Did You Ever Wonder What Goes Thru People's Heads When They Realized You Were A Witness?

by minimus 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Looking back at it, they must of thought we were really WEIRD!

    Funny story: Yesterday I had to pick up meds for my mom and when they asked her date of birth, I couldn't remember! The CVS druggist looked at me in a strange way until I mentioned, "Sorry, but I was raised a Jehovah's Witness and I never celebrated her birthday".

    She laughed, asked for my ID, then whispered what her birth date was.

    You gotta wonder what they must be thinking!

  • carla

    When people found out my jw joined the cult the most common response was, "I thought he was smarter than that". Now I don't tell anybody if I can help it.

  • minimus

    It keeps me humble.

  • NewYork44M

    When I was a witness I was always embarsassed by my status and tried to hide my religion. Now as an ex, I am quite open about my jw past. It is great fodder for casual conversation. I can tell stories that bring tears of laughter or sadness, depending upon my mood.

  • Phizzy

    I always got the incredulous " WHAAAAT YOU !!!!" when I revealed my upbringing, I guess because I was the most unJDublike bloke they had ever met.

    I still think they probabaly rationalised this by going away and thinking "I always knew Phizzy was a f****ing weirdo !".



    I don`t know my parents birthdays either..

    People think we come from a very Strange Planet..


    ..Planet WatchTard..

    .......................................... photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • outsmartthesystem

    I tried very hard not to come across as an uber-zealous bible thumper. So when people found out....they'd be like "really? YOU are a JW?" I wasn't socially inept......so they must have found this hard to believe

  • minimus

    I was so open to "worldly"people that no one would believe I was a JW, even when I was an elder.

  • designs

    Not knowing the family's birthdays

  • Iamallcool

    now it is the time for everyone to know their parents birthdays. My Dad is 11 days older than my Mom, thats why I do remember their birthdays.

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