Do jws complain more than normal people?

by Julia Orwell 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    I'm a Jw, and I have several bills to pay. Me: "Oh my goodness, I have so many bills, it's ridiculous! I have car rego, phone bill, electricity bill,'s terrible!" Result: I pay the bills.

    Me now I'm not a jw: "Got car rego, phone bill, rent, and the electricity bill came today. Well, better get them in order." Result: I pay the bills.

    Jw gets sick: aw I feel awful, won't be able to go to the meeting, this illness is sooo hard, we need the new system, I don't know how much longer I can go on...

    Non jw gets sick: well, I better rest until I'm better, make arrangements to get things done.

    Notice how a jw will whinge and whine, while a non jw is more likely just to get on with it or take it as part of life and deal with it?

  • zeb

    yep... and they cant seem to budget either.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Really? Explain..I always assumed they would be good at it because they're poor.

  • DeWandelaar

    It is all about the attitude...

    For most JW's working MUST be done because you NEED to pay the bills in this system. The result is that everything you seem to do is worthless or done out of need... they do not seem to ENJOY what they are doing. They mostly focus on the goal ... not on the journey... so at the end: if you missed THE goal you missed everything as well since they missed soo much.

    I am not religious that much anymore but like Jesus said it is best to not feel too much about the problems of tomorrow... in other words: take the ones you have today, solve them and enjoy the rest of the day... drink wine, have great sex, watch your best programs, pet your animals, compliment and play with your kids, enjoy your meals, even enjoy the fact that you CAN still pay your bills. Even the shittiest things get a lot brighter when you look at them differrently

  • label licker
    label licker

    That's what irritated me the most. You couldn't just walk into the hall and start an interesting conversation on oh let me see, the bible for instance, but rather have to listen to my formalgia is acting up or the big one I have a cold but I'm here(cough, cough in my face). I would always reply back with sorry, I'm all out of hero biscuits today and walk away. After every meeting you would go home so depressed. I felt guilty if I came to the hall happy. Even the stupid po would give comments like if your happy and your not putting up a fight for the faith(which to them meant be like the pharisees and stretch those faces and complain how you had to put up a fight just to come to the kingdum hall)then there's something wrong and maybe you have to see why your not suffering for the faith. Idiots! I would go over and talk to the older sisters or the brothers who rarely complained and if they did, they had good reason to. Even the brother who had his leg amputated would ask about how our calls are going for he couldn't get out in the ministry, but didn't complain once about losing his leg.

  • Legacy

    Hi All,

    That's who JW's were before they were JW's. Nothing makes them happy. Somehow, while here on earth they werer looking for a Eutopia, they found the Truff..& now they see, not even in the truff is a Eutopia, they have found out the friends are just like folks in the world...shhh...don't tell a witness..guess what? You are in the world too....I think by nature they are cheap..they don't celebrate holidays, so they have more money than most folks, but they don't think they have to buy anything...yet, I tell them, spend a little, save a little...They can buy & own, but if you are a study or a newbie (like me). They say keep a simple eye...I have been to several of the witnesses homes (not apartments they rent) homes..& they are beautiful. Big Screen TV's, new cars, etc. yet they tell you, Keep it Simple.

    What comes to mind is...Eccl. 3:1-15...there is a time for be balanced.

    Most of them are not really sick, they are surpressed, so because many don't go on sites like these to vent, their bodies turn against them. When they start coming to the hall, that's when they really pour on the complaining...WHY? because it looks like you are being more religious...Can't stand this system, it's to make them look more noble & they think God is really pleased at them for groaning in this system. Also, they have ailments to start a medical chart, so when they are missing, the friends will say, You know I haven't seen Sister or Brother so & so...but you know they suffer with.....& this is on-going...if it ain't allergies, it's stomach, if not that, knees, hips, & so on.

    They are out in service & walk more than the man who made the sidewalks. They are out in the open shouldn't they be more healthier than most. They eat healthy foods or so they say...many of them are closet eater or over eaters..that's to take the place of sex.

