The Two Governing Bodies

by Londo111 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • slimboyfat

    Why has that not been done before? Sounds interesting.

  • Londo111

    Is it legal to post the results?

  • slimboyfat

    Why not if it's public information?

    There is no dividends anyway are there? So what's the benefit apart maybe from pretige?

  • BackseatDevil

    here's the wiki entery on the corporations of Jehovah's Witnesses's_Witnesses although it doesn't really get in to detail about the extention of the farm in Florida (Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Florida, Inc. would fall under @jgnat's noted "other entities") or the listing of the various Assembly Hall or Convention corporations (Maine, California, etc.) that work with the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses (and I think JWN has a pretty exhaustive list somewhere)... but the wiki site gives a pretty good overview of the extent of the 'money matters' involved and the massive need to keep a very real network of corporations running.

    But again... it can't LOOK like that's what's going on.

    But it is.

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