Hello, I am new here...

by Spiderman 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • AlanF

    Welcome to the board, spiderman! You're in for a ride!

    You're probably correct that some people on the board were "stumbled by man", but that certainly doesn't describe the majority. Many of us never had much trouble with fellow JWs so as to be "stumbled", but quit because we saw things horribly wrong with basic JW teachings and practices. I, for example, spent years doing research and found that the Society is fundamentally a dishonest organization. How could I conscientiously remain associated with an organization that is dishonest? Plenty of others found similar problems with the Watchtower organization, and so they quit for very justifiable moral reasons.


  • Francois

    Is your signature from "As Good As it Gets" with Jack Nicholson? Sure sounds like him.


  • DB

    Welcome Spidey,

    I am also an active Witness, and you will find more on this board. I also like to consider more than one side of an argument.

    By the way, is your real name Peter Parker? Do you spin a web any size, catching thieves just like flies?

    When I was a kid, I loved Spiderman, and I am looking forward to the new flick. I hope it's as good as the actual comic and the cartoons that used to air.

  • ThatSucks

    Hello "Spiderman".

    Pleased to meet you.

    I am from Barcelona, Spain and I recently bought a computer and got on the internet. I was searching for Jehovah's Witnesses as I am one of them. I found this site. I understand that a great majority here are ex-brothers and sisters, but I also see that some are still Witnesses, only they are inactive or thinking about leaving the religion.
    Don't forget us "interested ones" who have never been witnesses.

    I would like to clarify that I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses. I am not here to torment anyone or to bother anyone. I think that discussions are better when both sides of the story are presented.
    I wish I could believe you, but if you are truly an active witness, then you will only truly be interested in showing the 'good' site of witnesses and minimizing/ignoring the bad aspects of their belief system. Unfortunately, this usually means ignoring all of the REAL PROBLEMS that many people on this board struggle with every day. That in turn will cause you to torment/bother some members of this board (inadvertantly or not).

    That is what I offer, my side of the story per say. Of course I do not represent all 6 million of my brothers and sisters, but I would like to add my opinions to the discussions here presented.
    Thank you for admitting as much. Please remember that before uttering the phrase "the witnesses do" or "the witnesses do not" on any given topic on this forum. It is really refreshing to see one who is humble when others proclaim god-given wisdom over others on topics they don't even understand.

    I have read many sad stories in the archives of many of you. Unfortunately many were stumbled by man and that is sad in itself.
    Having said that, what do you hope to accomplish here by telling 'both sides of the story', since you too are being led by men (because I know that God doesn't write the WT and AWAKE)?

    I see that many of you are going through a healing process and trying to find comfort and support within this small community and I wish that I could help.
    Excellent sintiment.

    Jehovah cares for all specially for his lost sheep.
    Uh oh! Here we go. You should have said "I believe Jehovah cares for all [e]specially for his lost sheep." and you would have been better off. Stating belief as fact that others disagree with is NO WAY to help others heal. It makes you look self-righteous and judgemental, despite your intentions, and others will view you as someone considering himself a better person than others.

    A friendly hello to all. I hope everyone enjoys my signature, I got it from a beautiful movie. Guess which one it is...
    Sorry, can't venture a guess, but hello right back. I would welcome you to the board, but it is not my board. I'm just glad you could chat with these great folks.
  • gsx1138

    Hello Spidy, I'm new here as well. Why don't you tell the elders in you congregation that you are visiting this board and see what they say. If you can accept that the organization as it is is nothing more than mind control and just like the friends you have then by all means stay a JW. But as I've said before, the grass is not only greener on the other side there is less BS.
    If you're happy then I'm happy. However, if you are truly looking for honest discourse you may be in for a rude awakening. Others here are far more intelligent than I when doing religious debate but even I have little trouble exposing the many false hoods in the JW organization. Otherwise, good to see ya.

    Dear Lord, please save me from your followers.

  • Spiderman

    Thank you all for the welcome.

    You know, maybe have a round-table discussion with us on this forum, or something like that.
    I think the GB does have discussions winthin the body and also they take into consideration letters from the field, that is from District and Circuit Overseers. I doubt they will ever come to discuss Witness issues in this forum Six.

    Are you sure you can handle coming here or are you going to use your spider sense to ward off apostate reasoning?
    sleepy, that's a funny one.

    You say that people "were stumbled by man", when at the same time these men are part of "god's visible organization on earth". You can't have it both ways - God's visible organization on earth composed of men, and people being hurt, not by god's organization, but a man.
    Well, let's put it this way. According to the Bible, Satan was once an angel and part of Jehovah's invisible organization in heaven. Yet, he did stumble Adam and Eve. Although Jehovah can control everything and everyone, he chooses not to. In today's organization here on earth, men inside the religion cause others to stumble. Jesus gave warning about this happening in the last days.

    How could I conscientiously remain associated with an organization that is dishonest?
    Alan thanks for your welcome and I understand your decision. Is it not true that sometimes as human beings we look too much into human error and attribute that error to God? Do you still believe in the Bible and that Jehovah is the one true God Almighty?

