January 2014 Awake

by wisdomfrombelow 24 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • pixel

    emeth, my point is that they are full of themselves. With 7 million members, a good quantity of them going everyay, of course you get goog numbers. They are late to the game, and already they are claimimg that are better than most websites. Typical JW thinking.

  • factfinder

    That is amazing that only that Bible website ranks higher than jw.org among religious sites, but then again, maybe not.

    If you think about how heavily the wts has been promoting the site in the publications...they do reach a wider variety of people worldwide than any other-I guess it is accomplishing its goal to get people to look into jw.org.

    This g will no doubt help even more in this regard.

    The fact that g would have a cover fgeature on jw.org is not really too surprising. Why? Because in the past they used to always highlight the modern methods they were using to preach the good news.

    Of course the gb thinks their web site is the best! They claim they are always doing amazing things with God's help that no one else can do.

    I wonder if they are even aware of what other websites are like? They instruct witnesses to avoid other sites and only use jw.org so I'd figure witnesses who strictly obey this, like my jw brother, have no real idea of what other sites are like and will automatically claim jw.org is the best.

    The Jan.2014 g pdf still can not be downloaded although you can read the articles that are in it.


    Don't forget that the GB have 7 million people who advertise for them, free of charge. Still, they will never surpass Bible websites. People don't want organized religious dogma. Plus you have to see JW.org for what it is, a control measure. It's an alternative website for JWs, just like field service is REALLY for JWs. Dubs would be losing interests and smelling the bs, were it not for the constant advertising on JW.org. The WTBTS likes to talk about the desire of the eyes. Well, thats what JW.org is all about. Beautiful dubbie preaching in beautiful and exotic places. The average dub says, " OH, I want to go to there!"

    The worst thing is that the rank and file actually PAY to have the privilege of advertising for the WTBTS!!

  • factfinder

    I tried to download the Jan. g again and it is working now.

  • stuckinamovement

    I am laughing so hard. Do these idiots not see the irony in printing 45 MILLION paper magazines that will be distributed by door to door to direct people to an electronic website?


  • emeth

    @pixel they claim their website is unique. And in their opinion its the best website on the internet but i dont think they would say that out loud or in publications. WWW.JW.ORG has about 700.000 unique visitors a day. Most of them are non-witnesses. Witnesses have no reason to visit the site every day because the site is not updated daily. Besides that they have all the movies on dvd and publications in paper. Before september 2012 jw.org also offered magazines and the bible in mp3/epub and pdf and was ranked between 7000 and 10.000. The other site www.watchtower.org was ranked around 20,000 and their media website www.jw-media.org around rank 100,000.

    So since september 2012 they made a big jump. That is simply because they actively promote their website in their magazines, brochures and tract. They have QR codes and even a kind of businesscards with the weburl on it. It also works well. Last month i was asked to visit someone who had requested for a biblestudy via JW.ORG. Was the first time for me that i met someone through the website.

    In the coming year the website will be promoted more towards people in the field but also among witnesses themselves because on the website will come more and more things that can only be found on the website (like family study projects, stuff for teenagers, youngsters and kids). Last weeks KM was about using the website for children and family study.

    That focus towards JW.ORG will increase traffic

    @factfinder LoL Witnesses are not instructed to visit JW.ORG only . They are free to use the internet as they want. They use their own moral compass that protects them for certain influences like pornsites.

    @data-dog the only biblesite ranking above jw.org is biblegateway.org and jw.org have about 8 million people instead of 7 million promoting it.

    @stuckinamovement Not at all! JW.ORG has a lot more to offer that magazines cant like movies, audio, sign language, projects for families and kids in hundreds of languages just with a click of a button. And many magazines are spread among the public without a following revisit. Now there is a big change the readers revisit us.

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    We got the actual magazines at the KH before it was up on the website.


  • factfinder

    @emeth, the reason I said witnesses are told not to visit other websites, only the official jw.org site is because my jw brother has been telling me that for years. He does not answer my letters because I do research on other sites( such as this one ) and do not attend meetings any more.

    @St. George- your kh recieved the Jan. g already? They must be mailing them out faster to the congregations now. But they send the whole months issues (public w, g, study w, lp w and simplified w,) along with the km in one monthly shipment now, right? Do they only put out one issue each week at the magazine counter or all issues at once?


    Jw.org is commercialized religion 101. It's a non-stop PR campaign with the use of a " false stylus " thrown in. The Jw.org logo at the end of the "bible-based" commercials is as disgusting as credit card machines at places of worship, and online payments to churches. All things for which the WTBTS hypocritically called out " false religion" on. What's next, a drive-thru on the KH for literature and donations, a cyber-KH perhaps?

    With all the WTBTS's "powerful works", you would think Christ's brothers could make one, just one, drama or film about Christ. Nope. 100 years have gone by and not one film about Jesus, they leave that to " Christendom." They sure make films that feature the Org and the GB, that's for sure. At least Scientologists make great movies..

  • factfinder

    I thought the new video The Prodigal Returns was well made.

    Of course its message that witnesses should beware of all "worldy" people and friends, who will turn against you and lead you into trouble, and your entire life will fall apart and you will be miserable if you leave the organization is simply scare tactics to keep everyone in the org and under the control of the gb.

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