A House Divided Against Itself Falls-Luke 11:17

by Stand for Pure Worship 86 Replies latest jw friends

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    "Then there's the multiple movements within the hive. FreeMinds, Six Screens, Cedars' group the AARP, etc.. All with different agendas and motives."

    AARP: American Association of Retired Persons

    Cedars is not a retired American, if I remember correctly.

    CoCo, proofreader


    It's been said before, but FORCED CONFORMITY is not UNITY. I suppose SFPW agrees with Hayden Covington and the Governing Body.


    Q. Let us follow that up just a little. It was promulgated as a matter which must be believed by all members of Jehovah's Witnesses that the Lord's Second Coming took place in 1874?
    A. I am not familiar with that. You are speaking on a matter that I know nothing of.
    [For this 1874 teaching, please see the article here]

    Q. You heard Mr. Franz's evidence?
    A. I heard Mr. Franz testify, but I am not familiar with what he said on that, I mean the subject matter of what he was talking about, so I cannot answer any more than you can, having heard what he said.

    Q. Leave me out of it?
    A. That is the source of my information, what I have heard in court.

    Q. You have studied the literature of your movement?
    A. Yes, but not all of it. I have not studied the seven volumes of "Studies in the Scriptures," and I have not studied this matter that you are mentioning now of 1874. I am not at all familiar with that.

    Q. Assume from me that it was promulgated as authoritative by the Society that Christ's Second Coming was in 1874?
    A. Taking that assumption as a fact, it is a hypothetical statement.

    Q. That was the publication of false prophesy?
    A. That was the publication of a false prophesy, it was a false statement or an erronious statement in fulfilment of a prophesy that was false or erronious.

    Q. And that had to be believed by the whole of Jehovah's Witnesses?
    A. Yes, because you must understand we must have unity, we cannot have disunity with a lot of people going every way, an army is supposed to march in step.

    Q. You do not believe in the worldly armies, do you?
    A. We believe in the Christian Army of God.

    Q. Do you believe in the worldly armies?
    A. We have nothing to say about that, we do not preach against them, we merely say that the worldly armies, like the nations of the world today, are a part of Satan's Organization, and we do not take part in them, but we do not say the nations cannot have their armies, we do not preach against warfare, we are merely claiming our exemption from it, that is all.

    Q. Back to the point now. A false prophesy was promulgated?
    A. I agree that.

    Q. It had to be accepted by Jehovah's Witnesses?
    A. That is correct.

    Q. If a member of Jehovah's Witnesses took the view himself that that prophesy was wrong and said so he would be disfellowshipped?
    A.Yes, if he said so and kept persisting in creating trouble, because if the whole organisation believes one thing, even though it be erronious and somebody else starts on his own trying to put his ideas across then there is disunity and trouble, there cannot be harmony, there cannot be marching. When a change comes it should come from the proper source, the head of the organisation, the governing body*, not from the bottom upwards, because everybody would have ideas, and the organisation would disintegrate and go in a thousand different directions. Our purpose is to have unity.

    Q. Unity at all costs?
    A. Unity at all costs, because we believe and are sure that Jehovah God is using our organisation, the governing body of our organisation to direct it, even though mistakes are made from time to time.

    Q. And unity based upon an enforced acceptance of false prophecy?
    A. That is conceded to be true

    Q. And the person who expressed his view, as you say, that it was wrong, and was disfellowshipped, would be in breach of the Covenant, if he was baptized?
    A. That is correct.

    Q. And as you said yesterday expressly, would be worthy of death?
    A. I think - - -

    Q. Would you say yes or no?
    A. I will answer yes, unhesitatingly.

    Q. Do you call that religion?
    A. It certainly is.

    Q. Do you call it Christianity?
    A. I certainly do.


  • caliber

    .this is a healthy site....as opposed to the claustrophobic paranoia which shuts down any rational reasoning within the KH......eg ...when I was last at a meeting...12 months ago....a lady raised her hand and asked if she could ask a question relating to the watchtower study.........she was met with a confused look from the conductor who answered tersely no...she couldn't...and then continued with the well rehearsed study..........we're all at different stages of recovery and resettlement after years ...many years.....of being once stalwart jw's.........

    The dark type points are so true... I can even remember being disgusted at a visiting attender at the WT study ( when I attended years ago )

    who had her own version of the Bible ; she made at the time what I thought were "off the wall "comments and had questions.

