Islam's hatred and agenda against black people

by Spartacus 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • LDH

    Hygh you said:

    Ok first, we arent using the race card to say why

    they should not be muslims. Rather we are

    stating that Muslims groups like Nation of Islam

    that claim that the original muslims were black

    (africans) are not stating the truth. They are using

    the race card to claim that blacks should be

    muslim. We are merely refuting their claim. In

    addition to refuting their claim, we are showing

    just how detrimental Islam has been to dark


    TOTALLY agree.

    As to you feeling Arabs are on the black side of the

    skin debate, I am sure there are more than a few

    that would take offense at that. Nor did I say the

    Quran is accurate. What I did state was that there

    are degrees of 'white' and degrees of 'black'. If a

    people is mostly very very dark, and there are

    some light skinned, almost pale skinned peoples

    dwelling among them, they would perhaps

    be thought of as white. Again we are not speaking

    of them being thought of as European, just lighter



    In any case it brings us back to the original

    arguement. The claim by Nation of Islam, and

    other Muslim groups, when they are dealing with

    blacks, that Muhammed was black, and that Islam

    originated with African tribes in an effort to convert

    blacks to their religion. This claim is historically

    false, has no basis in fact, and is simply another

    manipulation technique. If they wish to give other

    reasons for africans joining, then do so. If they

    wish to quote the numbers of Africans who are now

    muslim, do so. Or the effect Islam has had on

    converts from Africa, do so. But then if they did so, perhaps Africans, American blacks that is, would simply laugh and walke away, or worse, demand reparations from them.


    As to you feeling Arabs are on the black side of the skin debate, I am sure there are more than a few that would take offense at that

    Of course they would! Shit, be ANYTHING but black!!!! [8>] Shit, black people don't even want to be black! Black carries connotations of lazy, shiftless etc etc. Remove the negative connotations and black is merely a skin color with neither positive nor negative qualities.

    What I did state was that there are degrees of 'white' and degrees of 'black'. If a people is mostly very very dark, and there are some light skinned, almost pale skinned peoples dwelling among them, they would perhaps be thought of as white. Again we are not speaking of them being thought of as European, just lighter skinned.

    Fully agree, which is why you will see my reference to light skinned blacks early on in the argument.

    As for Louis Farrakhan invoking the old "Original Muslims were black" argument--he is playing the race card as well as the author does!!!! Besides just being an asshole in general and having partial responsibility in the death of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Which should really make the argument that blacks should have nothing to do with Islam.

    And my position is that the truth lay somewhere in the middle.

    I find it interesting--where are all the white people claiming Arabs as their own? Just another example of looking down on anyone with skin browner than your own.


  • LDH
    No one was indicating that we thought Muhammed was anything but Arab.

    EXCEPT for the author of the article, who, *IMHO* made an impossible leap in an effort to play the race card in the current state of relations between blacks and whites.

    My beef is with the author. Period. --not you or Spart OR Rev.


  • amccullough


    And the educational level that this article is written on-- would qualify to be in JET or EBONY.

    You are an obvious pseudo-intellect. It is obvious thanks to your attempts to post condescendingly to others (as quoted above) and to repeatedly point out your expertise on a matter by telling us all how you have travelled here and there. From an "objective" viewpoint, HyghLandyr and Spartacus have very clear and concise arguments which you seem to repeatedly misunderstand and warp in your rebuttal.

    White is only white in relation to whoever is observing it. ESPECIALLY since it is written from the view point of the eyewitness-- who may have WELL never seen a REAL white person. It's not like they had CNN! REALLY!
    That's the whole point being made! Who cares what race he was...from the eyewitness' subjective viewpoint, he looked white, which means HE WASN'T AN AFRICAN. Therefore, refuting the idea that African-Americans should be enamored by and drawn to the Muslim Nation because of it's African origin. That was the point. I don't think Spartacus or Hyghlandyr care what race Mohammed was, besides the fact that he wasn't African. It is you who has tried to turn this into a racial debate of whether or not Mohammed was "white."

