The Two Governing Bodies

by Londo111 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    Well, whatever they said, I would love to see it in print! i have been asking about it for almost 2 years! It's like an super rare pokemon! Does it even exist?!? Great topic btw.

  • Londo111

    In a sense, I wonder if it could be thought of as a bi-cameral body.

  • bigmac

    board of directors--??

    $£ kerching !!

    is that where it all goes ?

  • Nostromo

    does anyone know how many of those directors say they are anointed? I remember Malenfant is, how about the others?

  • slimboyfat

    I suspect the GB member was merely being rhetorical in claiming he was subject to the same sort of dress code regulations as other JWs. I highly doubt that the board of directors instruct the GB or others on such matters.

    That having been said the scope of the authority of the directors is an interesting question. I wonder if they meet regularly and what they decide, who gets to appoint new members, and whether they ever have official meetings with the GB.

  • Pterist


    My question was "are the GB controlled by the NONPROFIT shareholders in another forum, I hope this helps, here is the answer I got :




    If you ask a JW does the GB still run the Wt Corp they will say no NOT SINCE 2000 when they all resigned and turned over things to others

    so "legally" they are correct, but in actuality its a different story

    They want to create the outward appearance that these corp operate independently of them, well nice try

    Have you ever heard of a SHELL COMPANY, where on Legal papers it appears that one entity controls the corporation but in REALITY it is controled by another

    From time to time I will see persons raise the question about WT Stockholders or WT Voting members.

    Does some wealthy stockholder have controling interest, and can PULL THE STRINGS of the org behind the scene?
    As you will see it is amazing how the GB has this power thing down to a science

    in my old hall we had 5 former Bethelites including myself on the BOE. The PO was a real local heavy.

    While at Bethel he decided like some Bethelites he wanted to be a missionary- so he signed up and went to Gilead- and later married another missionary

    They were pulled into the branch office were he was assigned as one of the three branch committee members. While there he was tapped by the GB to be a ***VOTING MEMBER***, so each year in Oct he along with all the WORLDS HEAVIES would fly into NY for the annual meeting
    now back in the day along time ago----- one could actually BUY $$$$ the ability to cast votes on who the officers would be in the org
    so a rich jw could indeed like within any corp that has voting members-- CONTROL who was installed as officers


    So THE GB were like this method has to be changed so no one can control any officers in the wt corp
    so the wt replaced it with a system that is exactly like the
    Russian "Politburo"

    Where VOTING MEMBERS are given nothing more than a honorific posts as a rewardfor their long years of service to the Organization and they KNOW HOW THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO VOTE

    So how does that happen and what does that mean?
    When i was at bethel you could sign up to go to the annual meeting and bring along guest, you could request 2 or 4 ticket and take your mom and dad or some friends-

    but since it REQUIRED taking a Sat off Alot of bethelites didn't go, HEY MAN YOUR SAT OFF WERE LIKE GOLD
    so if you went to one- you been to them all as we used say

    Besides you would get all the NOTES AND EXP ON MONDAY from some guy who typed them up for everyone. so you still got the exp you could take back home or when you gave talks

    as always someone jacks up the program, we had some bethelites trying to get 15/20 tickets and so with the bethel family increasing it was decided to limit it

    some bethelites knew how to---- jack up stuff-- for other bethel family members all the time

    While the annual "meeting" may last a couple hours, THE ACTUAL BUSINESS MEETING WHERE VOTES ARE CAST FOR OFFICERS only took about 10/15min

    the reason why is because it was ALL RUBBER STAMPED and why

    Well each and every person sitting there as a voting member was given their VOTING RIGHTS BY THE VERY MEN THEY WERE VOTING FOR- duhhhhhhhhhhhh
    therefore Russian "Politburo"

    and since many of them were either Current Branch members, CO DO or RETIRED CO DO AND BRANCH MEMBERS MISSIONARIES OR JUST LOCAL HEAVIES IN THEIR AREA
    everyone there was there due to their UNSWERVING LOYALTY TO THE GB

    so if you were a DO or CO or Branch member--


  • BackseatDevil

    When it comes to the oversight of the structure of an organization that large, there is a lot to be done to maintain corporate sustainability. There is a LARGE portion of this structure that has to deal with the legalities of everything. The Governing Body was in charge of all these decisions, PLUS overseeing what went into the Watchtower and the upcoming publications, arranging conventions, monitoring new publication releases, and production of their books/mags/publication... AND trying to keep ahead of the game with information (because as a ever changing cult... they need to maintain... CHANGE).

    This is a lot of one group of people, and they kept adding people to the Governing Body because as the years, growth, technology, and production increased more and more departments and sub catagories of oversight were needed by people who were more qualified at the job than those that were "annointed" by god. Eventually it became a matter where the spiritual direction of the Witnesses seemed to be based on the financial movement of the Organization.

    (It was, mind you, but it couldn't LOOK that way).

    Proportionally it was obvious that the GB's main job was not spiritual enlightenment, but that of corporate cogs. So it was decided that one group would handle the structure of the organization from a administrative standpoint (handling all the structure of the organization) using those more suited for the job while the other group would handle the spirituality and content (the fluffy filling of the organization) giving the old people something to do. With this division, the corporate part of the organization can operate with streamline efficiency, and the spiritual side can pump out bloated nothing in record time.

    In reality, it is all for show. The two groups were meant to denote the "importance" that JWs put on spiritual matters... different than organizational matters, but trust me, the organization is 100 times more demanding and important than the spiritual content even though the OPPOSITE is what's displayed. Neither group is "over" the other, but the GB would be loosly considered the "most holy" of the temple while the board would be the "holy". by everyone in the outside.

    What your GB member was mentioning (about wearing a suit) wouldn't really exist in the format presented here. He most likely was trying to make a point about being respectful and demonstrating his own disply of "humility" to the organization... but the end result is an epic fail of Matthew 6:3-6.

  • Separation of Powers
    Separation of Powers


    I understand your post. It is very similar to the business meetings held at the Circuit and District level. The CO or DO turns in his receipts, the heavies have already approved them, but they go through the motions in allowing the "brothers" in the circuit or district group think that "they" have actually approved them.

    Funny story: One year, I attended the circuit business meeting, you know, the one held during lunch. The assembly overseer mentioned that the CO's bills were "X" and said that he recommended they be approved. Being on the way out mentally, I raised my hand and asked if the check was already written out. He said, "Well, yes. But, that is only because we knew you brothers would approve." This caused another brother to ask for the breakdown in expenses. Suddenly, the whole group started to question the cost of this or that. It was interesting how just one little question affected that meeting.

    Anyway, I digress, back to the point. The point is....the Governing Body may be in charge of something, but the money guys are in charge of a lot more. When an article or position is made public, rest assured that the legal department and the deep pockets have veto power.

    Just a thought,


  • Londo111

    @Pterist: Thank you. So in other words, the Board of Directors is a sham. More or less, the GB are still in charge.

  • LogCon


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