New Revised NWT Inspection Project

by dontplaceliterature 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • dontplaceliterature

    Anyone here interested in splitting up the new Bible by books to compare it to the old one and see if there are any significant changes they are hiding in there that weren't announced at the Annual Meeting today? It'll be available for DL from on Monday...

  • Pistoff

    Could the pages be scanned into an OCR program and checked that way?

    Will it even be printed, or will it be an e-book only?

    My bet is for an e-book.

  • OneEyedJack

    Its printed, yes

  • dontplaceliterature

    E-book can converted into searchable text, though.

  • oppostate

    If the download can be gotten in PDF or EPUB format then with a little reformating through Calibre or another ebook editor app you can get a plain text to compare digitally for both editions. A good text editor would give you the ability to make a side by side comparison of changes between texts for each verse.

  • slimboyfat

    Someone said it would be available on Kindle was that a joke?

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    I am looking forward to seeing the comparison.

  • slimboyfat

    Sounds like a good idea.

  • Oubliette

    I'm sure the GB has made "adjustments" to affirm their current/pre-existing doctrinal positions.

    But it's really all unnecessary as the Bible has little to do with JW "theology." It's really just a prop. The GB can say what ever they want and all JWs are required to "believe" it whether they understand it, agree with it or not.

    Seriously, if they can redefine common words like "generation" to mean the time period of "two people whose lives overlap;" if they can capriciously change the long-standing teaching about the identity of the FDS with no more explanation than "upon closer examination;" then they can change any teaching and make any demand at whim. Clearly, the do NOT need the Bible to support any thing they teach or require of their followers, they only need the appearance of the Bible as their source to claim credibility and authority.

  • WatchTower87


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