Do the Governing Body really consider themselves to be 'DOMESTICS' like the Great Crowd?

by LogCon 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • LogCon

    " And so the Great Crowd and the Annointed are all 'domestics'. We are all 'domestics'. And brothers, we love this teaching.We love this idea because it really, truly does dignify members of the Great Crowd."

    Some may feel, and understandably so, that the Governing Body is throwing crumbs to the Great Crowd. We are all the same, really! It's a statement that makes everyone in attendance feel good. In the video, the clapping is sincere. Brother Splane may have subconsciously revealed his, or rather, the Governing Bodys' true thinking on this matter by changing his wording from 'teaching' to 'idea' in the next sentence. I would like to have been a fly on the wall when they came up with this 'idea', in their secret chambers. [Did anyone disagree and start causing division? Was a disfellowshipping threatened to keep them in line?]

    However, IF the Governing Body really believes that ALL are domestics, that all the Great Crowd are to be shown dignity, would they show it in their actions? Would they live the idea teaching? What if a humble brother invited a member of the Governing Body to their home for supper and an evening of fellowship? Would they accept or would they beg off?

    I would like to see someone in New York, invite each and every member of the Governing Body to their home for supper. Just an informal night of eating and fellowship. Would they accept? What if the invitations were repeatedly offered. non stop, to each and every member of the Governing Body until, finally, someone accepts. What if a tape recorder or two were place at locations inside the hosts home to record all the comments of the member? What if dicy questions or subjects were brought up in the course of the evening conversations? Any comments?

  • blondie

    Technically yes. The GB must all be anointed and all the anointed are domestics (as individuals). The real adjustment is thinking of the other sheep being domestics now.

  • frankiespeakin


    " And so the Great Crowd and the Annointed are all 'domestics'. We are all 'domestics' . And brothers, we love this teaching.We love this idea because it really, truly does dignify members of the Great Crowd."

    The Governing Body loving an idea = Jehovah's approval

  • Faithful Witness
    Faithful Witness

    Depends on your definition of "we."

  • prologos

    of course, do they still get their new personal copy of the latest wt on their bed when it is made by room service?

    they get meals served like every one else, ---

  • chapstick

    Just like our politicians and the mega-rich the governing body consists of elitists who, like others behind the globalist agenda feel that they alone are intelligent enough and wise enough to rule the rest of mankind. These guys really think they are somehow more deserving and able. There is a world wide agena to bring this "New World Order" into existence under their control. The WTS agenda is part and partial to the NWO that George Bush, Henry Kissinger, Aldus Huxley, H.G. Wells, J.P. Morgan and countless others, both now and historically, have planned for centuries and others have been talking about for decades. This is what the Witnesses unknowingly are supporting...

  • LogCon

    ... and , doesn't being an earthly subject of the heavenly king give a person enough dignity?

    Isn't knowing that you are elite among mankind, belonging to the one, true religion? Isn't that enough to provide us with dignity?

    Why do we need 8 men in New York " calling us domestics" to be or feel dignified?

  • LogCon

    concerning what chapstick said, that's exactly what I thought, however,

    I didn't know H.G.Wells was in on it.

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    To paraphrase Animal Farm:

    "Some Domestics are more equal than others."


    Is the President just a fellow citizen? It's like the President saying, " Hey. We are all on the same team. YOU are all my "advisors" because YOUR vote counts." If you believe that, I have some ocean front property in Arizona that you may be interested in.

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