Climate Change Alarm "Dialed Down"

by metatron 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • scotoma

    The best thing a man can do for future generations is vasectomy. The problem is you would simultaneously be removing the trait of "altruism" from the gene pool thus guaranteeing a world with even more short-sighted people.

    Armageddon doesn't look like such a bad thing when you think of where we are going.

    The divine reset button.

  • steve2
    steve2: i dont see why an aids denialist or a 911 truther could not draw upon the same historic parallel with the same effect?

    Clearly, the parallel has its limits - although where one person places the limits may not be where another places them!

    It's a bit like every single Christian group welcoming negative reactions from others because then they can claim they're being persecuted as Christ said they would be. "We must be the true Christians because we're being persecuted!"

    But, of course, displays of persecution are no "proof" that group is "Christian" or anything else for that matter.

  • BizzyBee

    Definition of sophisticated from the Urban Dictionary:

    Sophistication is a mix of

    • knowing when a joke's over,
    • caring somewhat about the consequences of your actions,
    • talking about something of reasonable importance,
    • having a good dose of common sense,
    • not letting your immediate reactions control your life,
    • knowing how much information is TOO much information,
    • and not wearing wearing your jeans lower than your underwear.

    I think that about covers it.

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