Letter to BOE re: baptism of my minor children

by Michelle365 43 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Vanderhoven7

    I would register the letter. Secondly, if you have any time alone with your teens, I would go over the pros and cons of early baptism into an organization and what it would mean should they express doubts later on. (i.e. their father would have to shun them and consider them dead.)

    Check out this one:


  • Michelle365

    @flg8ter thanks. I agree it's something to consider, but I've been discussing it with my kids and even talked with them about sending a letter. I feel like if they're gonna get baptized there's not much I can do to stop it. My main goal is trying to get them to wait as long as possible with the hope that they never will.

    @vanderhoven7 I am sending it certified mail and regular mail. I talk with my kids all the time about the shunning and how ridiculous it is to shut out friends and family because they believe differently. We talk all the time about how "different" is not "bad".

  • Giordano

    You could point out to them that Jesus waited until he was thirty to get baptized. You can ask them if they are the same person they were when they were 10 years old I am assuming they are teenagers, looking back they should appreciate how much there outlook change during this growing up process then point out that the brain doesn't stop growing until the mid twenties. So perhaps following Jesus's example is the right thing to do.

  • Oubliette

    Michelle365: @oubliette- great point! thanks. I changed it!

    Glad do be of service!

  • Listener

    I would also cc a copy to your ex as well as sending a personal letter by registered mail. In that letter explain to him that even though he may justify the baptism on the basis that God's law is above man's law he has already agreed to joint religious decisions as per the contract he signed.

  • jared1175

    Wow my first post ever! I have read random threads on here when they have been sent to me by friends, but until now I have never actually created an account. But this is a situation with which I am personally involved, and despite my initial hesitation for Michelle to send such a letter, after thinking more about it, I decided to support and encourage it 100%. Yes, I was raised as a VERY hardcore JW and didn't figure it all out and leave until about the age of 25. I am Michelle's significant other for 5 or 6 years now, so I have kind of become the (unmarried and hence 'fornicating') stepdad and these girls' lives have become pretty important to me. (I have a somewhat fraternal relationship with them moreso than parental- by my own choice- but at least they both seem to like me pretty well right now and I'm FAR less of a douche than their manipulative dad who is much more involved in controlling them.)

    Michelle has already addressed most of the posts on here it seems, (and I'm sure she will address more in the morning when my insomniac self is hopefully asleep) but to

    @Giordano- yes that is a point I have drawn attention to many times myself. Fortunately the older one has backed off on the idea of such an early baptism (for now).

    @Listener- we already have a copy being cc'd to the awesomely lying manipulative douchebag ex (am I allowed to talk like that on this site? I'm sure the administrators will let me know...) I have all the certified copies ready to go out in the mail tomorrow- so if there are any last minute thoughts please hurry them in!

  • lisavegas420

    Michelle I want to share two personal experiences to give you a different perspective. First one, When my son was born, 1984 his grandparents on dads side were Catholic. They wanted him baptized in their Catholic Church. I refused and was freaking out, you know all the demons and whatnot in churchs. The grandparents made one attempt to kidnap him, another time the grandfather came over with a jar of 'holy water' and sprinkled him with it when I walked out of the room and hung a rosary on the edge of his crib. OMG, can you imagine??? Now, I know it would have made them feel better and gave them happiness. In real life it would have meant nothing to my infant son . I was only freaked out and thought I was being persecuted because the Watchtower said so. My son is grown now, the grandfather is dead, and the grandmother and dad are not in the picture. I still have my son, well, he's not here, in his own home a few miles from here. Second, this happened in the early 90's. My daughter went to visit her grandmother on her dad side for a month when she was 13. When she came home she told me she had gotten baptized in their baptist church. I'm horrified. Should I go to the elders? Do I just pray? Why did you do that? Why Why?? She said, "because they were going to throw me a party afterwards." It was never mentioned again. She is now 33, married, atheist with three children. Her grandmother is dead and her grandfather and dad are not in the picture. I still have a daughter, she's not here. She lives with her family, a few miles from her, next door to her brother. I could not be happier with how things turned out. Good luck and much love to you and your daughters.

  • Michelle365

    The letters are in the mail! I'll be sure to keep everyone updated if I get any sort of response.

    Thanks for all the tips/insight/experiences.


  • Oubliette

    And we look forward to hearing how it works out!

  • JWB


    You may be interested in this experience at Paul Grundy's site:


    It might help to quote an actual experience of where a body of elders completely ignored a father's right to prevent a minor from becoming a member of a particular religion. What if that religion had been the 'Moonies' or Scientology, what would the WTS's advice have been?

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