Do you recall your first encounter with a atheist? What was your thought?

by jam 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • tornapart

    The first real full blown atheist I met was my biology teacher when I was about 11. He taught evolution and like a good JW, although I studied the subject at school, when I wrote about it I would always write 'evolutionists believe that.....blah blah blah.

    He was a great guy and as I had a passion for animals and especially creepy crawlies he took a shine to me (despite me not believing in evolution) and used to let me visit his classroom after school hours to see and handle his collection of creepy crawlies, icluding giant hissing cockroaches and giant millepede and boa constrictor. For some reason I always got top marks in class... heheh

  • AbaDaddy

    Where I grew up, in the south-east of England, i was aware only that implicit atheism was common, the type that neither believed nor disbelieved, but might say "well, i believe in something". I do not remember specifically meeting an explicit atheist, someone to challenge my (JW) beliefs directly. the development of atheism for me was not deliberate. Born into the religion and baptised at 18 yrs-old (Norwich Assembly Football Stadium, nearby swimming pool :-)). I later met some atheists, after I became one. But the beauty and curse of atheists is that they rarely group, because it is not a structured belief system. Anyway, I'm rambling off topic.

    Atheism, i always thought of as evil, immoral, nihilistic, as my parents still do. Although my existence as one challenges that ignorance. Having said that, every time I get into some brief discussion with my Mum, I have to again tell her i am an atheist. she seems to not quite grasp it and has this 'oh dear' look on her face.

  • Terry

    We are all atheists. It simply is a matter of degree.

    There are thousands and thousands and thousands of gods and YOU don't believe in most of them.

    However, you DO believe in your own and think all the others are silly or pathetic.

    GET A PERSPECTIVE and you suddenly understand atheism is a matter of perspective.

  • Thoughtless

    I've met plenty of atheists around here, and a good number of my friends are atheists. It's fine, I have always been tolerant of other religions even in the deepest point of devotion as a JW. I guess I was always a moral relativist, so that helped out a lot.

  • Terry

    How many of these do YOU believe in?

    Finnish Mythology
    The current top ten:
    1st : TUONI
    2nd : UKKO
    4th : AKKA
    5th : ILMATAR
    6th : LEMPO
    7th : AJATAR
    9th : KALMA
    10th : HIISI
    Chinese Mythology
    The current top ten:
    1st : MONKEY
    2nd : HE-BO
    3rd : GUAN-YU
    4th : YEN-LO-WANG
    5th : JADE-EMPEROR
    6th : GUAN-YIN
    8th : AO-KUANG
    9th : NU-GUA
    10th : FENG-DU
    Egyptian Mythology
    The current top ten:
    1st : ANUBIS
    2nd : RA
    3rd : ISIS
    4th : SET
    5th : BAST
    6th : OSIRIS
    7th : THOTH
    8th : NEPHTHYS
    9th : AMUN-RA
    10th : AMUN
    Greek Mythology
    The current top ten:
    1st : FATES
    2nd : ATLAS
    3rd : ADONIS
    4th : ARES
    5th : APHRODITE
    6th : ZEUS
    7th : HERMES
    8th : HYDRA
    9th : EROS
    10th : GAIA
    Mesopotamian Mythology
    The current top ten:
    1st : TIAMAT
    2nd : ISHTAR
    3rd : ENKI
    4th : MARDUK
    5th : APSU
    6th : GILGAMESH
    7th : ANU
    8th : KINGU
    9th : NERGAL
    10th : INANNA
    African Mythology
    The current top ten:
    1st : SHANGO
    2nd : BUMBA
    3rd : ORISHAS
    4th : OBATALA
    5th : ESHU
    6th : ELEGUA
    7th : OLORUN
    8th : BABALU-AYE
    9th : ANANSI
    10th : FA
    Indian Mythology
    The current top ten:
    1st : SHIVA
    2nd : INDRA
    3rd : GANESHA
    4th : BUDDHA
    5th : VISHNU
    6th : KRISHNA
    7th : VARUNA
    8th : PRAJAPATIS
    9th : RAHU
    10th : SARANYU

  • braincleaned

    Watkins, may I introduce myself. Vincent Deporter. Writer/artist. Divorced. Two children. ExJW.
    — Atheist.

  • Bungi Bill
    Bungi Bill

    My experiences are more like those of GoodGuyGreg, in that atheisim was more the norm where I grew up. When the subject of religion came up, the typical response from most men would have been "What ...... believe that rubbish?" Less so the women, though. The typical scenario would have been the women going to church at the church on Sunday morning - while all the guys had already been to "church" on Saturday night, but at the pub!


  • tec

    Canadians (from my own experience, so limited) rarely go around speaking of whether they are religious. I doubt all the people I have known have known about my beliefs... nor I theirs. Sometimes when people find out they seem suprised, lol... as if anyone could still believe in something like God ; )

    I am married to an atheist. We never really discussed it much before we were married (he actually was not an atheist then)... and my faith never became an issue between us until after we had children, and I began exploring my beliefs once more, seeking the truth... for myself and to be able to know what to teach my children.



  • LV101

    Thought there was someone out there that at one time must have been almost as miserable as I was presently feeling -- it was inspiring and gave me hope because he looked so happy.

  • LV101

    OOOPS - sorry thought it said apostate not athiest!

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