Beginning of Great Tribulation: UN (Disgusting Thing) Attacks False Religion but HOW?

by ProfCNJ 11 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • ProfCNJ

    Hi folks, good morning. Finally, we have studied WT July 15, 2013 study article this morning as a congregation. While the WT is so certain that the signal of the start of the great tribulationis the attack of the UN against false religion, I could not help but to ask the following:

    1) In attacking the False Religion (non-JWs), will the UN attack only their religious "leaders" of the various religions (non-JWs) or will they attack both their leaders and their followers? (WT is silent on the composition or details of this scary assault.)

    2) If this attack will include both false religious leaders and their followers, would this not be pre-empting our Lord Jesus Christ role as the JUDGE of all the nations, separating the sheep from the goat? (WT July 15, 2013, Page 6, par. 11-12).

    LOGIC: If the UN at some future time will have the authority to identify the false ones, which we can reasonably infer as the same people as goat-like members of false religions, then what would happen now to our Lord Jesus Christ ROLE as the one to execute judgement on who will be the sheep and who will be the goats? Why would the UN have the WISDOM to judge and attack False Religion (which is composed of its leaders and followers who are goat-ones), when such role is evidently reserved for the Christ?

    The Bible has clearly and undoubtedly identified the Christ as the Judge; conversely, it has not directly identified the UN as the disgusting thing to attack all false religions (outside of the WT organization) not did it imply anything at all. Question is: Which side will you believe in? The one which the Holy Scriptures have stated w/out an aota of doubt or the ones which the WT has delcared and interpreted based on its understanding of the bible prophesies?

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    Just a couple of Scriptures to consider when discussing the GT.

    (1 Peter 4:17) For it is the appointed time for the judgment to start with the house of God. Now if it starts first with us, what will the end be of those who are not obedient to the good news of God?

    (Revelation 2:22) Look! I am about to throw her into a sickbed, and those committing adultery with her into great tribulation, unless they repent....

  • Apognophos

    Actually, I think you misunderstand the notions of the WT on this subject. They are not indicating that the "attack" will be something like SWAT teams descending on churches from helicopters. They're simply referring to dismantling the organizations of Babylon the Great. Thus, the organizations will be devoured by the wild beast, but individuals will survive till their judgment at Armageddon. One point I'm not clear on is if these people will be judged by Jesus at the beginning of the Great Tribulation, or by the end of it. Keep in mind that God is said to be 'putting this in their hearts', thus if the UN happens to attack all false religions first, this is simply because God directed them to do it, not because they know what religion is "false" or "true". Oddly enough, they'll then attempt to turn on God's true followers (did God give them some confusing directions?) and then Armageddon will come before his people can be destroyed. Sorry, I don't have the time to pull citations for this from the literature, I'm just going from memory.

  • Kojack57

    Well, we all know that the WB$TS is a CULT. And it is spirit directed by SATAN.

    So, Gods people most definitely are NOT J-Dubs. Then, that has to mean that God's chosen people are those who have accepted Christ Jesus into their lives.

  • prologos

    in that magazine the wt writers mentions that "BtheG's"-- "ADHERENTS"* will be amazed, baffeled, so,

    are adherents = to followers, members?

    so clearly Wt distinguishes between the empty shells of religion.INC and the human component.

    we hope ( or not) that JC does not confuse "B the G" with "the GB."

    He has to be careful to follow the latest light so as not contradict.

    * are the adherents the wailing merhants then?

    PS: that explains why the new owners wanted the WT logo removed from the Brooklyn heights buildings ASAP so as not to be mistakenly the first target of the UN across the east River.

  • Perry
    If the UN at some future time will have the authority to identify the false ones, which we can reasonably infer as the same people as goat-like members of false religions , then what would happen now to our Lord Jesus Christ ROLE as the one to execute judgement on who will be the sheep and who will be the goats?

    The "judgment of the nations" happens immediately after Jesus defeats the Anti-Christ. By that time, 2/3 of earth's population will have been killed due to the wars of the anti-christ. This is what's left of mankind at the very beginning of the Millenium rule.

  • cofty

    Perry. You are salivating at the thought of the annihilation of countless millions of men, women and children just because they don't share your brand of superstition.

    How is that any different from any other cult?

  • Perry

    Cofty, I'm definitely not looking forward to anything other than peace and well-being for everyone. I don't mean to come off any other way, but I'm sure my sometimes brevity doesn't help.

    It is the anti-christ that is prophesied to cause all the trouble. Jesus appears to stop total annilation of humans. I know the WT paints a picture of Jesus coming and killing all the non-JW's; but that is not the general Christian view.

  • cofty
    By that time, 2/3 of earth's population will have been killed
    Jesus appears to stop total annilation of humans.

    What a pathetic under-achiever your god is.

  • Crazyguy

    I asked this in another thread but what is the holyplace if it was not Jerusalem or the temple I. The first century?

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