Who came up with the phrase TTATT? When?

by dazed but not confused 44 Replies latest social current

  • minimus

    it was me

  • adamah

    Well, I don't know who came up with TTATT, but let me publicly stake my claim here as the inventor of the admittedly-derivative acronym, "TTATTATT" ("The Truth About the Truth About the Truth").

    While not necessarily-pro JW, in-and-of-itself, the acronym refers to any future organized efforts to reveal the inside dirt and scandals involving the participants right here on JWN!

    PS feel free to use the new acronym royalty-free, as the need arises.

    Oh, and you're welcome,


  • Apognophos

    It looks like, so far, AnnOMaly's 2005 reference (apparently claimed by Seraphim23) is the oldest one to the full phrase "the truth about the truth", and my reference to the JWStruggle page from 2011 is the earliest use of the acronym "TTATT".

  • slimboyfat

    There is no such thing as the truth about the truth. There are only various perspectives and interpretations of the truth.

    Gandhii said: "truth never damages a cause that is just".

    But that presupposes there is such thing as truh independent of external judgements.

  • 1009

    About the acronym: Willa, moderator at Paradise Cafe, used the acronym TTATT at june 15th, 2009.

    See http://www.paradisecafediscussions.net/showthread.php?tid=4991&pid=56194#pid56194

  • Seraphim23

    I get the feeling I’m not believed. You won’t find my first use of the term as it would have been on Watchman’s old board which has long since been deleted. He kicked many off! Paradise café started by those he kicked off at that time came online around late 2006. If the term can be found before 2003 my claim will be retracted but I don’t think you will. I was on watchman’s board about two or three years before he had his hissy fit. I remember thinking the term up as I had not read it before elsewhere, while writing some post. I can’t prove it though. If anyone has a way of looking up old websites my name was Mr Anderson on Watchman’s site which I later changed to Seraphim. Seraphim was also my name on both Paradice cafe sites before they kicked me off where I was once a moderator.

  • Apognophos

    I don't disbelieve you, Seraphim23 , I was just being neutral and I wasn't clear on exactly where you were claiming to have said it :-) Thanks for the added info.

    And nice find, 1009!

  • Seraphim23

    Well I understand the need for evidence Apognophos. One of those things I guess.

  • 1009

    I do not doubt in any way that Seraphim23 was the first using the phrase in the environment that he described.

    I did find however the story of Sharon McDaniel Kennedy, apparently written in 1999 (and according to Google's cache indexed at Sep 15, 1999 to be exact), where she said:

    I believe with all my heart that Jehovah is the Hearer of prayers, and that he answered mine with the truth about "the truth". It became very clear, as I would read scriptures, what the real and correct meaning was, rather than what the Society’s interpretation said was the meaning.

    See: http://www.towerwatch.com/Testimonies/sharon_kennedy.htm

    Like Apognophos stated earlier:

    When you think about it, it's a fairly obvious play on words
  • frankiespeakin

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