The JWs are the best people myth

by Leander 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gopher


    I think a "shire" is a village. Much like we have heard the city names of Worcestorshire and Devonshire, they are names of towns.

    The person in question agreed with their village rules that the pump was too loud. Instead of resolving the problem, they hid the pump near their lovely neighbor's house. Problem solved, no noise near the pool!


    This post was not evaluated by any mental health professionals.
    Any opinions expressed are those of a fuzzy, cuddly rodent.

  • LDH


    I have our pool pump set to kick on at 5:30. It's my alarm clock.


  • NameWithheld

    Ah the old happiest people in the world ploy. Funny, I knew a HUGE number of JWs (especially 'sisters') who were on anti-depressants. Wonder if the big cheese will hand those out in the new order? JW kids would do the strangest things sometimes - usually going all whacked out finally after years of mental abuse. The worse thing about hanging out with JW kids was that whenever you did anything 'risky' in a group, sure enough, you bet someone there would get an attack of 'consciense' sometime in the next year and rat everybody out! Funny how these people would get a bad consciense after they got 'found out' for that or some other 'sin'.

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