Why our IQ levels are higher than our grandparents'

by frankiespeakin 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    With the advent of the internet this is the 'information age'. Just stating the 'obvious' people just have more information at their fingertips. Information is more readily available at anytime. People are just more informed, thus smarter.

  • vienne

    Dear Waton,

    I'm a MENSA member with an IQ variously estimated to be between 170 and 180. I have five daughters - three birth, two adopted. Two of my daughters are also MENSA members. Your premise is flawed.

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    Thanks for the update JP.

  • slimboyfat

    When waton said intelligent women have fewer children, I think he meant on average. That seems a reasonable inference, and is not invalidated by one intelligent woman having a number of children.

  • vienne


    That may be what he meant. But it is not what he said. Also, there are other, perhaps primary factors that might lead an "intelligent" woman to a decision to have few or no children. One obvious factor is complexity and stress connected to a career choice. Shouldn't we expect posters to say what they mean? We have no warrant to 'translate' their thoughts into something else.

  • sparrowdown

    Strangely what waton said is the premis of the movie Idiocracy.

    Educated couples waiting too long to start a family or choosing not to have children at all meant the poor and uneducated were the only ones breeding which eventually leads to a dystopian future world populated by the seriously vacuous and stupid.

    It's a comedy of course and the issues it raises although absurdly reduced for comedic entertainment are intruguing complex modern issues.

  • TD

    Idiocracy was absolutely hilarious.


  • Simon
    I'm a MENSA member with an IQ variously estimated to be ... Your premise is flawed

    but not so intelligent you can understand the difference between a single datapoint (you) and the overall data (the trend) it seems

  • Vidiot

    I read somewhere that the current (non-overlapping) generation is - overall - generally smarter than the last.

    I tried to tell that to my JW mom, and she had a tough time accepting it (I suspect it doesn't fit to well with the WTS's "steadily-moving-away-from-perfection" concept)...

    ...so I asked her, "so, you'll always be smarter than me, then?"

    She didn't seem to like that possibility, either, 'cause she has a high opinion of my intelligence. :smirk:

  • vienne


    It's not about what he meant to say. It's about what he said. Language is exacting, or should be. If we must translate what another said, then where is meaning in language?

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