A House Divided Against Itself Falls-Luke 11:17

by Stand for Pure Worship 86 Replies latest jw friends

  • wasblind

    Exactly Flg8ter

    "What beliefs of jehovah's Witnesses set them apart as different from other religions ?

    Jehovah's Witnesses believe that the entire Bible is the inspired word of God, and instead of adhering to a creed based on human tradition, they hold to the Bible as the standard for all their beliefs."_____Reasoning Book page 199


    " Similarly, any food to which whole blood or even some blood fractions has been added should not be eaten."___Reasoning book page 71

    Oops!!!!! Did somebody die ?

    " As for the various fractions derived from those components and products that contain such fractions, the Bible does not comment on these___2006 August Awake pages 11-12

    Clearly a deadly tradition by men to set them apart from other religions


  • mindnumbed

    I was treated poorly by someone on my job, does that mean I should look for other employment as a result?

    • Do the owners or boss(es) of your job claim to be God's place of employment?
    • Do they claim that whatever business decisions they make are directed by God's Spirit?
    • Do they state that every other place of employment is false and under Satan's control?

    If yes, I would suggest you might want to find another job, cuz they are nuts!

  • steve2

    Well SFPW, in the eyes of the brothers and sisters you sure would not be standing for pure worship by supping with apostates. In that regard, you are closer to us than to "them". Nudge, nudge, wink, wink.

    But who am I to taunt you so? You are excellently moderate in tone compared to some rabbidly judgemental pro-JWs who have "accidentally spread their spiritual venom over this site: "Take that you wicked apostate...And that! You ought to be ashamed the way you mistreat the slave..."

    No, you're nothing like that. You're subtle, curious, fascinated. I even find your type of pro-JW mildly interesting - although be warned: By replying to my post, you risk shattering my low expectations.

  • paranoia agent
    paranoia agent

    No, I haven't backed out, I just haven't had a moment to read everything. Have to admit I'm surprised by some of the comments. Some of you have legitimate gripes with the way you were treated by individuals within the organization. Some of you I believe Armageddon didn't come on your stopwatch and so you gave up. It was all about petting a Panda bear for you or having a wildebeest farm. Back to those treated poorly by a few individuals, I was treated poorly by someone on my job, does that mean I should look for other employment as a result?

    I think that you are making some assumptions, assumptions that I made when I was in about ex members, that things didn't go our way so we are rebelling. That would be the case to some, not I thought, I simply started reading more on this thread, then some books and then came to the conclusion that the fruits are rotten, in accordance to watchtower doctrine, but it is understandable that we have ex members who are angry. For example let's say you are brought up spending many hours as a jw only to find later in your life that it's a lie, you want answer and start to dialogue with elders only to be marked, you push on with your un-answered question so to be silenced again, if you are not too careful you will be disfellowshipped and the same applies if you simply change religion, and anyone including family who are jw's will shun you. Would you be angry then? I can change employment but I can not change my family or my 28 years of service, some have put themselves in harms way, others have died because of no blood or decided for others, some don't se their kids, others don't see their parents, some spend 2/4 to 3/4 of their life converting others to become jw's only to regret ever doing so. You might not agree with me on the doctrine issue but I hope, at least where this anger comes from makes sense.

  • Simon

    "A house divided against itself falls."

    JWs take this to mean that if you have unity then you cannot fail but this is simply not the case. There are many cases of people with an absolute common purpose ... well, failing.

    The SS were a pretty united bunch, I'm glad they failed.

    I know the WTS will fail too in time.

    All man-made structures die.

  • Simon

    I was treated poorly by someone on my job, does that mean I should look for other employment as a result?

    If they did it because the organisation told them to treat you that way would you want to keep working for them?

    It's normally called constructive dimissal and is illegal.

  • Finkelstein

    A House Divided Against Itself Falls-Luke 11:17

    Stand for Pure Worship says ....

    That text reminds me of one of a handful of problems peculiar to the ex-JW community.

    Where did you ever get the notion that ex-jws are divided ?

    Most are uniformly united in the realization that the WTS./JWS is very dangerous and damaging religious cult, mechanized and operated

    by a devilishly corrupt publishing house.

    People here are steadfast united of that realization and are earnestly warning the general public of that fact.

    Call it a humanitarian effort if you will.

  • jhine


  • jhine

    SFPW , you have not addressed specific points brought up in this thread . I mentioned the corrupt translation of the Watchtower bible . you have not called me out on that , so are you aware ,as suggested by Phizzy , of these things alteady ? I find your reason for being on this forum puzzling .


  • Ucantnome

    For me it wasn't about panda's or wildebeest farms or about Armageddon coming on a specific time although maybe you should discuss these.

    i think that this sentence from the book 'Man's Salvation Out Of World Distress At Hand!' (1975 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania) page 48,

    'In the face of the relatively small proportion of the world's population that has put faith in the "thing heard [from] us" or proclaimed by us, it can truthfully be said: They did not all obey the good news."

    Is an interesting one. It talks about putting faith in the good news proclaimed by Jehovah's Witnesses. Earlier on the page it tells you that the good news regarding the end of the gentile times in 1914 and the elevation of Jehovah's "Servant" spoken of in Isaiah to the throne of the Messianic kingdom was 'better news today than it was nineteen hundred years ago, in apostolic times.'

    The quote from Romans that is used in this book where the apostle Paul is quoteing from Isaiah 53, (The same chapter that the Ethiopian eunuch was reading from when Philip declared the good news about Jesus to him and he was baptised.) that is mentioned is not talking about 1914 I believe.

    Our faith, 'the assured expectation of the things hoped for' i don't think the bible was telling us to put it in the good news proclaimed by Jehovah's Witnesses. My parents and my in-laws accepted the good news and were baptised as Jehovah's Witnesses with the assurance of Jesus words relayed to them by those who claim to be Christ's brothers that the generation before them would not pass away before the end came. My in-laws are dead my parents soon will be. What do you think SFPW this has done for them or me?

    in the book Insight On The Scriptures(1988 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania) page 804 under the subheading Faith it says,

    "In view of this, Moulton and Milligan suggest the rendering: "Faith is the title deed of the things hoped for." Title deed.

    I was baptised to serve God to the best of my ability and the best way to do that was for me to take the course I have. I understood from my studies of the scriptures that Jesus didn't particularly like hypocrites so I won't preach what I don't believe.

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