who left the BORG after finding out about "Conspiracy Theories" ???

by crossquestions6995 17 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • UBM101

    Welcome on board Crossquestion! How do the conspiracy theories relate with TTATT?

  • Simon Templar
    Simon Templar

    My issues are with changing doctrines (too many), arbitrary rules and regulations (I have no problem with justified rules and regulations. It is an Organisation by the way), members that have been left high-and-dry in the back end of their life by being told "Armagedon is right around the corner" and are unprepared for retirement, the demonisation of university education, too many meetings/assemblies/conventions, Circuit Overseers prying into peoples lives, incompetant Elders mishandling too many things, and many, many psycho members. That about sums it up.

  • crossquestions6995


    Thank u its nice to be here :)

    For me its like Bu2b said. Once I learned about how the world really worked behind the scenes I was shocked that the WTBTS tought nothing about it and actually discouraged any study on the matter. And to me that showed that they had something to hide so I dug more and found Russells affiliation to masons/illuminati. And how the biggest ememies of Satan's kabal of power was Christians. But the JW's were completly oblivious and neutered spiritually. Thats when it became official that God had nothing to do with this organization. I was also reading the bible cover to cover and with my new open eyes saw how contradictory the JW beliefs are from true biblical Christianity

  • Roddy

    The UN fiasco was shocking to me. Then the silent exit and cover-up was disgraceful. I couldn't believe it - it was that shocking. Then I waited for the offical explanation on this that never came.

    As far as I know there has never been an acknowledgement of their UN membership to date. They really think nobody noticed.

    There is nothing to hide or suppress if you have the truth.

    The way they handled this stumbled me greatly.

  • transhuman68

    One of the problems of leaving the JW's is to work out what is real & what is not- and that can take a long time: but it is important to do, and keep on doing. Scott M. Peck in his book 'The Road Less Travelled' calls it map-making- here is the chapter:

    Dedication to Reality

    The third tool of discipline or technique of dealing with the pain of problem-solving, which must continually be employed if our lives are to be healthy and our spirits are to grow, is dedication to the truth. Superficially, this should be obvious. For truth is reality. That which is false is unreal. The more clearly we see the reality of the world, the better equipped we are to deal with the world. The less clearly we see the reality of the world - the more our minds are befuddled by falsehood, misperceptions and illusions - the less able we will be to determine correct courses of action and make wise decisions. Our view of reality is like a map with which to negotiate the terrain of life. If the map is true and accurate, we will generally know where we are, and if we have decided where we want to go, we will generally know how to get there. If the map is false and inaccurate, we generally will be lost.

    While this is obvious, it is something that most people to a greater or lesser degree choose to ignore. They ignore it because our route to reality is not easy. First of all, we are not born with maps; we have to make them, and the making requires effort. The more effort we make to appreciate and perceive reality, the larger and more accurate our maps will be. But many do not want to make this effort. Some stop making it by the end of adolescence. Their maps are small and sketchy, their views of the world narrow and misleading. By the end of middle age most people have given up the effort. They feel certain that their maps are complete and their Weltanschauung is correct (indeed, even sacrosanct), and they are no longer interested in new information. It is as if they are tired. Only a relative and fortunate few continue until the moment of death exploring the mystery of reality, ever enlarging and refining and redefining their understanding of the world and what is true.

    But the biggest problem of map-making is not that we have to start from scratch, but that if our maps are to be accurate we have to continually revise them. The world itself is constantly changing. Glaciers come, glaciers go. Cultures come, cultures go. There is too little technology, there is too much technology. Even more dramatically, the vantage point from which we view the world is constantly and quite rapidly changing. When we are children we are dependent, powerless. As adults we may be powerful. Yet in illness or an infirm old age we may become powerless and dependent again. When we have children to care for, the world looks different from when we have none; when we are raising infants, the world seems different from when we are raising adolescents. When we are poor, the world looks different from when we are rich. We are daily bombarded with new information as to the nature of reality. If we are to incorporate this information, we must continually revise our maps, and sometimes when enough new information has accumulated, we must make very major revisions. The process of making revisions, particularly major revisions, is painful, sometimes excruciatingly painful. And herein lies the major source of many of the ills of mankind.

