Are the writers in the writing department purposely misquoting people?

by paulmolark 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • John Aquila
    John Aquila

    Famous Scientist Author's original text;

    The world in general is getting better. People are living longer because healthcare has improved. Immunization has eliminated many of the diseases that racked havoc in times past. The percentage of teenage girls getting pregnant is dropping. More young people are wanting to pursue an education first and get stabilized before getting married and having a family. More countries are winning the war on famine as they implement new farming techniques. The gloom outlook that the world is close to the end because of war, crime and pestilence, is a thing of the past.

    Watchtower quoting Famous Scientist Author in one of their publications;

    Mr. Famous Scientist Author had this to say about conditions in the world today, “The gloom outlook that the world is close to the end because of war, crime and pestilence

  • Syme

    They have been misquoting long before google and the Internet, indeed. But the misquotes almost always were 'stolen' from older misquotes from other religious groups whose stance coincided with watchtower's in a particular matter. For example, check the misquotes regarding evolution (in the 1985 Creation book, for instance): they are almost all taken from old Christian creationists like Henry Morris. We are talking not about cut & paste from original writers, but copy & paste of misquotes from other ridiculous books!

    So yes, I tend to agree with you: they probably are not intellectually equipped to even construct their own misquote. Nowadays, their anti-science misquote armory comes mostly from the Discovery Institute (the good old Creation Institute after facelift) and their "Intelligent Design" mumbo-jumbo.

    Don't forget that every assignment in the Borg and is a so-called "spiritual", or "theocratic" assignment. This, in secular English, means that requisite for any assignment is typical JW things, such as sucking your "above", being good in congregational things, good speaker, having a broad jw social network, having fame inside the org, etc. In other words, nothing like scientific capacity and intellect. This of course includes assignment in the writing department.

  • BluesBrother

    I believe that there is a lot of truth in the O/P since it seems that some of the quotes are found on other religious sites too. I guess they pinch them off each other and are too lazy or rushed to check the source material. Back in the day, when giving talks we would refer to quotes that the WTS had used, but we then trusted the "Mother" our cost.

    However, that being said I would suggest that anyone with a few minutes to spare should read the essay on this link. Our past board member AlanF secured an interview with a Bethel writer to discuss this very issue . It took place in the '90's and the Bethel man was totally unrepentant.

  • Oubliette

    BB, something's messed up with your hyperlink. This one works:

  • Watchtower-Free
  • Half banana
    Half banana

    At its heart the WTBTS and the governing body are in denial. They dare not think for one moment the reality that God is NOT directing them.

    This false confidence leads to the arrogant approach they take when presenting information. They imagine themselves to be God ordained and therefore their words are also. This attitude places themselves above human reasoning and mere worldly scientists or the like. They think they can cherry pick any hard won information and corrupt it in the interests of the Watchtower Kingdom. For the flock to investigate the hard evidence or secular sources would be to show lack of faith in ‘God’s appointees’.

    So, Paulomark, the meteoric career of the likes of Carlos West is a good example of the lack of intellectual quality and integrity in the governing body.

    The only good thing to come from this ignorant and casual misquoting and deception is that with the internet; this phoney Watchtower cult is being exposed.

  • problemaddict 2
    problemaddict 2

    The writing dept is not a hive mind. Its close.....but it isn't. It is made up of individuals. Some are no doubt a little more willing to stretch meaning and mine things with confirmation bias, more than others who may want to keep it with the "basics".

    The issue is that as the WT tries to tackle things such as science, continued rise of secular ideas, cultural/moral evolution such as acceptance of gay marriage, etc..., they do so very clumsily. This is because their writers are not writers at all. They are no doubt oblivious to the fact that they need to check sources, and make sure they quote with integrity.

    This reminds me of a recent FB post from someone I know, where they reference a LIST of people that feel the NWT is an extremely accurate translation. If you didn't know any better you may not catch that some of these people are taken out of context and some are JW's themselves.

    In short, they have dumbed it down tot he rabble, so when it is even SLIGHTLY complex they end up looking to those whom the magazine appeals to as half way literate.

    Its a shame really. But is it intentional? Not really. they feel they are justified because they have no idea what confirmation bias even is. :)

  • Oubliette

    Reposting from one of my favorite 00DAD threads:

    "WT Publications are all propaganda!" admits the Awake! magazine

    Read this lovely little admission and judge for yourself:

    THERE is a difference—a big difference—between education and propaganda. Education shows you how to think. Propaganda tells you what to think. Good educators present all sides of an issue and encourage discussion. Propagandists relentlessly force you to hear their view and discourage discussion. - Awake!, June 22, 2000, pp. 9-11 – [Emphasis added]

    So what is it? What DO YOU think?

    1. Do the WT Publications show people how to think, or what to think? (The answer is NOT in the paragraph. You'll have to think for yourself).
    2. Does the WT Leadersip encourage or discourage open discussion and debate about ideas and doctrine?
    3. Do the WT Publications ever accept input from their members or do they only " relentlessly force you to hear their view"?


    If it walks like a duck and it quacks like a duck, then what is it?


  • Oubliette

    If you've never read the series of Awake! articles on propaganda referenced in my post above, you really owe it to yourself to do so.

    They are very well written and clearly define what propaganda is and how many different groups and individuals have used it in the past and continue to use it today.

    When you then understand that the writers of the WT publications clearly understand propaganda, can recognize it in the work of others and know how to use it, it then becomes obvious that at least some of their use of its techniques in their own writings is deliberate. (I'll acknowledge that some may also be unconscious due to their beliefs and biases).

    But the key point is this: If the writers of WT publications are guilty of even one single deliberate act of using the techniques of propaganda in a dishonest way to lie, deceive or otherwise mislead, then it is prima facie proof that they are not God's representatives.

    It's really that simple.

  • Londo111

    This is the issue that woke me up. It is understandable to be mistaken or wrong...we all are. But when scholars are quoted out of context it seems lacking in journalistic integrity at best and deceptive at worst.

    Of course, I've heard it explained this way by a former writer:

    (1) People send in interesting quotes to the Watchtower.

    (2) It is one person's job to verify the quote (that the words in the quote are accurate) and file these quotes away.

    (3) Another person writing an article might reference from this system of quotes.

    (4) If the person quoted complains, the feedback goes to another department, not Writing. The person who wrote the article and the person who filed the quote might not necessarily hear the complaint.

    This system, that spans departments, is described as dysfunctional rather than unified. But apparently, these writers aren’t intentionally trying to be deceptive, they are just under extreme confirmation bias.

    Sometimes though there are some cases that it would seem incredulous to believe that deception is not involved. Often is the case, the Watchtower often omits facts that would be "stumbling" to the "flock". They do not tell the entire truth.

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