    They complain about their jobs & how stressful they are...well friends, join the rest of us...That's why they call it WORK. They complain because it's a SHOWY DISPLAY...most of them still have not matured to go past..what it looks like...the sisters go in the bathroom & wipe down the sink...when folks are I wonder, if no one is there, do they do the same thing...

    I'm new. I saw who the witnesses were when I got there...I knew they were just plain folks, & didn't expect them to walk on water...& that suprised them...They do have a superior attitude, but one must look past to see the sadness that is really in them. They really do believe that the ORG. is God's channel...& that's what keeps them going...take that away...they would fall apart....My congregation is nice the friends are nice & I'm ok. I keep my opinions to myself. My thing if they would just stay out of the prediction business, I think most would stay or return.

    Think about it, why does the org. want a bunch of scared members ?????

    I will try to stay as long as I can stand it....since I'm an older sister, they don't really bother me...I do what I have to do, & then keep it moving..

    If I do stay, I hope I don't turn into a complaining JW....


  • DeWandelaar

    Legacy... why staying if it can change you into "that"? I mean... it is not worth your time really!... what is that keeps you going there?


    In Watchtower World

    Everything in the World is Wrong..

    Your can`t be a JW unless you complain about something 24/7..


    Just Complain!!..

    .........................  photo mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

  • Legacy

    Hi DeWandelaar,

    Why I stay there, good question...I like my congregation...I like what I do..I can't change anyone, but I can try to get folks to read their bible. I have read the bible for myself, & at this point, I could go anywhere...not any church, hall, temple has the truth...not nobody not no how...The truff has a ring of truff. Where can you go on this earth for perfection, where man, doesn't corrupt...I work for a corporation, I know there are alot of funny stuff going on I don't know what do I do..Leave ? No...where can you go ? Man messes up everything he touches...You can search for the truth high & where...

    I really don't have a complaining see, most witnesses were who they were before they became witnesses....most likely never ever positive. I just happen to have a positive outlook on life...when they start talking about how bad things are, I remind them, someone got good news their cancer is in remission, a healthy child was born....someone was waiting for a call from the doctor...they were pins & needles...the doctor worries, test came back negative...God's creation everywhere...yes, there is bad stuff in the world, but there is good stuff too. When I remind them...their reply is....

    That's true...they need to be reminded...I think I'm there to bring something different..I try...One sister called me a chandalier of the congregation...My joy & personality is not up for grabs, if it happens, then I have a choice to make...most of them are just hardworking folks who prefer not to think for themselves..& have created their life within the org.

    So I'm there for now...when I start to get complainy & see the glass empty...exit stage left...I may even get asked out..but one thing is for sure, nobody & no org. can keep me away from God...his line is open all the time...Every place of worship holds something over man's head..JW's, disfellowshipping/Shunned, other religions...Burning in Hell...all this to make us behave..if you don't behave...JW's will toss you out 'til you as they say come to your senses, the other religions...better be good or you gonna burn in Hell...even Santa, won't give you nothing if you don't behave...all to keep us in line...humans have to be threatened to act right.


  • Bungi Bill
    Bungi Bill

    I think that partly, the JW religion is one that tends to attract the complainer:

    - the sort of person of the "glass is half empty, not half full" type disposition.

    The JW message plays on that, encouraging the view that everything is completely and utterly wrong, that all this is a sign of the "Last Days" and that only God's Kingdom can and will put it right. Early in my time as a JW, I even recall two pioneer brothers being impressed by somebody who "was not happy", and thus regarding him as a potential "study." In fact, that person was just another old moaner - nothing more, nothing less.

    Another poster on the old board here ( once summed it up perfectly that Jehovahs Witnesses are "experts in depressing people."

    Furthermore, those of a negative disposition would be further impressed (initially, anyway) by the "love bombing" that all cults shower on newbies. Once more, I can recall at least one specific example of this:

    i.e. Another person who was a serial moaner, drawn to the Witnesses largely because of all the fuss and attention that was showered on him as a "study". However, after his baptism, when the love bombing ceased, he soon gave the JW religion away.

    Of course, once recruited into the cult , even a formerly well balanced person would find much to complain about!

    So in answer to the question, "do JWs complain more than normal people?", the short answer is yes.


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