No one in JW religion has a title that elevates them above others! I did not know this fact!

by Faithful Witness 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Londo111

    Label vs Name vs Position = a distinction without a difference.

    When certain men have the power to cast a person out, not just of the congregation, but from association from friends and family, that is quite a power. The power of the Watchtower hierarchy is more pronounced than the Catholic Church.

  • villagegirl

    No Leaders ? Except Christ? Really? Then no-one can tell you not to celebrate Christmas

    because they are not your 'Leader 'and not-a leader would have to include the Governing Body

    which are the; doctrine making, policy setting, rule writing, self appointed judges and

    jury of your destiny, both spiritually and in matters of whether or not anyone is allowed

    to speak to you, but they are not leaders? Claiming to be the "sole channel of communication

    betwen God and man " is not elevating yourself above others ? Its about "feeding you"???

    The "spiritual food"?? Which is rules about holidays, clothes, beards, birthdays, who you can talk to,

    whether or not you can go to university, or educate yourself, how you can spend your time, what

    books you have to read, (written by the governing body ) when and how worship is acceptable,

    and they can order punishments against you including banishment from your own family ?

    This would be part of spiritual 'food' ? Which is all they claim to be doing, distributing spiritual

    food and being the only human representation of God on earth. That sounds humble.


    SFPW is under an operation of error.

    If you were a JW partaker/son of God, you do not have special insights via holy spirit, according to the GB, even though Jesus said that you would receive holy spirit, just like any other Christian. The Holy Spirit was promised to Christ's disciples, to lead them to truth. Yet the GB say that this is not the case. A "spirit appointed" MS or Elder would have more authority and insight than you would, especially if you were a woman. That's class distinction right there.

    Only Elders are considered teachers, an MS is not. More class distinction. Only the GB are the FDS. As a collective, only they can interpret scripture. If that's not class distinction, what is? Only 8 sons of God out of countless Christians can interpret the Bible?!

    I confessed to reading part of the Shepherd Book to the BOE. Since it is EXACTLY what's in the bible, what was the fuss all about?? I was told, " YOU DO NOT QUALIFY TO READ IT." Why not? It's only for Elders. CLASS DISTINCTION.

    The WTBTS has nothing but class distinctions. Anyone who believes otherwise is living a fantasy.

  • Faithful Witness
    Faithful Witness

    You all are missing the point... it's written by the society, so it is truth. There are no titles! No one is elevated above anyone else... they are all just brothers and sisters.

    Do you get the point?

  • Oubliette

    "All animals are equal , but some animals are more equal than others." - George Orwell in Animal Farm

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    Labels or titles, they're the same thing. There is a clear hierarchy, they have to admit it themselves. If it weren't, it would be an anarchy, everybody would be allowed to run their meetings, say what they want, think what they want, write in the name of JWs. They may not call it a title but it's a title for the rest of us (and a clear example of newspeak).

  • NeverKnew

    I just had a conversation with a JW friend earlier about this!

    She was railing about how Christendom preachers want you to call them "Rev. so and so" and "Pope whatever his name is." I let her go on for a few more minutes about the wrongness of it. I then gently said to her, "XXXX, you know that I'm denominationally unaffiliated and that I hear things differently, right?" She agreed. I then told her the story of how I called a very dear Baptist friend out on the term "ritualistic Catholics" with respect to Catholic services. I asked her if her services had a certain order and then required she tell me where in the Bible her order of services was more right than theirs.

    "Okay, XXXX.... now I'm swinging back around to you."

    She giggled... "yeah yeah... okay... what?"

    I responded... "Let me see if I can remember them all... publisher, auxillery pioneer, pioneer, ministerial servant, circuit overseer, branch coordinator...."

    "OH, that's DIFFERENT! Those titles have to do with people's ROLES within the organization. It's not their TITLE..."

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