Has anyone been infected by the FBI Moneypak virus?

by keyser soze 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    It happened to me a few weeks ago. My laptop locked up and I got a message, supposedly from the FBI cybercrimes division, saying that there was a criminal investigation being launched against me for one or multiple infringements. And being the tech savvy guy that I am, I thought it was real, and started freaking out. The letterhead seemed authentic, and it had my name, IP address, and service provider. Fortunately, after the intitial shock wore off, I was able to think more clearly, and realize it was a scam.

    For starters, the fact that it was asking for 300 dollars, that could only be paid with Moneypak, should've been a red flag. And then there's the fact that the FBI would never employ such a tactic to begin with.

    So I was without my laptop for a couple of weeks because I wasn't aware of how easy it actually was to remove the virus. I thought I was going to have to take it in to a professional, and wasn't sure I wanted to bother, being that it was an old computer, and I've been wanting to update. But I got bored last night and was able to remove it on my own with little difficulty.

  • jookbeard

    had it twice from a UK police constabulary demanding £100 from a Pay Point voucher to unlock it, fortunately my other user was unaffected and done a quick scan to remove it.

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    I have had 9 "kindly" offers, lol, from Nigerian scam artists in less than a week.

    So far, no "kindly" offers from the FBI. lol


  • Dis-Member

    This is a type of threat, known as ransomware, which displays alerts that keep asking you to send money to unlock your computer. A ransomware restricts access to the computer and demands a ransom to be paid to the creator of the threat to use the computer. The threat instructs the user to send money by Moneypak or uKash depending on the region.

    These threats try to trick you into sending money by making you think that your computer is no longer accessible.

    Quite easy to remove:


    If that dos not work this will..


  • cantleave

    I was infected by this. I managed to remove it by removing all recent *.exe files.

    The irony was I picked it up whilst downloading what I thought was free virus removal software!!

  • Over%forme

    I, all so was infected and went to the Drug Store

    they said it was a scam. So took my computer

    to" Best Buy" because I couldn't unlock it.

    Every thing is fine now.

  • LisaRose

    I have not heard of it. I will ask my husband, who actually works cyber crime for the bureau, if he has heard of it.

  • KelrDa

    I had the same problem with fake FBI and DOJ message. Removed it manually


  • chrisuk

    I've never had it but I've removed it and others like it plenty of times. If anyone ever has any problems like this head over to http://malwaretips.com/portal.php? that's a site I help out on. We help people remove all kinds of infections and there's also plenty of good advice on computer security.

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