What Was The Effect of You Knowing Hypocritical JW's?

by LoisLane looking for Superman 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    Elders who would read you the riot act for missing meetings, but constantly climbing on an airplane to fly off on trips here and there. Elders who would criticize people for working to pay their bills, instead of sitting on their asses in a meeting and hoping God would notice they needed money.

    Sisters who couldn't keep a confidence, couldn't live up to their word, couldn't be on time, couldn't be honest, if they were gonna git a million dollars. But were very careful not to associate with weak ones who were bad associates, oh my no. Sisters who were in the nail salons and hair salons and tanning salons and carried the best brands of handbags, advising hard working sisters against materialism. One time I overheard this piece of "conversation:" OH yes, my shampoo is of the finest ingredients, well no, YOU wouldn't be able to buy it, it's imported from Australia, the cost is prohibitive, but I can't use that harsh stuff on my hair that most people buy.

    You think I'm kidding?!

    Brothers who would walk past a piece of trash and then give a talk about keeping the place clean. Brothers who would ignore a sister at the literature counter while they had big haw-haw good times back there. Good old boy elders who would talk about good investment opportunities and be your best friend until the thing went under - then they never seen your face before. Elders who ran construction crews and would pick up illegals, work them a day and then never go back to pay them. Elders who beat the everloving crap out of their wives and stayed in good standing while she was df'd. Elders who were goddamned drunks but the other elders would cover up for them - and THEIR wives were df'd for trying to tell what was going on in the home.

    This cult is pathetic, hateful, lying, rude, inconsiderate, domineering, condescending, full of shit and yes! HYPOCRITICAL is nowhere near strong enough word to describe them.

    Many ex-jw talk about how they knew so many good, well-intentioned people who are just misled. I knew many "nice" and good-reputation people who would not lift a finger or move their jaw to help someone being mistreated. They would kiss the ass of the abuser because he was in good-standing. Many sweet-faced sister had a scheming, manipulative agenda going on all the time.

    It is the hardest thing I know, to do what's right when it will turn your life upside down, totally shred what you worked many years for. No more reputation in the cult, no more good dependable friends who know you and love you - you thought! When I left I found out people i thought were friends were the opposite of friends. Users, liars, hypocrites, that's it.

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Iown MyLife,

    Everything you say, I ditto it.


  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    I put up with so much sh*t and saw so much corruption and brushed it aside as imperfect men. Once I started to awaken it made it so much easier to walk away but until that point it just niggled.

  • Sammy Jenkis
    Sammy Jenkis

    For me it was a heavy mixture of #'s 1-3 although I do admit 4 might have been in there too at times because I know for sure I might have messed some people up with my ignorance (for that I'm eternally sorry).

    #3 was what kept me in longer than I should have stayed, I wanted to prove that the fakers wouldn't affect my boulder-like faith. Inevitably though the lies and scandals seeped through and I reached the tipping point and bounced. The hypocrisy is what made me feel that the jw's could not be the one true religion.

  • dog is god
    dog is god

    I own my life....triple ditto. One sister who studied with me from the age of 12 up.....I saw her carrying on with an elder. His truck would park in front of her house the minute her kids were off to school and would leave one minute b4 they got home. It really took someone else to mention it b4 I saw it for what it was. THey claimed to be typing the school schedules etc. Once that one blew up I went thru some issues and stood back and questioned...am I the only fool who believes in these teachings. This sister's 16yr old daughter thought she was hot. She started dating this sweet worldly boy who was earning a football scholership. My husband started studying with him. He dropped his scholshp so as not to go to college. Then he dropped the bomb to my husband that the daughter was regularly spending the night with him. At that time the society was really big on "secret lives" being exposed so we decided to talk to the girl's father. He was in a bad place because his wife would not let him deal with anything. The next day, bright and early, this woman who basically taught me the truth, was my person I looked up to was banging on our door. I opened the door and she was sooooo angry she was literally red faced and splotchy necked. She asked me if I had gone to the elders, (which is what we were supposed to do). I said, "No. I think that is your job". She was a "pillar" of the cong and then the character assasination gossip started. We paid for what they did. I was rocked to the core. Then the girl breaks up with this kid. HIs parents were furious. I had seen a LOT in the cong but this made me so disillusioned that it was the big prep for leaving for me.

  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    YO, Dog is god - that is the same sort or type of stuff that blew up like a ton of dynamite in the septic tank that helped me gain my sanity!

  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    LoisLane! during my rant, i forgot my favorite thing to rant about! How many times it was demonstrated that whatever happened and whatever anybody did, just DON'T SAY anything. It's okay for jw to DO awful, hurtful, hypocritical crap, as long as nobody knows about it or if they know about it, they keep their MOUTH SHUT.

    And take anything to an elder - what, are you KIDDING! That is the BIGGEST lying trap they got going! You tell an elder that you're aware of some serious wrongdoing, what's the first thing they say? WHO ELSE KNOWS ABOUT THIS. The 2nd thing they say is, WHAT'S YOUR MOTIVE IN TELLING THIS?

    What the hell? So like Dog is god said, We paid for what we knew, we paid for what they did. The elders got mad because we told the wrongdoing and in turn everybody we knew turned their back on us.

    The Jehovah's Witnesses organization is ridiculous, that's all it is.

  • 3rdgen

    Put me down for hypocracy helping me see the real WTBT$. The worst was when they refused to pay back a $20,000.00 "conditional gift" to my elderly, destitute widowed mother. We wrote 3 respectful letters stating her plight, her very long record of faithful service, and the history she and my father had of huge $$$ donations (way over 7 figures!) And her relationship with the then president ,Max Larson. Hubby, an ex Bethelite had these letters hand delivered to at least 2 GB members by a friend. ALL went unanswered. Hubby called the desk and the verbal answer was put her on welfare! So much for the Bible's mandate to care for orphans and widows, "cast your bread upon the waters", "the wicked borrows but does not pay back" yada yada.

  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    3rdgen, I'm so sorry for you being robbed! That goes into the WORST category! What a bunch of lying crooked a$$holes who can't be trusted to stand by their word. I absolutely remember those articles about all the different ways to help out with needed financial support, and one of the things they promised was to honor an arrangement whereby they would repay a conditional loan.

  • Violia

    I was having a hard time leaving until I discovered an actively BI married elder . No one ever found out, he left this world in excellent standing. He hung with the rich and famous jws and had friends in high places.

    While the rest of us are repenting of our sins he was f'ing everyone . This org is as corrupt as they come and more hypocritical than most. There are rules for the Big boys and their wives and separate rules for the pee ons.

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