Jesus sacrifice and animal sacrifice contradiction

by trackregister99 43 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • trackregister99

    Romans 3:25 says that Jesus sacrifice was applied to the past for sins forgives.

    Then why God request animals sacrifice like "shadow of the good things to come" (Hebrews 10:1) if the Jesus sacrifice forgive sins to the past.

    The animal blood not have none value, because Jesus sacrifice was applied to the past.

    Why sacrificies for forgive of sins was requested by God if Romans 3:25 says that Jesus forgive the sins to the past?.

  • caroline77

    Go back to the first sin in Genesis.

    Adam and Eve sinned, and became too frightened to stand before God because they were naked.

    God made them clothes of skins.

    Animals had to be killed to make the clothes.

    From then on, anyone who sinned could go to God if they sacrificed an animal.

    The animals did not understand what was happening, so they were not perfect sacrifices.

    Jesus sacrificed himself willingly, so his sacrifice was perfect. This put an end to animal sacrifices, so we do not do it today.

    The animal sacrifices were 'types' or 'shadows' of Jesus' sacrifice.

  • goodsoul

    everything is very simple- Jahwe wants blood! He doesn't care, whose blood- animals or humans. but finally, He concluded, that he wants blood of his son. so satan killed Jesus, and Jahwe is happy last 2000 years..He is looking forward to Armaggedon- that will be the show! billions dead bodies, tons of blood!..

  • Cold Steel
    Cold Steel

    The shedding of animal's blood means nothing to our salvation except as a teaching device. The animal without blemish is a reflection of Jesus' blood being shed for our behalf. One LDS ("Mormon") scripture, allegedly written by Moses, states:

    And [God] gave unto [Adam and Eve] commandments, that they should worship the Lord their God, and should offer the firstlings of their flocks for an offering unto the Lord. And Adam was obedient unto the commandments of the Lord. And after many days an angel of the Lord appeared unto Adam, saying: Why dost thou offer sacrifices unto the Lord? And Adam said unto him: I know not, save the Lord commanded me. And then the angel spake, saying: This thing is a similitude of the sacrifice of the Only Begotten of the Father, which is full of grace and truth. Wherefore, thou shalt do all that thou doest in the name of the Son, and thou shalt repent and call upon God in the name of the Son forevermore.

    Animal sacrifice has been widely practiced by early civilizations all over the world. In many of the more blood thirsty, backward cultures, people were sacrificed. In Mesoamerica, the Mayan and Aztec civilizations were exceptionally bloodthirsty, as well as many of the cultures in the land of Caanan (yep, the same cultures whom atheists bemoan as having been wiped out by Moses and Joshua). The people of Carthage sacrificed infants through the fires of Molech, and when the Romans wiped them out, they spent centuries thereafter trying to determine what drove them to it. In fact, when bad things happened to Rome and its interests, many of its people would blame their fathers for having destroyed Carthage which, after all, did nothing to Rome except compete with it in trade. They called it the "Punic curse."

    I think God destroys such societies, and in the latter case, I think he used Rome.

    The point is, sacrifice began as a teaching device and was then subverted and corrupted by the Adversary to the point it had to be destroyed.


