My Mom Is Finally Seeing The Light!

by minimus 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    I am very happy that my dear old mom is finally seeing the truth about the "Truth".

    What hit her like a ton of bricks is the latest WT. study article that exalts the Governing Body and pretty much negates everything the Bible Students and Russell, the founder of the Watchtower, ever said was truth!

    It got her thinking, especially because the night before, we talked about the hypocrisy of Witnesses being able to accept blood fractions but in no way could they donate their blood so that someone else might be able to have these same life saving blood fractions. (Thanks to the thread about this the other day).

    At 87, she's sharp and aware. I know my mother. She may go through the motions but she does understand that whatever "new light" the Governing Body comes out with will be the new flavor of the week and things can change---just like that!

    When you can't count on the "Truth", because the truth always continues to change, it's time to think twice about what you're doing and why you are being led about by the whims of men.

    I'm always encouraged by Mouthy. She left in her late years and there is no turning back. Maybe that same thing will happen with my mom, but even if it doesn't 100%, I'm glad she is seeing the light!

  • carla

    Glad to hear it Min! and you are having conversations about it all! that is amazing and gives others hope.

  • wasblind

    Great news Min

    At 87 years young, that shows it's never too late to learn

    about bein' duped

  • problemaddict

    Great news man. Glad she still speaks to you and doesn't shun you in order to make that communication possible.

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    I love to hear older ones getting out!!! where there is life - always hope

  • Gayle

    So happy for you about your mom!! I think even older ones can finally see. I think more older ones will be leaving, or going inactive at least. Some may not go out full force, but will be able to truthfully and conventiently say "because of my health problems, expenses, etc."

    Best wishes to you both.

  • adamah

    Great work, minimus!


  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Wow Minimus! I am so happy to hear this good news.


  • minimus

    Thanks, everyone. She gets a lot of help from the congregation. The people there aren't so bad, really. But at least I know she's getting tired of the BS.


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