I extend a small measure of sympathy.

by Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice. 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.
    Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.

    Allow me to extend a minute amount of symapthy to the forum members who waited with excitement the recent special jw meeting and attended. Perhaps it met your expectations?

    And, I almost, repeat, almost, feel sorry for those poor sods who deem it necessary to read the so called 'new' jw bible translation, and searching for all of the 'differences' from past releases. When all is said and done, of course the rulers in the temple will have changed things to suit their propaganda, but, Why subject yourself to such shit? And for what purpose? To help family members still 'in' who most likely consider you the scum of the earth? Get a life and stop living yours for others.

    Cheeses. The wholly holy holey One.

  • EndofMysteries

    Pot calling the kettle black. What are you doing on this website? Get out of the basement for once!

  • Glander

    Jesus, Cheeses! I am in the "begats" already. Wish you had spoken up sooner...

    PS - So far I have not found anything important. Cross checking against the Emphatic Diaglott is quite tedious, the "was god vs a god" is same o same o...

  • Suraj Khan
    Suraj Khan

    Actually, I think it's very much worth it to carefully note what they've changed in the revised NWT, if only to attempt to ascertain what doctrinal changes may be coming. You must realize there must be a motive here - maybe it is just renewing the copyright (the WTBTS is, after all, first and foremost a publishing company) but manipulating the Bible to suit JW doctrine is not without precedent, as any scholarly criticism of the original NWT will readily point out.

    Some of us spent a good deal of time in the Witness gulag and still have friends and family there. Would I seize upon something like this in an effort to free the minds of people I hold dear? You're damned right I would.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    EndofMysteries, did you notice that Cheeses has been here longer than you have?

    You should address him as Sir, he's your senior.

    Maybe you don't know what you're talking about, or maybe the battery on your sense of humor needs to be recharged.

    FACT: Cheeses' conclusions are correct. The shameless manipulation of the r&f Dubs by their F&D SlaveMasters has been abundantly indicated by the events surrounding this AGM alone. The sheeplike acceptance of this abuse is evidence of the Stockholm Syndrome.

    Dubs have donated their self-esteem to the WTB&TS.

  • EndofMysteries

    Nathan - Fortunately I don't have spouse/children or a reason to have to keep going to meetings because of family/entrapment/etc. But his comment was insensitive to those who are in that situation. Also, chances are he and many others would still be in if not for the work of those who did do this kind of research to expose the lies and falsehoods, etc, of the organization.

  • Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.
    Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.

    My dear No End of Misery,

    What am I doing on this website? I enjoy reading about the depth of the crap that jws immerse themselves. I love learning of the grief that befalls jws due to their 'adherence to the faith'. Especially the amount of wasted time and energy attempting to bring others out of the 'truth'. If they are not ready within themselves, then very little will help sway their outlook.

    Please let me clarify one mystery - the work of others researching the lies of the wts in no way influenced my decision to leave the jws back in the late 80's (were you even alive then?). I just had enough of pricks wanting to control my life. No more.

    If I have offended you, well that is fine. If I have unintentionally offended you, well that is even better.

    Cheeses. Not of the 'doormat' class. And one who does not reside in a basement.

  • Suraj Khan
    Suraj Khan

    You had enough of pricks trying to control your life, but you relish judging and attacking people who suffered alongside you.

    Seems to me you would have made a fine elder if you would have only hung in there a little longer.

  • Muddy Waters
    Muddy Waters

    Holy Cheeses, you said, "..... I enjoy reading about the depth of the crap that jws immerse themselves. I love learning of the grief that befalls jws due to their 'adherence to the faith'...."

    We'll, if you enjoy reading about the 'depth of crap' and love learning of the 'grief that befalls JWs', then you, sir, are contemptible and lacking in compassion and basic human decency. I realize some of us are still learning or trying to figure out what that even means, but let this reaction help teach you about what that means....

  • steve2

    Don't mess with my patience, Cheesus. The point of the new translation was never ever to read the stodge but to caress the grey cover and say, "Cheese" over and over until the end comes. Reading's for nerds and Catholic sisters who prefer stodge to the joy of a reading-free pursuit of happiness.

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