be some hot chicks ripe for the pickin......

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