    That's my prerogative. You can't come here and post an article and not expect people to critique it objectively! GEEEEZ.
    You seem to be so completely engulfed in your own opinions that it would be impossible for you to "critique it objectively."
  • Hyghlandyr

    Actually I do like some things about Islam for blacks, including Farakan. At least black americans. Dont drink. Dont use drugs. Be a father for your children. Some muslim converts do abide these well. But it seems to me that people always abide the things in a religion that appeal to them and casually pass over the things that bother them. 'Today we drink, tomorrow Allah forgives.' But isnt it a beautiful thing how the Quran allows women to be stoned for adultery?

    My muslim associate was defending this to me. Well it has several steps he declares. First bring her parents to talk to her. If she does not obey, it says, then beat her. Finally if she does not obey, stone her. Hmm...ok. Try that with an american woman. What about those who are consenting? There is no consent, obey or die. But disobey if you can keep it hidden. And the penalties for men are different than those for women. But this is such a beautiful thing he declares. Hey I am into bondage fetishes and whipping women as well as the next guy, SO LONG AS IT IS CONSENSUAL. And I dont mean just consensual where she tolerates it, but I mean consensual where she would get off on it. As it is I have to whip myself cause my wife aint into that sorta thing Alas!

    Let's see, three wives, seven concubines, nine slave girls, and twenty-seven black nazi female body guards. I've only got forty-five women to go and my cult is complete

  • LDH

    (Ignoring AMC obvious attempts to start a flame war....because he/she thinks I'm not entitled to my opinion of this article and author.....)

    Quoting directly from the Author, Iqbal Rahman, who states:

    Knowing that these are well thought-out falsifications, intended only to draw Blacks towards Islam, I felt compelled to set the facts straight. Nothing in this article is meant to lend approval to this racial approach. If we are to accept or reject Islam, it should be based on Islam's own merits, rather than color or origin
    However then goes on to make his case....on RACIAL merits He acknowledges that Mohammed was an Arab.....then makes the leap to calling this Arab a White guy based on some non-substantiated eyewitness text from a VERY biased and subjective source.

    (IMHO, this serves only to inflame already poor race relations between whites and blacks in this country. )

    He continues the article by doing what his introduction stated he would be doing, namely examining the MERITS of ISLAM.

    Many of the teachings of Islam are incompatible with progress. Neither are they compatible with human rights, civil rights or constitutional rights.

    Here are a few examples of the teachings of Islam:

    Men are superior to women. (Surah 2:22
    Women have half the rights of men:
    In court witness. (Surah 2:282)
    In inheritance. (Surah 4:11)
    A man may beat his wife. (Surah 4:34)
    A man may marry up to four wives at the same time (Surah 4:3)
    Muslims must fight until their opponents submit to Islam. (Surah 9:29)
    A Muslim must not take a Jew or a Christian for a friend.(Surah 5:51)
    A Muslim apostate must be killed.(Surah 9:12)
    Stealing is punished by the amputation of the hands. (Surah 5:3
    Adultery is punished by public flogging. (Surah 24:2)
    No separation between Church and State. (Surah 2:193)
    No opposition party allowed. (Surah 4:59)

    He then ends the article with another reference to race politics by saying:

    My fellow African-American:

    Muslims don't care for your skin color, they are only using that to gain control over you. For if Muslims really care for Africans, why are African Muslims kidnapping their African Christian brothers these days in Sudan, butchering the weak and selling the healthy as slaves?

    So, in an effort to expose Islam for what it is, a religion of non-tolerance, he seriously sells black folks intelligence short by invoking his OWN opposite but equal race card?!?! As though the scriptures mentioned in the Quran arent' enough to make any thinking person run and hide?

    By the way, Spart, since you posted the article [8>] would you be so kind as to post the SOURCE of the said article?