    What happens when one has striven long and hard to develop a working view of the world, a seemingly useful, workable map, and then is confronted with new information suggesting that that view is wrong and the map needs to be largely redrawn? The painful effort required seems frightening, almost overwhelming. What we do more often than not, and usually unconsciously, is to ignore the new information. Often this act of ignoring is much more than passive. We may denounce the new information as false, dangerous, heretical, the work of the devil. We may actually crusade against it, and even attempt to manipulate the world so as to make it conform to our view of reality. Rather than try to change the map, an individual may try to destroy the new reality. Sadly, such a person may expend much more energy ultimately in defending an outmoded view of the world than would have been required to revise and correct it in the first place.

    So it's important to keep asking questions: Does this make sense? Can I trust this source of information? Are there other possibilities that may fit the available facts? ...questions like that. You will get there sooner or later...

  • Frazzled UBM
    Frazzled UBM

    transhuman68 - I like this - this is something that exiting Witnesses need to understand as the road to develop a functinoning world view for them will be a struggle. Crossquestions6995 seems to veered from one extreme way of viewing the world to another. Crossquestions6995 I suggest you read the recent thread on christianity and conspiracy theories, which discussed the inherent problems of conspiracies theories as explanations for events.

  • chapstick

    If you want to know the foundation of all of the conspiracy theories here you go. This is legitamate, factual and true. There are a couple of short blank spots in the recording (one around the 46 minute mark) that was intentially removed due to it being a bit of still classified information. This tape was suppressed just after 9/11 and it's speaker (William Cooper, ex-Naval intelligence officer) assainated at his home by the ATF for releasing the information. The murder was big news in 2002. The tape only became available through the freedom of information act last year. This will answer many of the real questions that everyone, especially JW's have wondered about since the end of WW2. The video portion is poor quality but this is only an audio message anyway. Sorry I can't get it to post as a hyperlink, you'll have to paste it to the search bar. You will never be the same after hearing this information. You will have a huge jump on what is going to be officially announced to the public over the coming months...


  • anonymouz

    Well it is a two-edged sword, rather than a clean condemnation; Here is what I mean.

    1914 'JWs to become' were in the midst of a very unique "illuminati" event, that is the "League of nations" first internationalist world government forum in world history since Genesis 11, in 1919; But it was to be a few years afterwards that 'JWs to be' rendered Revelation 13:11-15 as an "illuminati" project signaling a unique period in human history and human governmental evolution, for internationalist, or what some call globalist, government, as world government is far far different than typical national governments regardless of ideological basis;

    Just presenting the League of Nations was truly an astounding world event for the Illuminati.

    So basically it is JWs who have linked the Revelation 13:11 "two horned wildbeast" as an independent internationalist elite Satanic anointed "illuminati" who use Revelation 13:1 invited "masons" to build the "image of the wildbeast" (Rev13:11-15) which is this UN related "League of Nations" main "illuminati" world government to have four cycles of world presentation, each after a world war; (and each foretold);

    WW1 produced the League of Nations (Rev13:11-15; 1919), WW2 produced a revamped version as the United Nations (Rev17:8-11; 1945) and cold world war 3 (Dan11:29) produced the Illuminati version of a "New World Order" mode of initiative of that United Nations world government (Dan11:31b; 1990); That third UN Illuminati placement is also foretold at Daniel 11:31b, as are all UN placements foretold in the Bible; The 4th UN placement is full Illuminati "King North" world government at Daniel 11:45; (Like their pal anointer Satan as also King of the "remotest parts of the north", meaning outer space, will also manifest with 4th placement; (Eze38-39).

    So JWs also exposed the UN 2nd placement as Biblical prophecy, that time prior to it's arrival, rather than in hindsight;

    But in 1990, rather than expose the 3rd UN placement of Daniel 11:30-32, JWs became Illuminati UN NGO, and instead co-promoted the 3rd UN placement with world placement quotes in their journals starting with Awake! 9/8/1991;

    So JWs have exposed Illuminati as two-horned wildbeast elite internationalist world government architects since say 1920, yet in 1990 they join the two-horned wildbeast with anointed members in the Governing Body, not of God, but of the Devil, as is obvious with their 10 years of UN co-promotions right under JW noses as "illuminati" covenanted UN NGO;

    And there in lies the two edged sword;

