Let the July 15, 2013 WT games BEGIN!! And may the odds be ever in your favor!!

by ILoveTTATT 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • ILoveTTATT

    So... this Saturday, around the world, JW's will study the infamous July 15, 2013 WT. Please comment on all the BS and how the JW's take it, if you are a fader or a lurker.


  • nonjwspouse

    I find it not suprising that the July issue study is the very same weekend of the annual meeting being now telecasted to the invited members of the congregations.

    Orchestrated timing to try to cement the "new understanding" as being glorious "new light".


  • BroMac

    It is our CA this weekend. I have said I will go along.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    The same weekend as the agm? Hmm I wonder what they as up to? Word from the ground is that a lot of jws r already very confused and some are upset at all the changes, so if the gb makes anymore this weekend people will freak out totally.

  • bytheirworks

    Here's an idea

    Go to the meetings & when they ask a question, comment on the old understanding

  • laverite

    Bytheirworks - AWESOME idea!!!

  • TheOldHippie

    This weekend? Very strange, considering that last year they stated that "Next year’s annual meeting, which is scheduled to be held on October 5, 2013, ....."

  • BroMac

    It is not the AGM this weekend. Is it?

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    The AGM is 10-5 but being rebroadcast several times that day and on 10-6 as well. I think my congregation is slotted for 10-6. I'd much rather just read about it here!

  • SAHS


    “ Go to the meetings & when they ask a question, comment on the old understanding. ”

    Good idea. A very brief summary of their “previous understanding” (old light) is in order to remind everyone where the WT has been on this and to show that they have really been all over the map.

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