  • trackregister99

    *** w10 8/15 pp. 6-7 Questions From Readers ***
    The very first prophecy uttered after the original human couple rebelled spoke of Jehovah’s purpose to raise up a “seed” who would be bruised in the heel by Satan and his “seed.” (Gen. 3:15) This bruising occurred when Jesus was put to death by God’s enemies. (Gal. 3:13, 16) Christ’s shed blood serves as the ransom that frees mankind from sin and death. Since nothing can prevent Jehovah from accomplishing what he has purposed to do, as soon as the words recorded at Genesis 3:15 were spoken, the ransom was as good as paid from God’s viewpoint. He could now forgive those who exercised faith in his promises.
    During pre-Christian times, Jehovah counted a number of individuals as righteous. Among them were Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Rahab, and Job. In faith, they looked forward to the fulfillment of God’s promises. “Abraham put faith in Jehovah,” wrote the disciple James, “and it was counted to him as righteousness.” Concerning Rahab, James said: “In the same manner was not also Rahab the harlot declared righteous by works?”—Jas. 2:21-25.
    King David of ancient Israel committed several serious sins, but he had strong faith in the true God and manifested genuine repentance each time. Furthermore, the Scriptures state: “God set [Jesus] forth as an offering for propitiation through faith in his blood. This was in order to exhibit his own righteousness, because he was forgiving the sins that occurred in the past while God was exercising forbearance; so as to exhibit his own righteousness in this present season, that he might be righteous even when declaring righteous the man that has faith in Jesus.” (Rom. 3:25, 26) Based on the ransom sacrifice of Jesus that was to be provided in the future, Jehovah could pardon David’s transgressions without compromising His own requirements for justice.
    Evidently, the situation of the woman who anointed Jesus’ feet was similar. She had lived an immoral life, but she had repented. She recognized her need for redemption from sin and showed by her actions that she truly appreciated the person through whom Jehovah provided that redemption. Though still future, that sacrifice was so certain that its value could already be applied to individuals like her. Hence, Jesus told her: “Your sins are forgiven.”

    Then, the question is if Jesus sacrifice was considered realized in the past, why animal sacrifice was requested? That is the contradiction in my question.

  • LucidChimp

    Unless I'm missing the point of the OP :

    If god knew the blood of christ would retrospectively cover all past sins... Why demand animal sacrifices to cover sins he knew would later get covered by the blood of christ? (Bloody good question if you ask me, which nobody did ofc)

    I guess jehovah was just foreshadowing the WT asking the rank and file to pay twice for the publications.

  • adamah

    Cold Steel said-

    The shedding of animal's blood means nothing to our salvation except as a teaching device.

    Teaching what, exactly? How to slaughter sentient beings? Did anyone inform the animals that they're on the Planet simply to be "teaching devices"?

    Animal sacrifice has been widely practiced by early civilizations all over the world. In many of the more blood thirsty, backward cultures, people were sacrificed.

    Newsflash: the Bible features human sacrifice, or have you forgotten about the Binding of Isaac (willingness to sacrifice his son), Jephtha's daughter running out of the house to greet him (who WAS sacrificed), and King David's execution of the seven descendents of Saul to counteract God's anger that resulted in a long drought (and their killing appeased God's vengeance, AKA served as a human sacrifice)?


  • caroline77

    It must have been really horrible in the area of the temple where the sacrifices were carried out, but was it any worse than our modern abattoirs? The killings would have been done as quickly and efficiently as possible as they would not have wanted fear crazed animals running around all over the place. A lot of the sacrificed animals were eaten, not just burned. Modern people are not used to killing their own dinner, but farming people are not so sentimental. I like a lamb chop myself, but could not kill an animal.

  • DeWandelaar

    According to the bible animals where made for destruction anyways (just like evil apostates):

    2 peter 2:12 (2 peter should be taken as a "falsified book" but taken that aside it still is a "canonical book"):

    i But these, like irrational animals, j creatures of instinct, born to be caught and destroyed, blasphe ming about matters of which they are ignorant, will also be destroyed in their destruction

    We see here that it is absolutely normal to kill animals and farm them and kill them... long live the bible :D HOOORAHHHHH

    On a side note I want to add this: if they were made for destruction why are the JW's tought that these animals would be nice to eachother in paradise? It is absolutely bullocks according to their own book of power

  • prologos

    and why are these cute talking animals that are our meat seen to be talking to our children an TV, in books, the bible even to make them human like?

    why sacrifices when we die what appear to be natural deaths?

    retroactive application of the ransom (if any) would make sense only in connection with the resurrection. not a proven concept, a story at best.

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