    Is your signature from "As Good As it Gets" with Jack Nicholson?
    You got it right, Francois. That is a beautiful movie. I enjoyed it very much, one of my favorites.

    When I was a kid, I loved Spiderman, and I am looking forward to the new flick. I hope it's as good as the actual comic and the cartoons that used to air.
    I do too, DB. From the previews it's going to be very good. According to their website, it comes out May 3rd, but I think only in the USA.

    TS, thanks for your comments and I will keep your thoughts in mind as I post in this forum.

    Why don't you tell the elders in you congregation that you are visiting this board and see what they say.
    I think I would get some serious counseling LOL. I do know the dangers of the internet, being spritual and even physically. Unfortunately the internet is also being used to distribute filthy material such as porn and hatred.

    if you are truly looking for honest discourse you may be in for a rude awakening.
    I think I can handle rude awakenings. I used to be a devout Catholic and then I got a "rude awakening" from a friend that was Pentecostal. They tought me many things that was wrong with the Catholic faith. I handled that one o.k. and abandoned the church. Then I received the visit of two regular pioneers at my door. I received a "rude awakening" on many false doctrines that are taught by Pentecostals. I was able to handle that one also. Now I am a Witness and have always enjoyed the study of God's word.
  • SixofNine
    I think the GB does have discussions winthin the body and also they take into consideration letters from the field, that is from District and Circuit Overseers. I doubt they will ever come to discuss Witness issues in this forum Six.

    Well then, if you are a reasonable person, you will despise them for their lack of honest.

    What could an elder tell a GB member? OTH, I, I could tell them lots. It would be a fresh perspective (for them) and, unlike elders, I wouldn't be sucking up to them or even slightly afraid that by differing with them I was offending God. So then, if they were honest men, they would come to someone like me.

    They are not honest men. I'm not even sure they're men. What do you think Spidey? You don't think they are special, do you?

  • AjaxMan

    Spiderman or Hombre Arana,

    Welcome to the board,

    I received a "rude awakening" on many false doctrines that are taught by Pentecostals. I was able to handle that one also. Now I am a Witness and have always enjoyed the study of God's word.
    If you got a rude awakening by Jehovah's Witnesses about the Pentecostals, get yourself ready for a rude awakening about the Jehovah's Witnesses by xJWs, other Christians and never-been JWs.

    I have never been a JW. In dealing with one and reading what their doctrines are about, I made the choice that I will never become a JW and I will not allow my family to become witnesses as I will inform and teach my family what the JW doctrines are all about and how Anti-Christian they are.

    If you are happy with your religion, Good For you and also, I don't see the need of why do you want to be on this board.

    I would like to clarify that I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses. I am not here to torment anyone or to bother anyone. I think that discussions are better when both sides of the story are presented. That is what I offer, my side of the story per say. Of course I do not represent all 6 million of my brothers and sisters, but I would like to add my opinions to the discussions here presented.
    Usually from what I've seen everytime there is a discussion with a JW in this board, it's the JW who shuts himself/herself out from listening or understanding other people's opinion as I've seen that the attitude of JWs is always that they are always right.

    Tambien, te informo que yo puedo hablar y enteder Castellano/Espanol.
    (Translation: Also, let me inform you that I can speak and understand Castillian Spanish)

    Bienvenido y no abuses de tus privilegios en este board (Translation: Welcome and don't abuse your privileges in this board).


  • butalbee

    Wow--Spiderman your doing really good doing the quote thing, you know how long it took me to figure out forum code. I still don't know how to change color or make bigger letters............You're really catching on fast.

  • Adonai438

    Welcome Spider Guy

    Glad to see you here and hope to get to 'know' ya a bit better.
    Please know that all of us don't make decisions based on human circumstances. I was one that did not do that. I was a JW for while trying to find God. I wanted to know him and learn about him and serve him. So under the encouragement of family I did join the JWs. The problem became that my allegiance was to Yahweh alone. I love him very much. When I studied the scriptures myself and prayed I learned a lot. A lot that did not agree with WT doctrine. I had to choose to follow scripture and the truth over just staying in my comfort zone and not making waves. I love Yahweh with all my heart and know him personally now. The JWs although most are sincere are not following what the Bible says. Their doctrines are manmade and not found in scripture. I am not trying to be harsh or unwelcoming here-- for you are respected and welcomed--- but wish you to know that although many have been hurt by the WT's actions that is not the sole reason that people leave. I experienced their hypocritical side only after I left so it did not influence my decision. I left the WT because it does not teach the true gospel or the true Christ. Or the true Yahweh.
    You say you think it is good to have both sides represented in the discussion--- thats a good start. Please above all else remain loyal to Yahweh/Jehovah. If you truly love him and care about the truth consider your beliefs and scripture very carefully. Yahweh loves you very much and I hope to talk with ya sometime
    God bless, <>< Angie

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