Classless American Behavior

by Pathofthorns 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • Valis

    path, you lost me on the last sentence. I haven't made generalizations about anyone, today anyway. hehe...Do tell if I have, perhaps I'm in the watchtower zone today. Sorry...


    District Overbeer

  • ballistic

    I tell you something that made me think the other day. Our scrap heap challenge program has an American version. The other day they had two teams firing rounds out of home made cannons at brick walls. And as one team's shot failed to knock out any bricks, the other team seemed to wallow in the failure of the other. I was quite taken aback by this and at the time a friend of mine said "that is the American way". But I certainly don't judge a whole nation by this incident.
    Perhaps us British are just particularly good at patting our opponents on the back and saying "well, bad luck old fellow, you gave it your best shot" rather than cheering their failure and disadvantage.

  • Hmmm

    I've been following the hockey and basketball playoffs only peripherally, but from what I saw, it was Canadians who booed the US anthem first.

    I've always thought that the US and Canada had a pretty friendly relationship (thanks in large part to Canadian full-nude gentlemen's establishments) so I was a bit surprised when I first heard it, but I wasn't ready to drop any Nukes on the Canadian capital of Buenos Aires.

    What if it turns out that it was, in fact, Americans who booed the Canadian anthem first? I'd still be surprised, but it's only a sporting event, folks. No need to make an international event over it. How about we give you Toledo, Ohio, and call it even?

    (Canada has an army?)

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge


    Oh get off your high horse, who was questioning your patriotism (not me). And as far as the Canadians..I LOVE THEM. I have some cousins that were born and raised in Alberta. I remember years ago when the Iranians "students" took some our citizens hostage, the Canadian embassey hid some of our countrymen and got them secretly out of the country (to the dismay of those terrorists). We as a country couldn't thank them enough and proudly showed it. So to those very few "Americans" who booed a TRUE FRIEND'S anthem, grow up and show some respect, they deserve nothing less.

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