New NWT- 1 Corinthans 6:9

by XBEHERE 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    1 Corinthains 6:9-

    Or do you not know that unrighteous

    people will not inherit

    God’s Kingdom? Do not be misled.

    Those who are sexually immoral

    idolaters, adulterers,

    men who submit to homosexual

    acts men who practice homosexuality

    Are they preparing to make oral sex a disfellowshipping offense? Submit to homosexual acts...... hmmm

  • Splash

    Greek word denotes 'soft men', the 'receivers', not a specific act.


  • valkyrie

    1 Corinthains 6:9-

    Or do you not know that unrighteous

    people will not inherit

    God’s Kingdom? Do not be misled.

    Those who are sexually immoral

    idolaters, adulterers,

    men who submit to homosexual

    acts men who practice homosexuality

    Are they preparing to make oral sex a disfellowshipping offense? Submit to homosexual acts...... hmmm

    If it is performed between homosexuals- with relish, and without repentance - then, yes.

  • adamah

    I think you're missing the OP's suggestion that by breaking out "men who submit to homosexual acts" separately from "men who practice homosexuality", the OP is asking if the JWs are trying to discourage oral sex (BJs) amongst heterosexual couples to say it's a homosexual act worthy of DFing of the husband.

    Good pick-up, OP, as it very well could be viewed in that light.


  • valkyrie

    Oral sex is sexual act, practised by both homosexuals and heterosexuals. Nothing about the sexual act, itself, defines it as the purview of a particular orientation.

    In fact, I dare say that if men could easily contort their bodies, they would eagerly perform the sexual act upon their own bodies: neither homosexual, nor heterosexual - but self-pleasure.


    I understand all your points but remember this is a cult, they change things to suit their peculiar beliefs... so why change it in the first place is my point. It was understood in their old rendering. BTW they do consider oral as a deviant sexual act and there is a "dont ask dont tell" policy more or less regarding it. I mean if they consider it to be a homosexual act if say a straight man desperate for a BJ pays a gay prostitute for one then why make it that complicated isnt it all just porniea anyway? This change was specific: submit to homosexual act... very strange

  • Comatose

    The obsession with gay is pathetic. They CHANGED the wording of the new bible. They made it gender neutral! Why? To get with the times. Well wake the F%^& up and move on WT.

  • adamah

    Valkyrie said-

    Oral sex is sexual act, practised by both homosexuals and heterosexuals. Nothing about the sexual act, itself, defines it as the purview of a particular orientation.

    Yeah, you and I are modern people and WE know that, but remember what you're dealing with here: a group of older middle-aged men who consider anything other than vaginal/penile intercourse (missionary-position) between a husband and wife, IS perverted sex and thus is verboten.

    They can make the Bible say ANYTHING they want it to say, and this is one example of cultic control; we'll all just have to wait and see if this "New Light" Biblical revision is used to open the door into a JW's married couple's bedroom to tell them what they can and cannot do, but I'd bet dollars to donuts that we'll see an article in the WT! on this subject within a few years forbidding oral sex, once and for all.... It's been a topic of debate in the past, and this is the chincher.

    JW males, you'd better get some good BJs from the wifey while you still can, since it's soon going to be only a sinful memory; you're about to get cut off from oral pleasures by eight men in Brooklyn who won't allow it....


  • tijkmo

    what about disco

  • krejames

    tijkmo - you made exactly the point that crossed my mind. This wider translation, using the word "homosexual" is much more ambiguous (and inaccurate - the word wasn't invented until a couple of hundred years ago) and opens the way to a lot more gay bashing. What exactly is a "homosexual act"? If I go out and buy a Wizard of Oz DVD, is that a homosexual act? If I go to the gay disco, is that a homosexual act?

    All you closet homosexuals in the WT - get out! They don't love you except in a very patronising, "there, there" kind of way...

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