AGM "The Governing Body appeared so human, I enjoyed them taking the time to speak to us!"

by AuntConnie 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AuntConnie

    A higher education is of no value when you allow yourself to slowly be baked in to the Cult. The remarks above came from a sister who has a college degree in Social Science and Biology and loved logic and critical thinking.

    We at JWN sometimes assume a higher education might help people see through the smoke and mirrors which did not happen in this case. It took twenty five years of Cult indoctrination to turn a former graduate at the top of their class and finish their Master's of Science degree to hand over their thinking to the Cult.

    Hoping to make contact with a friend who might see through the lies, I was grilled with constant emphasis how wonderful the Governing Body presented themselves "so human in appearance", as opposed to "non human" or "angelic"? What did she mean?

  • rmt1

    I contend that religion is hardwired in the homo sapien, as an absolutely indispensible evolutionary survival mechanism. Superstition is sufficient to preserve the soul alive, but it will not build pyramids. For pyramids and the technological advances required to handle large numbers, you need religion. Later in history... It is only through discipline and attention and a degree of safety from a large number of dangers that one can calm the survival instinct and accomplish true advancement in knowledge through a scientific unassuming detachment. She reflects humans in their primitive superstitious state.

  • AuntConnie

    rmt1, she was a former atheist and hard core evolutionist and walked away from getting her doctarate after studying with the Witnesses who appeared as knowing all the problems the world had to offer. Also, part of the generation who would never have kids because the "world's population was growing so fast and it would be cruel to bring about life in such a messy environment."

    She was not a fun person to discuss religion or Bible topics with during her schooling decades ago. So very well trained in logic, critical thinking, world religious views and years of hard-science and math, evolution and atheism were truth to her. Now I look back and ask how a person who knew how to think turned their mind in to cottage cheese and would say that they felt the "Governing Body appeared so human and down to earth". What happened to the thinking person I loved to argue and debate with, where did her brain go?

  • rmt1

    I would contend that the wisest, most detached scientific mind can relapse into superstition, because that is the natural state of the human brain. Perhaps there are alternate theories. People can hit hard times ontologically where what they knew or thought they knew doesn't answer the new question. People can hit mental, emotional, spiritual potholes, be in the wrong place at the wrong time. To say that JWs are opportunistic predators that seek out the mentally, emotionally, spiritually weak, or predatory salesmen that seek out the socioeconomically disadvantaged, doesn't cover it. Any chink in your armor of rationality is a gaping invitation to be exploited.

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    A brother asked the congregation how they would know someone was anointed. The answers varied from, "They are always sooooo humble, approachable, and spiritual", to "They definitely have an aura, a glow about them".

    I never quite figured out which answer he was looking for.

  • konceptual99

    When is she going to be in the Awake?

  • designs

    Haven't you noticed the Catholics are saying similar things about their new Pope.

  • Apognophos

    Interesting, and sad. I know of a scientist who was atheist most of his life, and embraced the "truth" late in life for reasons I still don't understand. He could see the lies behind his parents' religion when he was a child, but eventually he became a full-on Witness and elder (company man) decades later.

    I agree with rmt1 that this probably happens because people have an innate desire to believe in something greater than themselves, and to believe in superstitions for comfort. Eventually their life hits a bump in the road and they decide they'd rather take the blue pill and believe in something nicer for a change.

    I'll just add that perhaps this woman felt that she herself was not good enough of a person, and admired the way Witnesses behaved. I think a lot of people buy into the facade that JWs present, seeming like saintly Christians (and some of them honestly are better at things like turning the other cheek than the average Christian). This might have been the kind of "evidence" that persuaded this woman that the JWs were right and that concepts like critical thinking and evolution had to be abandoned -- because they would prevent her from becoming the kind of person she wanted to be.

  • carla

    Her comment is just scary! How else would these humans appear if not human? god like? her comment is quite telling.

  • jgnat

    President Obama appears before his public more often.

    I fine mind can still be fooled. A fine mind indeed is more creative at finding reasons to stay.

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