About my Coming Out...

by braincleaned 38 Replies latest jw experiences

  • clarity

    People pass through these swinging doors of JWN,

    .... they are not given a script to follow .....


    Sometimes what is written in their own hearts, are words used

    as weapons to protect their own egos.... which are many times

    damaged ......especially if they have been in a cult!


    Some realign these feelings/thinking with new information

    and new experience ..... but everyone of us who steps through those

    doors, is at a different stage or level.


    Human doings ... trying to become... human beings.


    Don't know the story,... but I feel aghast too........

    it is almost like someone winning the LOTTO

    & opportunists start making plans for you! ..hahaha

    and what IS this thing about AAWA ... me too!?

    I have never understood the subversiveness & undermining

    going on since it's inception for gods sake!


    Vincent you have 99.9% love & support here, doesn't get

    any better than that! ........


  • Bruja-del-Sol

    Vincent, people who sent you those emails showed their true self to you. Whatever they've written, it's telling something about their state of mind (and heart!) and has nothing to do with you or who you are! I felt you were very courageous by taking of your mask and I very much respect that. Be who you want to be, don't change for anyone!

    With love,


  • braincleaned

    Thank you Simon, it means a lot. I appreciate your words.
    Of course, I totally agree about insults and such....

  • jgnat

    I am happy you came out here and I wish you all the best for the future.

    Other advocacy/activist groups go through similar pains. I have no candle for members of the LGBT community, for instance, that "out" people without their permission.

    Given the consequences of coming "out", it must be a personal decision.

  • braincleaned

    Thank you all. It means a lot to me to have exposed myself. And I'm happy I did!
    Everyone has a need to stay prudent and care for our loved one's feelings. We all have jobs and/or responsibilities without which we cannot function properly.
    I'll be the first to warn against coming out too early. It was my time, and that's why I did it. At this point, I feel I can help better if exposed.

    I really admire those who are still in and help us here, on the outside. Thank you whoever you are... and I know you are quite a group.

    We have much to do, and united we are stronger, louder, and more effective. I love this time.
    The Borg is rowing frantically on a sinking boat... our job is to help those who would rather swim than sink.

    Love & Peace.

  • nugget

    I'm sorry that you have had anything other than positive messages. You are not obliged to promote anti JW rhetoric or ideas. Your professional life is your business. What is the best message is to live well and sucessfully. This makes a lie of all the generalisations from the organisation that people who leave will be miserable and unsuccessful and be forced to return. This is extrememly powerful and sometimes people can forget that.

    The fact that you have a page on wikiepedia is truly awesome and acts as an inspiration to others this is enough.


  • braincleaned

    Thank you nugget. We all do what we can... I happy to be able to contribute in any way I can. But yes, one must not forget self-preservation, otherwise, we can do nothing at all.

  • fulltimestudent


    I think its helpful to remember we are all XJWs. Among our former loving botherers (sorry, I meant brothers- grin) were all kinds of people. We see them all reflected here. Many of them speak without first putting brain in gear. Their attitude is to hate the religion and to tear it to pieces by any means. Cool! they've been hurt and react the only way they know.

    I often wonder what point to be here, except (for me) it's my very small way of demonstrating that its never too late to get an intellectual life of your own and to live a life of your own. I do not see an overwhelming reason to tear the JWs into shreds. From my viewpoint, the biggest problem with the JWs is that they cannot let you say, that you made a mistake in joining the religion and then leave with dignity. They have to throw you out the door and attempt to isolate you from believing family members.

    If they could learn the lesson, that doing that is a sure way to create a surge of hate, then who would care if someone chose to stay in that religion or any other religion, for that matter. They are all just different forms of superstition. Most other (Christian) religions have learned that a violent reaction to dissenters is counter-productive, even the Catholics who long practised ex-communication (and a few times, even torture and death to dissenters) now use it judiciously and, seemingly do not attempt to isolate dissenters.

    There are also quite a few scavengers on this site, who trawl for converts to their own form of superstition.

    If you think you have something beneficial to say to those who have been imprisoned in the dark depths of religious tartarus (2 Peter 2:4)- then say it. But please don't expect a reasoned, logical response to everything you may say- remember we deal with XJWs.

  • braincleaned

    Well said fulltimestudent. True.

    Puts things in perspective. I do tend to expect much from others, as I do from myself. Bear in mind that I'm relatively new at this realization of mine.
    My ex-wife points out that I'm as zealous an apostate as I was a pioneer. It's true. I'm still growing in that sense.

    I don't have hate though. I have a tender spot for all my brothers and sisters, in or out of the "truth". But I have passion and a big mouth.

    I will try to get better at this. Promise.

  • cofty

    However, I have been inboxed and insulted that I'm not doing enough, or that I won't put my career in jeopardy.

    That is shocking.

    You have a rare talent, you would be mad to jeopardise it for a cause, however worthy. Those same people who urge you to do their bidding would turn on you in a heartbeat if you don't dance to their tune.

    Good to have you here Vincent.

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