Do Jehovah's Witnesses REALLY believe the bible is the most important spiritual food

by Watchtower-Free 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • insearchoftruth4

    Pure Worship, your avatar eyeballs give you away man!

  • Watchtower-Free

    "Stand for Pure Worship" your cult speak has no effect on us we have been innoculated

    with accurate knowledge about the cult .

  • losingit

    The Bible education Witnesses provide is deceptive. I will admit , I did not know my Bible when I was a Catholic. I liked studying with the Witnesses bc I really thought I was getting a true Bible education. I was so happy. I loved the meetings too because I thought that the Bible was being studied. But it was all a lie. Just go to jwfacts. I am no better informed now than I was before studying. I know accounts in the Bible because I read them myself. So, I guess, thanks JWs for getting a Bible in my hand, I guesssss......


    "....So, I guess, thanks JWs for getting a Bible in my hand, I guesssss......" God can even use a vessel for dishonorable purposes to spread the Gospel. I hope God compelled the WTBTS to release their new app, wich includes the KI, KJV, and Byington. Hopefully it will hasten their downfall, along with the new Awake the showcases

    Don't worry STPW! Jesus knows his sheep. If you just admit that you know nothing, he will guide you.

    Outlaw is correct. It's a bait and switch. At the AGM, A.M.III gave the real reson that the NWT and RNWT were needed in the first place. He said, " If you have a Watchtower, you need the NWT." How true that is! It takes the NWT to understand the WT publications, but the WT was printed first! The NWT and RNWT were printed to EXPLAIN THE WATCHTOWER, instead of the WT being printed to explain what the bible says! Their never-ending flow of litterature exists to explain their dogma, END OF STORY.

    No human on Earth would ever reach the WBTS's dogmatic conclusions by reading the ESV, or NIV, or E.Diaglott, or any of the numerous version printed and distributed by Christendom. So yes, to understand the WTBTS's literature, you NEED the NWT!! Just stop reading the WT and see how quickly you discover how good other versions of the bible are.

    A.M. III's freudian slip....

  • losingit

    Data-Dog... I want to read the Bible, but what the JWs have done to it is blasphemous and slanderous, ultimately heartbreaking too. Why? Because I am still searching for truth and am scared that I will be deceived again. Is the Bible to blame? No, it's the WT. The way they have twisted the Scriptures to fit their sick dogma makes me want to cry. The WTS commits spiritual abuse, and even though I am out I am still experiencing the after effects. Scarred....

    Stand for Pure Worship, the WTBTS is a liar and a thief.

  • FrankieGoesToHollywood


    Really! Do the JW`´s leadership have a good understanding in the first place? Concentrating on the old Jewish system rather than the Christ´s teachings?

  • vangogh

    @stand for pure worship, oh how wrong you are!! im sorry,,,,,,,,you are!! very wrong! I truly hope and pray that through time you will come to see the the truth about 'the truth'.

  • wasblind

    " There's not another organization on this planet that encourages people to read the bible as does Jehovah's Witnesses " ____Stand for pure.......

    It's a business disguised as a religion. Encyclopedia salesmen did the same thing, as well as the vacuum cleaner salesman

    they encouraged folks to used their products. The WTS encouraged householders to use their NWT

    " Our literature and study aids are not designed to replace the Bible,"_______Stand for pure..........

    After householders are lured in by a so-called Bible study, they were encouraged to attend " book studies"

    which was soley a study of literature published by the WTS. Bible only used as a frame of reference

    " but rather to expound upon God's written word. we don't rely upon our own reasoning "_____Stand for pure..........

    " Therefore the eating of blood is equated with idolitry and fornication, things we should not want to engage in ." and

    " Similarly, any food to which whole blood or even some blood fractions has been added should not be eaten."____Reasoning from the Scriptures book page 71

    Oops . Nu lite

    " As for the various fractions derived from those components and products that contain such fractions, The Bible does not comment on these. Therefore, each witness makes his own personal decision on such matters." ( Of idolitry and fornication )______2006 August Awake pages 11- 12

    Looks as if somebody relied upon thier own " Reasoning "

    " Instead, before making any decision, we take into account God's thought's on the matters at hand and encourage others to do the same"____Stand for pure........

    " When will the end of this wicked system come ?

    Jesus answered: Concerning that day and hour nobody knows, niether the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father_"____Reasoning from the scriptures book page 97

    The WTS said : That what God thinks !!!!! we know better

    " Before the last members of the generation that was alive in 1914 will have passed off the scene, all things foretold will occur, including the " great tribulation" in which the present wicked world will end." ______Reasoning from the Scriptures book page 97



  • Ding

    It's strange that they quote the Bible to householders, given that they believe that no one but the faithful and discreet slave can understand it.

  • wasblind

    " theres no shortage of Bibles throughout the earth. There is a shortage on understanding what's in the Bible however."____Stand for Pure..........

    Questions young people the Watch Tower Society ask:

    " Why have there been changes over the years in the teachings of the jehovah's Witnesses ?"______Reasoning Book page 205

    " Have not jehovah's Witnesses made errors in thier teachings ? "______Reasoning Book page 136

    " How can true prophets and false ones be identified? " _____Reasoning Book page 132

    If Someone Says_____

    ' My minister said that Jehovah's Witnesses are False prophets'

    You might reply : ' May I ask, did he show you anything in the Bible that describes what we believe or do that says people of that sort would be false prophets ?_______Reasoning from the Scriptures book page 137


    " Before the last members of the generation that was alive in 1914 will have passed off the scene, all things foretold will occur, including the "great tribulation" in which the present wicked world will end."______Reasoning from the Scriptures book page 97

    Clue #1 : Dueteronomy 18: 21-22. The scripture that was deliberately left out of the whole entire section under False Prophets

    in the Reasoning book. WHY ??????



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