Jwtalk: "You can hide the fact that you are gay but you can't hide the color of your skin."

by The Quiet One 21 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Zoos

    I am completely offended that they insist that their circumstances are similar to African Americans.

    Discrimination is discrimination is discrimination.

    No one needs to know who you choose to sleep with.

    Gay people could not agree more. So it begs the question, "Why are you (religion/politicians) sticking your nose into their bedrooms?

    It's kind of obvious that I'm black when I show up for a job interview or apply for a mortgage at a bank.

    It's also kind of obvious when one walks down the street holding hands with their bf/gf/spouse. It's also kind of obvious when someone makes a casual reference about their bf/gf/spouse. Should gays deny themselves these precious moments to avoid your hate? If you could, would you really try to hide your skin from others?

    For all their jumping up and down about their rights to do this, what about my right to not have to hear about or see it?

    I think we have the Watchtower organization and it’s many Supreme Court victories to thank for the right of the people to be in your face without your permission. Capeesh?

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    It's not just jws. There are a lot of homophobics out there. The good news is, society seems to be getting more tolerant toward gay people. I hardly ever hear words like 'poof' anymore.

  • blondie

    *** w12 2/1 p. 28 “Bring a Smile to Jehovah’s Face” ***

    The speaker also examined Isaiah 41:13, in which Jehovah makes this promise: “I, Jehovah your God, am grasping your right hand, the One saying to you, ‘Do not be afraid. I myself will help you.’” With warm sincerity, Brother Lett said: “Notice this very touching expression of Jehovah. He reaches out his hand to take hold of our hand.”

    *** w09 11/15 pp. 6-7 par. 19 What Do Your Prayers Say About You? ***

    There may be a proper time and place for some actions that would be inappropriate at a Christian meeting. (Eccl. 3:1) For instance, suppose someone sought to have all in a group link arms or hold hands during such a prayer. This might offend or distract some, including visitors who do not share our beliefs. Some marriage mates might discreetly hold hands, but if they embraced each other during public prayer, those who got a glimpse of such conduct might be stumbled. They might think or get the impression that the couple was focusing on their romantic relationship instead of reverence for Jehovah. Out of deep respect for him, let us therefore “do all things for God’s glory” and avoid conduct that could distract, shock, or stumble anyone.—1 Cor. 10:31, 32; 2 Cor. 6:3.

    *** w98 10/1 p. 21 Local Cultures and Christian Principles—Are They Compatible? ***

    What if a custom does not please us? Should it automatically be rejected? Not necessarily. The custom of males holding hands, mentioned earlier, was perfectly acceptable in that particular African community. When the missionary noticed that other men were walking around holding hands, he felt more at ease.

    *** w04 12/15 p. 25 Graduation Day—A Beautiful Day ***

    That often means learning customs that might seem unusual by Western standards. For example, in some lands it is very common to see men, including those in the Christian congregation, holding hands as friends while they walk together. In some places under the Guam branch, unusual foods are served. But others have adapted, and the new missionaries can too.

  • fulltimestudent

    from Jgnat:

    Not if you want to hold hands with your beloved, or *gasp* kiss in public.

    Smile! Yes!

    Way, way back in my JW existence - I had occasion to make a business trip to Paris. I had precise instructions on how to find my hotel, and caught the Metro at Charles de Gaulle airport as instructed, and got off at the correct station. So far, so good!

    But on the station concourse, there were about 6 courting couples, all locked in tight embraces (not seen in the sinless Sydney of those days). I suddenly realised that two of these couples were male. No-one was taking the slightest notice, except this stupid, naive, JW from Australia, mouth agape, suddenly recalling how wicked it would be in the last days.

    Worse was to come - a young (able to speak English) woman was assigned to be my contact with the company I was visiting. She was fun and made an obvious play for me. Umm! Good for the ego, when you're approaching middle age, and temptation was suddenly on the radar screen. It all vanished though, when the (boy-friend, fiancee or whatever) an executive in the company I was visiting, got the sh*ts with the situation.

    I returned home convinced that Paris had been conquered by the demons.

    OTOH - just maybe that's where my search for freedom from my slave-like condition to Jesus started.

  • Barrold Bonds
    Barrold Bonds

    To be honest I've seen those same homophobic comments on this board in some recent gay marriage threads.

  • adamah

    Zoos said-

    For all their jumping up and down about their rights to do this, what about my right to not have to hear about or see it?

    I think we have the Watchtower organization and it’s many Supreme Court victories to thank for the right of the people to be in your face without your permission. Capeesh?

    Oh, the exquisite irony of a JW complaining about gays in public who are not even trying to engage complete strangers in conversation to deliver an unsoliticed sales pitch to join their cult (a free speech right), but simply complaining of their right to express love for another!

    BB said-

    To be honest I've seen those same homophobic comments on this board in some recent gay marriage threads.

    Yeah, but JW bigotry is an article of faith, part-and-parcel of membership since they're following the Bible's command of "men shall not lie with men". You'd think people would surrender their bigot cards after awakening, but some only go to other flavors of Christianity, etc. So while you can take the person out of the JWs, sometimes it takes longer to take the JW out of the person.


  • ldrnomo
    To be honest I've seen those same homophobic comments on this board in some recent gay marriage threads.

    Where are they?

  • Barrold Bonds
    Barrold Bonds

    I'd have to go digging through these forums and that's way too much effort for me.

    But if you want to have some fun just make a general catch-all gay marriage thread and watch them roll in.

  • trujw

    What is nice is we can add our opinion when a comment we disagree with is presented at jwtalk you are quickly deleted. Just like at the jw cult Big difference. Some here most likley believe aliens probed there butts. crazy is crazy.

  • adamah

    I was just thinking about this quote when posting to a thread about how Jesus had no problems throwing his own family members under the bus (and thanks for sharing, Blondie):

    *** w09 11/15 pp. 6-7 par. 19 What Do Your Prayers Say About You? ***

    There may be a proper time and place for some actions that would be inappropriate at a Christian meeting. (Eccl. 3:1) For instance, suppose someone sought to have all in a group link arms or hold hands during such a prayer. This might offend or distract some, including visitors who do not share our beliefs. Some marriage mates might discreetly hold hands, but if they embraced each other during public prayer, those who got a glimpse of such conduct might be stumbled. They might think or get the impression that the couple was focusing on their romantic relationship instead of reverence for Jehovah. Out of deep respect for him, let us therefore “do all things for God’s glory” and avoid conduct that could distract, shock, or stumble anyone.—1 Cor. 10:31, 32; 2 Cor. 6:3.

    God forbid that a JW married couple would actually give the impression to others that they saw their commitment to each other as a union, joined together in service to Jehovah!

    The WTBTS clearly doesn't want them to give others THAT false impression, since the reality is that it's every JW member out themselves, where they're expected to shun their own marriage mate if push comes to shove!

    Just another example of how the WTBTS routinely uses its power to intercede into the private family affairs of its members.


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