If anyone is interested in my 'Coming out' video on Youtube....

by Newly Enlightened 45 Replies latest jw experiences

  • losingit

    NE-- you mentioned your daughter's video and husband's video. Could you provide a link? I'd love to see them. :-)

  • Aunt Fancy
    Aunt Fancy

    Hi Kim, you did a very nice job. While I was watching it I kept thinking how much Shyla sounds and looks like you. It took a lot of courage to come out like that. I didn't realize you were now DF'd, I will have to go look up your post about that.

  • Trevor Scott
    Trevor Scott

    Kim, great vid! Thanks for sharing!

  • rawe

    Hi Kim,

    Very much enjoyed your video! I like how you answered the question of "why make a video?" When some Witnesses raise that objection there is this implication that somehow it is wrong for former members to express themselves. How ironic! A faith that teach it's members to invade the private lives of people in a door-to-door fashion should be the very last ones to suggest others should not be allowed to express themselves. I also liked your point about the Reasoning Book. Indeed, I think few leave the organization because they've stumbled on material from sites like jwfacts.com. Rather the story you hear time and again is the very material produced by The Watchtower Society creates concern. Or the actions of leaders or others in the faith. It is only after the internal search fails that folks tend to finally give themselves permission to look outside. It is then that sites like jwfacts.com and others give the seeker the confidence they are not crazy or alone in the doubts about the faith.

    I'm sorry to hear local elders decided to slander you and your husband, simply because you've decided you can no longer believe what Witnesses believe. Of course we appreciate this is one clear sign the doctrine of the faith is really not solidly based. Instead fear and intimitation tactics are used in place of direct honesty -- sad really. Many good people are in the faith, alas the leadership does not treat them with honor.

    If ever you are in the Phoenix/Chandler, AZ area -- look up our meetup groups (one on meetup.com and the other on groupspaces.com). It is nice to meet with follow ex-Witnesses face to face.



  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    Hubby is actually still working on his video. Hopefully it will be ready to download soon. But Shyla's is listed below:


  • joe134cd

    God bless your efforts. All the best.

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    Thanks Randy. I seldom get to Phx, even tho I lived in Cottonwood for 25 yrs. But I live in NM now and the only reason I had to go back to AZ, was to see family. That has been squashed now.

    Aunt Fancy: I know we haven't been keeping up with updates on what has been going on with us. This was the last post:


    That was back in May. We were only told that Elders from another state [our old cong. in AZ] had been informed that hubby was talking against the organization and handing out apostate literature. [He never even had anything but WT literature and only showed his non-JW brother]

    The Elder's started calling us, wanting to talk to hubby but he ignored them and we screened our calls. Then on Aug 7th, 2 Elders showed up again out of the blue unannounced and questioned me alone while hubby was at work. A week later they called and wanted to talk to Mike on a conference call. Hubby told them that they had usurped his headship by questioning me alone without his knowledge on a very serious matter and he stripped them of their authority, THEN HUNG UP ON THEM!

    3 days later we received a certified invitation to our JC meeting for apostasy, 5 days away. There was no way we could make that meeting since we were going to be gone and had no idea what the evidence or witnesses were. No time to prepare anything. So a friend offered to help us write a nice respectful letter requesting to postpone it until after Oct 1 [Hubby was going to be out of town deer hunting] also asking to be told what the evidence, charges and witnesses were. Also informing them that the elder that had signed our JC letters as the "chairman of the JC", was one of the elders that came out here questioning me and according to their own 'Flock [elder's book'] The elders used to invesitgate CANNOT be on the JC because they now become 'witnesses' and cannot be the judges.

    A few days later we got a very terse letter stating that our meeting would be in 6 days on Sept 18 and if we did not show up we would be disfellowshipped for apostasy.

    We never went to that Kangaroo Court ambush. We stayed home and had a nice dinner, had a few drinks and glad we finally had our freedom.

  • Kojack57

    Kim: loved your video, your courage to do this is awesome. Keep your head up and keep exposing this EVIL CULT. You have our blessing.

  • Antioch

    Thank you for posting that video. I'm very happy you had the strength of mind to stop using the JW plan for life. It's just wrong and wasteful isn't it? Now I'm going to watch your daughter's video. Ciao!

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    It is all worth it. We individually don't have to make a big dent in WT but if make little tiny steps. I received this email this morning from a very nice Protestant woman.

    If we can help those of other religions just to be able to confront JW's when they show up knocking on heir doors preaching.

    Her email:

    To:KIM B

    I just thought you'd get a kick out of this! (For some background, i'm a Protestant and i just LOVE talking to JWs from that perspective, long story on that, LOL) Anyhoo, so i was JUST after watching your video , talking to a Witness, and after he was saying how it's just everyone's free choice to join the WT, i paint for him a picture of a kid who grew up in it, and ALL the restrictive behavior/info control - i listed it out for him, can't visit another church, can't read any other religions pubs, can't have friends outside WT,etc. AND THEN...you get baptized at 14, and they say it was YOUR OWN DECISION! ha, are you kidding me. THen you're trapped because of the shunning. So, i just threw in, oh yah, why does the WT lie about this on jw.org?? And he starts haltingly trying to explain/justify/deny it, and i just stopped him, and said, don't even bother with that, because i know in your heart, you know full well that this is a total lie. And he was quiet, and then i told him to google jehovahs witness suicide/mental illness.

    Anyways, i thought you'd get a smile from that, you said you wanted to get the word out!! :)

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