    The only reference to an author by the name of Iqbal Rahman comes from the following:

    Muslim individuals also are becoming more active. Iqbal Rahman wrote a story for the York University campus newspaper titled "Media Intolerant Toward Muslims."

    The 23-year-old Pickering resident, who had never even penned a letter to the editor prior to writing his article, was inspired to write it by a spiteful cartoon in the Canadian daily Globe and Mail. It depicted a Muslim sitting on his prayer mat reading books on how to kill, maim and make explosives. In the background was a poster calling for the death of British author Salman Rushdie.

    The mathematics student, who is one of 15,000 Canadian Muslims of Caribbean descent

    and it does not appear that this is *our* Iqbal Rahman. Certainly, if this author has some credibility his work will appear in a journal of some prominence.


  • Spartacus

    Yeah I caught that amccullough...

    LDH said: And the educational level that this article is written on-- would qualify to be in JET or EBONY.

    Never mind the fact that most magazines are written on a level for most people to read and entertained. Both of those mags are celebrity profile magazines with a little room for news, nothing too serious to be written on a higher level. Some articles in Ebony are written on a higher level depending on the issue. What a BIGOT you are!

    LDH you are the real BIGOT!! I'm not pissed but amused at how stupid people can be.

    And BTW you talk, you ain't been anywhere, so stop telling them big ass fibs about where you have traveled, it's a lie. Anybody can see through that BS!

    By your very poor understanding LDH, I wondered if you could actually read WITH COMPREHENSION. You've got bigoted issues with black people don't you, huh?

    I have lost respect for you and don't care to see anymore of your posts, take a hike!

  • LDH

    Spartacus don't be a stupid fool. You've fallen for AMC's race rhetoric again.

    Both of those mags are celebrity profile magazines with a little room for news, nothing too serious to be written on a higher level.
    I can't believe you think I was slamming Ebony or Jet--when in fact I was slamming the author?!?!? Are you that Friggin blinded?!?!? The ARTICLE is nothing more than pablum for the masses---entertainment meant to rile people's emotions. And you really think I was slamming Jet or Ebony? OHMIGAWD. THAT IS LAUGHABLE.

    And BTW you talk, you ain't been anywhere, so stop telling them big ass fibs about where you have traveled, it's a lie. Anybody can see through that BS!
    Any of you lurkers/non-frequent posters who know me personally care to refute this bullshit?

    You've got bigoted issues with black people don't you, huh?
    [8>] Because I disagree with you, I'm a bigot. I guess that's why you liked this article and I didn't.

    No, dear Spart. It's YOU you has race issues. I'll direct you to some of your earlier threads.

    as well as this one.

    Now, do you really think you can post an article and only get feedback which supports your position? You think someone isn't entitle to disagree with the POSITION of the author?

    Why are you taking this so personally? Don't you know the difference between an opinion on an article and a personal attack?!?!?

    I am flabbergasted and have lost respect.


  • Spartacus

    Those links to my other posts only proves that I am qualified to spot a BIGOT when I see one.

    Take a Hike!

  • amccullough
    You've fallen for AMC's race rhetoric again.

    LOL. Again? Rhetoric? In that my posts were persuasive or pretentious? Either way, I'm flattered, I must be smarter than I thought.

  • LDH

    Ok, so:

    1. You post an article written by the very nebulous persona of Mr. Iqbal Rahman.

    2. I disagree with slant of said article, and say so.

    3. You proceed to try to PROVE what the article says, when the fact is if I DISAGREE with the slant of the article, don't really give a shit one way or another what you 'prove'

    4. I ask for source of said article, seeking to validate author's credentials or experience in writing about said topic, or even his existence. Who is Iqbal Rahman????

    5. You decide that since I don't read Ebony or Jet I am a racist.

    -------------->>> Note to self. Spartacus seeks other's approval and can't handle criticism of articles that he posts. 1. In the future, kiss Spartacus' ass because otherwise he will call you a BIGOT which is one notch shy of a RACIST 2. Get subscription to Jet or Ebony magazine.


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