    Some time after the full world Biblical expose' of the United Nations of 1945 as "seed of Satan" activity of a second UN placement as foretold, and before the 3rd UN placement of 1990 also foretold (Dan11:31b), JWs started instead to cover up the United Nations prophecies, as 3rd placement (Dan11:30-31) must lead to the 4th UN placement logically at Daniel 11:45;

    Since JWs were the ONLY ones on planet earth connecting the "illuminati" world government to prophecy, they certainly could not originally have been aligned with the "illuminati" in exposing this critical feature in 2 UN related placements fulfilling Bible prophecy in 1919 and 1945, no "illuminati" exposes his own operations, especially ones the world at that time had no idea was also in prophecy;

    (All Christian claimant exposers of Revelation wildbeasts and Illuminti activities are based on 1920 and 1940 worl of JWs, NO ONE ELSE exposed te truth of that sovereign defiant progression leading to Armageddon, JWs pioneered that truth for God by Christ, no other way could the Illuminati be exposed properly, and JWs did it first, in connection to Bible propecy, not the "illuminati" in general)

    Thus according to this rationale and "theory", JWs have to have been compromised prior to the 3rd UN placement to cover up it's significance, and instead join the Illuminati world campaign of promotions in 1991-2001 as allied Illuminati UN NGO;

    And who came about in 1976, just 15 years prior to the JWs joining the Illuminati "UN family of organizations", in 1991?

    Ye Olde Governing Body, that's who.

    The Governing Body in Bethel takeover of 1976, taking all individual leader power from Nathan Knorr and Fred Franz for a "rule by committee" that had to have Illuminati placements (in hindsight evidence), then in factional control, NOW in full control, is the entry point into JWs some time after UN 2nd placement exposure of the 1940s;

    I think you can put it all together now; JWs have not been "illuminati" from day one, it is an expert subversion (and foretold) and takeover by "illuminati" scale intelligence to subvert the whole Christian ministry through Bethel as an "illuminati" UN annex and control center heading for fourth placement UN (Matt24:15 UN NGO), while JWs are still at 2nd placement understanding.

    That is why diverting the 3rd and 4th UN prophetic placements is also an Illuminati goal, because of JWs worldwide reach with information to many millions of people, not just JWs;


    But of course such a trespass must have ramifications and a purge from Christ who is far stronger than Satan or the dying "illuminators" who are mere Adamic men with expiration dates that cannot be reversed. Meaning you WILL see some astounding events develop in JWs, who by and large have no idea what we are talking about, in the next 5 years. I mean a covert divine Christ being "visitation" to remove the Illuminati elements in JWs - GUARANTEED, because JWs have to expose the 3rd and 4th UN placements because of course, that leads to an Armageddon JWs are now derailed from comprehending due to this subversion; (and so is the JW audience misled as well);

    UN world government is very serious Illuminati world domination affairs that WILL end in the conquest of God and Christ in power of the Messianic Kingdom opponent. And that is why the Illuminati use JWs to now actually cover-up and subvert that actuality now scheduled in the next approximate decade; (Dan11:42-45 connects to Dan12 live and real-time). STARTING (1Pet4:17) with the JW "visitation" of Christ and a few angels to boot the Bethel subversion prior to the absolute end.


    Thus JWs exposed the Illuminati main control center (Rev13:11), their basis of workers (Rev13:1) and their final world governmental internationalist world government; (Rev17:12-17); Thus JWs cannot be fully Illuminati, nor was their origins with that group, but opposed to it in Messianic Kingdom anointed of God - similar to Illuminati anointed of Satan, BUT of course members of the Christ of God as also anointed, but diametric "Kinights"; And that is who JWs will given back to, Christ's lead anointed Knight's in te anointed "body of the Christ" to head for 144000 completion of the rival world government against the Illuminati in the Messianic Kingdom, to annihilate the Illuminati world goverment, whose days are numbered. (Rev19:19-21)

    No other religious group has had this key Christ "roundtable" within their system of faith after the 1914 period of affirmation in head on Illuminati exposure by prophecy - and that is why it will also be returned, because it is prophecy; (Zech4:6-9), and it sets up the perfect final expose' to eventually develop from this purification and initial visitation of Christ in covert form, but in Earth's physical and universal space (Zech9:8), to remain as such until Armageddon to oversee the final mission. (Rev10-11)

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