Climate Change Alarm "Dialed Down"

by metatron 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • Glander

    Nice that today is Sunday.

    The church of man caused climate change (not cool to call it global warming anymore,
    new light, etc") had a nice witness here today, give us an Amen!

  • scotoma

    I think climate change is one of those things the world simply can't come to terms with.

    Some day a huge asteroid is going to hit the earth and then you will have your climate change.

    People won't stop burning hydrocarbons until the last drop of oil, last ounce of coal, and last puff of natural gas, is gone .

    Man's only hope is if some cosmic federation of angels or aliens have pitty on us.

    Until human's figure themselves out they won't be able to change the world.

  • BizzyBee

    Amusing how "global warming" was too confusing for the right - "It's snowing in North Dakota! How can it be 'warming'?"

  • ballistic

    We cannot stop the sun expanding as it burns up and engulfs us. But it's a long way off. We are much better off dealing with the fact population explosion will make us kill eachother and fight one with another until life is sustainable again. It's probbaly easier to try to handle this through environmentalism. Environmentalism kinda helps us face this fact that the earth can't sustain continued growth of the population, without us having to admit or even understand the real and most difficult problem.

  • besty


    (not cool to call it global warming anymore, new light, etc")

    Your denialism is fully 11 years past its sell by date. Get some current bullshit.

    Scientists have always used climate change and global warming more or less interchangeably. In 2002 it was Republican strategist Frank Luntz who suggested avoiding 'global warming' and using 'climate change' as this was likely to be more acceptable to the Republican audience.

    (See page 142 - Redefining Labels)

  • steve2
    steve: the catholic church was denying facts based on dogma. i dont see any evidence on that happening in the wider scientific community.

    So true bohm - especially evident with the benefit of centuries of hindsight and how events acually turned out!

  • bohm

    steve2: i dont see why an aids denialist or a 911 truther could not draw upon the same historic parallel with the same effect?

  • Simon
    People won't stop burning hydrocarbons until the last drop of oil, last ounce of coal, and last puff of natural gas, is gone

    True. Look at Easter Island - destroyed by deforestation (again, stupidity driven by religious belief). The presented on a documentary pointed out that you can stand at the top and pretty much see the entire island and they relied on the trees for their way of life - and yet they still chopped down that very last tree.


    The real problem is that some people think of themselves, not of the future generations. As long as they can live in absolute luxury and count their billions then screw the world and the rest of the poor suckers living on it.

    They don't want the truth to be told and will deny it as long as possible so that they can sell every last drop and not have people reduce their consumption or, god forbid, even switch entirely to different sources of clean energy.

  • Glander

    You guys are too sophisticated for me.

    soph•ist•ry ('s?f ? stri)

    n., pl. -ries.

    1. a subtle, tricky, superficially plausible, but generally fallacious method of reasoning. 2. a false argument; sophism.

  • brinjen
    The real problem is that some people think of themselves, not of the future generations. As long as they can live in absolute luxury and count their billions then screw the world and the rest of the poor suckers living on it.

    Which pretty much sums up the right wing philosophy nowadays. Not much concern for the future at all.

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