Isn't the new light exciting???

by wannaexit 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • out4good3

    For the most part, that is all that it is...white noise.

  • free2beme

    What is the new light, this time?

  • Faithful Witness
    Faithful Witness

    Some more gobbledy gook about 1914. Jesus came or maybe he didn't, but he didn't start the harvest or he did, and most of the stuff is coming in the future, depending on if you agree that the words "come" and "arrive" mean the same thing, and if they refer to the future, as in "return." I'm a little bit confused myself, but I only read the articles 6 times, and I don't speak JW as well as I did when my brain was numb. I just am pretty sure that Jesus came or visited or arrived invisibly, inspetted the bible students in 1914 and appointed the ones remaining in 1919... The slave was selected because of their dedication and preaching work. jesus was proud to see they'd distributed millions of books and magazines, declaring the end of the world And the news of the kingdom.

  • steve2

    It's a comforting delusion to still get excited about the drivel in the publications. Witnesses who get so excited need to be careful lest they suffer from light bladder leakage. Too much excitement, guys!

    This manufactured excitement creates an illusion that stuff is really building up to finally happen. Yes, this time! I cannot forget the urgently shrill tone in the Watchtower study articles from the early to mid-1970s. Sure fooled many of us into thinking something big must be about to happen - otherwise why would the magazines sound such an urgent message. Oh, that was just on 40 years ago...yes, steve, you were sucked in big time.

  • free2beme

    If Rutherford and Russell were alive today, they would so disfellowshipped for teaching wrong information.

  • steve2

    If Rutherford and Russell were alive today, they would so disfellowshipped for teaching wrong information.

    You're far too kind about these long dead idiotic charlatans. Rutherford in particular was so severely grandiose, if he were alive today, he would issue an order than anyone in the organization who has changed any of his teachings and "understandings" would be summarily excommunicated. The man was deluded and would not even notice, were he alive, that most current Witnesses if they really knew him, would treat him as a laughing stock.

    As for Russell, he may not have been as savage in his "Christianity" as Rutherford, but he was every bit as deluded and grandiose. Man, what a spiritual legacy.

  • WTWizard

    These wimpy changes are presented in such a way as to provide the illusion to the witlesses while I can say "Whoopie ding-dong!" to the whole thing. About the only way anyone can fully appreciate this is if they have such dull lives that something like this appears to be the highest point. Well, if life is sufficiently dull, so can watching someone winning an old stuffed buffalo on reruns of Let's Make a Deal.

  • lilbluekitty

    Wait, so what is the new light lately? I've been out for long time now, I'm kind of out of touch with this stuff LOL

  • insearchoftruth4

    lilbluekitty, even those that go can't figure it. I asked an 81 year old friend about it and he said they just got to tweek it till they get it right, but it still is the truth! his eyeballs got crosseyed. Another 70 year old friend went to his office to study the new light article, when came out, his nose was on his forehead and he was his scratching his brains, his face was all red, then he said he was going to meeting. I asked him if he was going to take the SHORT BUS? He got mad......Its exciting alright and retarted.....


  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    I don't get it? I don't understand how anybody can sit through this new light and not have a little bell go off that says: "wait a minute this has gone too far".

    Why do untold millions of people get drunk every day? Why do they overeat and abuse their bodies? Why do they take drugs? Religion is ultimately just another form of escapism and addiction.

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