About my Coming Out...

by braincleaned 38 Replies latest jw experiences

  • LisaRose

    I can't imagine why anyone would expect you to introduce Watchtower themes into your employment. I can't imagine any employer would be OK with that, unless they were specifically an anti religion type of organization. I also can't imagine anyone getting on your case about AAWA, I am personally sick of all the arguments about it. I hope you don't take these comments seriously and continue to post here. You have a unique viewpoint and I feel JWN will be better if you stay.

  • Gypsy Sam
    Gypsy Sam

    My ex-wife points out that I'm as zealous an apostate as I was a pioneer. It's true. I'm still growing in that sense.

    I can relate to that! I have to step back and go to yoga when I get too riled up about JW issues and want to reverse witness at 7a.mlast a laundromat.

    Congrats on getting out! Enjoy!

    Carpe Diem!

  • Hortensia

    It's always interesting to me when people assume that their agenda should be everyone's agenda. There are several people here like that, who have contempt for anyone who doesn't jump on their bandwagons. Well, use the delete key and ignore them.

  • braincleaned

    I do...

  • braincleaned

    Well Lo and behold! The guy that was telling me what to do disapeared from the JWN site. Poof! Gone.

    My last words to him were to F*** off!... and by golly he did.
    I will not tell his name, but for your entertainment, I can post here his words to me. I think you will all understand my anger this morning.
    Enjoy the ride:

    * his use of my quotes will be in red. I will highlight the juicy parts. The rest is his reaction to me.
    Here we go...

    The subject of JWs is a taboo in the area of big TV producers. They are there to entertain only. No religion, politics.

    excuse #1...it is as taboo as YOU keep making it out to be. Find a job where YOU CAN produce what is needed to SWIFTLY, not "working on it" time-mode. MAKE IT your job sir. You don't need the corporate world, or do you? Everything you need to know to produce this project has been done, for you. All that is needed is the DAMNED PLATFORM, A WELL KNOWN NAME IN MEDIA, AN ILLUSTRATOR THAT CAN EDUCATE, AND A PAIR OF STEEL BALLS. You've established that you have ther first three requirements; I reserve judgement on the fourth until I see something offline, and not just on the net where the wt kids can't really be aware of it. YOU are making it taboo sir. And your fear of losing a job, over helping save childrens souls so that they do not become bullies, is frankly, non impressive. Head-shaking even.

    I do intend to deal with waking kids up to this. Im working on it.

    Perfect. You are all YOU need to succeed in this project. little jw men like the coward john cedars will ONLY draw you away from the swift action OFFLINE that is neede in getting this snowball on a course where its momentum cannot be denied. He only wants reform, as many, many exjws and jws do. Reform allows the suffering and abuse to continue. Are they going to reform the dreaded PARADISE BOOK? Or all the other incredible 'bully traing' manuels, called wt litterature? THIS IS THE DEEPER ISSUE AND DYNAMIC SIR. Are you understanding this, at all? KIDS DONT HAVE THE LUXURY OF WAITING FOR THE ADULTS OF THIS WORLD TO TELL THEM THE TRUTH. SO THEY ARE FORCED AN REDUCED TO LIVING LIES.When will you get to "working on it?" After you endorse more crap from cedars and AAWA [THE REFORMATION OF THE WTBTS OF JWS; AS ENCRYPTED INTO OUR MISSION OF GOALS].

    Seriously? [I told asked him what HE was doing to support and participate here.]

    I'm not sure what you mean by supporter and participant. But, let me make it crystal clear: anyone, anyone or any entity that supports and participatess in the reformation of this absolute sham and fraud fronting itself off as a religion where children are AT HIGH RISK, is of NO MERIT. These people are transparent in their hypocrisy and what their alterior motives are and always have been. And will not succeed or be tolerated. WE will crush the reformists and it will not take much time at all sir. You can go 'cash' THAT 'check'. 'Spend' the 'money' even. Yet you will be 'bankrupt' in the end.

    Now, how many children have been told today by a wt kid that they god is about to kill them and their entire family? How many kids are bullying a wt kid BECAUSE they are SELF-DEFENDING THEIR FAMILY, as to the graphic nature of this demise; that the wt kid is TRAINED AND PRACTICES, as is instructed by the 8 stoogies called the gb of wt. Notice all lower case there, right? gb of wt=LITTLE JW MEN WHO POSE NO REAL THREAT YET TRAIN KIDS TO TELL OTHER KIDS THEY WILL DIE BY GODS HANDS AND THEIR MOMMY AND DADDY AND FIDO TOO? WAKE THE HELL UP ALREADY PEOPLE WITH PLATFORMS AND STOP PLAYING THESE STUPID EGO GAMES. You dont need little wt men like cedars and his insane crazy ilkclub. Mark my words now: You will wish you never engaged him in the first place. thats all for now....i got to get this to my lurker partners. we can see you fools are not sincere yet money guides your nose.

    btw, i puke on that little jw man called john cedars. i'd love him to knock on my door with his survey!

    There, you have it? Troll? Real? I can't decide — but he sure pushed my buttons there for a while! LOL!
    Sorry Cedars... he had it out for you!

  • braincleaned

    Is it me, or is this guy INSANE?

  • VOLO

    Some perfectly sincere people still manage to have irrational and unsubstantiated religious ideas. Catholics believe Jesus = God, which non-Biblical belief Jehovah's Witnesses reject, but then they turn around and pull the same kind of scriptural sleight-of-hand when they teach Jesus = Michael. Six of one, half-dozen of the other. Wrong is still wrong.

    But apart from what they believe (or say they believe) for a lot of people what's the appeal of the Watchtower Way of Life is not the specific menu of beliefs but getting to set themselves up as judges to decide who's a sheep and who's a goat. Obviously YOU must be one of the latter.

    In other words, maybe what took them into "The Truth" in the first place was not JW's particular beliefs but the critical, condemnatory JW life-style and outlook. People like your correspondent may eventually manage to escape the JW mental prison, reject their former beliefs and land here, but in their hearts, they're still just as harsh and critical of other people as they ever were. The only thing that changes for them is the identity of the goats. As they see it, it's their way (whatever that way happens to be) or the highway...to HELLLLLLL.

    Metaphorically speaking, that is. Ignore those people.

  • Suraj Khan
    Suraj Khan

    Vincent, you rock. Seriously.

    Please don't let the factionalism get you down. Frankly I don't get why people get so butthurt about it. We're all escaping a sadistic, totalitarian country to different lands. One happens to be JWN, one happens to be AAWA, and there are others. It's not important which country we flee to - what's important is that we get ourselves and our loved ones to safety.

    You, Cedars, Simon and others are doing amazing work and I'm grateful to all of you.

  • Hortensia

    there are some serious whackdoodles around here

  • braincleaned

    Thanks you all! LOL! Yes — I do agree with VOLO that the character and mind of a person stays whether in or out of a group.

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