    I thought to myself " follow the paragraph .... stay with the reasoning of the study" Now I realize she was a free thinker

    and brought out valid points and had questiions and doubts about what was stated in the study.

    I feel sorrow & regret for the "eye rolling" I must have done , not unlike this lady....

    Why should procedure and study rules strifle our thinking ?

    I have even heard witnesses say in a given situation "How is it we believe again ?"

    Is it believing or forced instillment ? Conformity for the sake of unity.. is this right for thinking adults ?

  • sir82

    Maybe I've been a JW so long that I cant imagine being part of any movement without unity and love amongst ourselves.

    George / Miz / Stand,

    That's it exactly. You've bought into the JW propaganda that "saying and doing the same things" is equivalent to "unity and love".

    In JW-world, "unity" is synonymous with "enforced conformity". And "love" is synonymous with "obedience to WT rules".

    For the other 99.9% of humanity, those words have significantly different meanings.

  • caliber

    in JW-world, "unity" is synonymous with "enforced conformity". And "love" is synonymous with "obedience to WT rules"

    Marching soldiers or bands" marching all in a row" may be pleasing to the eye ... but only for a short time .. then the soldiers want to relax

    not be strifled by such the whole day long !!!

    There are many among your ranks that are there only to preserve family relationships. Your house is divided...

    "Wouldn't this be more akin to black-mail than deep seated love or unity ?

    So yes some live what you call "double lives " because deep inside they know family is the basic unite for strength & love within society and is

    precious to them

    To just be on this site is considered to be "out of formation "

  • NVR2L8

    North Koreans are united...and free to do exactly as their supreme leader says. If anyone dares to think otherwise he is exposed by his own family or friends and isolated or terminated to prevent him from corrupting others. North Koreans are the happiest people in the world...they should know because that's what their supreme leader says...he also prevent them to communicate with the rest of the degraded, decadent world. Sounds familiar?


    This is the Crooked WatchTower House..

    It was built with Pyramidology..

    Black Folks turning White in the New System..And

    Windows you can Throw Rocks through from the Inside..............Most Donations to the WBT$,go to to Repairing Windows..

    At people out on street who won`t join the WBT$ JW Cult.......................Join the dam WBT$ JW Cult already!!..



    ........................................... photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • caliber

    To be fair, maybe it's me. Maybe I've been a JW so long that I cant imagine being part of any movement without unity and love amongst ourselves. How do you folks do it?

    United but not uniform..

    it works by having a measure of respect for individual rights.. united in the principal of religious


    Most person here are united in the thought that all have a right to feel & express their opinion without censorship


    : not varying or changing : staying the same at all times, in all places, or for all parts or members

    having always the same form, manner, or degree : not varying or variable <uniform procedures>

    of the same form with others : conforming to one rule or mode :

    united on prinicipled love

    Love is patient, love is....1 Corinthians 13:4-13 talks about love, what it is and what it is not

    4: Love is patient, love is kind. it

    does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud....does not bragg

    examples of religious pride ... "only we do this... only we believe this"

    "We are the happiest people in the world..."

    "only we have God's blessing and favour"

    only we preach the true message"

    A movement

    Is there some sort of movement here ? I don't know you be the judge

    movement - a group of people with a common ideology who try together to achieve certain general goals

    reform movement - a movement intended to bring about social and humanitarian reforms

    religious movement - a movement intended to bring about religious reforms

    a movement appears to want to change or reform others

  • rmt1

    Performance art.

  • Phizzy

    Dear Caliber said "Is there some sort of movement here ? I don't know, you be the judge"

    SFPW, the person who started this Thread certainly displays the typical JW thinking, but something is not quite right there.

    JW's think that we who have left form a homogenous group. Nonsense, we have taken back that which was stolen from us, our real selves, hence we are as an Eclectic group as you can get, we do not have beliefs, aims, or anything much in common, except our shared (bad) experience whilst in the WT.

    The "something that is not quite right there" is that every time he/she posts, the statements made are just begging for all of us to expose the WT/JW religion for what it is. A HUGE Scam.

    If the writer were really a JW, he/she would want to prevent us from airing the truths we know, not encourage it.

    Strange behaviour, almost like the things you sometimes see in the WT mag that make you think, is this writer "awake" and trying to wake up fellow JW's ?

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