tell me not to cry...

by losingit 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • losingit

    I like that idea jgnat. Heres the problem-- he will take it away from them bc he wants them to listen. You see, I was a good JW mother and I taught my oldest how to take notes as a little little girl. Although he cared less about it when we were all together, now he feels the need to copy my tactics. :-( im making my own bed. If I go, and the sit with me, you bet I will be doing my best to make sure that they are so snug and confy th they fall asleep. Or so entertained that they wont be able to listen at all.

    HHollowheart, im so sorry about what you've been through.

  • adamah

    The key to moving beyond what happened to "us" is to stop seeing and thinking of yourself as the "victim". JWs appeal and play up to an individual's sense of narcissism and self-importance, seeing everything in terms of THEIR feelings, THEIR relationship with God and Jesus, the importance of THEIR actions in FS, etc. Growing beyond all of that is accomplished by FOCUSING on OTHERS, those around you, and gaining the ability to preceive and explore vantage points that are DIFFERENT from yours. They may SAY that Christians HAVE to be humble, but it's only an act: you HAVE to ACT like you're humble, when ultimately the act is built upon the THREAT of being FORCED to do so.

    The JWs REFUSE to see the World from other perspectives, and instead seek to ISOLATE themselves from the World out of fear, as they perceive the World as a hostile environment intent on causing them harm. It's a lie; the World is actually a place full of many different people with various agendas, where some ARE malicious, yes, but MOST are quite benign and friendly to others. JWs obviously don't have any monopoly on morality (in fact, the OPPOSITE is the case; stressing blind obedience to Gods is a recipe for amorality, or pseudo-morality, at least).

    The goal for today should be to identify someone who's NOT you, and try to put yourself in their shoes, thinking about what they MIGHT appreciate and then performing some random act of kindness FOR them, free of ulterior motives (not expecting ANYTHING in return, eg JWs hope to save THEMSELVES in Armageddon, so there's always a huge string attached to ALL good works they do, since they're ultimately doing it in order to save themselves).

    The way to learn empathy for others is to BECOME empathetic, through practice, and that requires breaking free from tired habitual old thought patterns and endless loops; you do that by reflecting on others, and not always on ourselves.


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Have your kids ever seen a really scary movie? Maybe Godzilla, Frankenstein, The Mummy, Halloween, etc.

    When you have a chance to talk with your kids without interference from Dad, ask them if they remember seeing the movie, and explain to them thay some prople can't tell that the movie isn't real. In the same sense, a few years ago YOU thought that the story of Armageddon was real, and for a long time you believe it was real, and you even made the mistake of teaching THEM it was real, but you've recently rea;ized that Armageddon was only a story, that it isn't real and is NEVER going to happen, that it was meant to SCARE people into going to church.

    Anytime they even hint about Armageddon, remind them that it is just a story and isn't real. Reassure them that God (or Jesus) is LOVE and that people who are afraid of Armageddon have forgotten that god (or Jesus) is Love.

    Basically what they need to do is de-program themselves to get rid of the scary pictures in their heads.

  • whathappened

    You can get your kids out because they are still young and it sounds like they are already questioning the craziness they are learning at the Kingdom Hall.

  • 3rdgen

    Loosingit, I'm sorry your girls are being manipulated by their fathers religion and his desire to conform to THEIR rules. I believe Jnat said that children have a way of sorting things out in time and I agree. My situation once was the opposite of yours. My 2 teenagers chose to move in with their DFed dad who was living like a rock star and openly Bi-sexual. At the time I was an active Dub remarried to an elder. I was terrified that my kids would "leave the truth" which they did while in his company. Newsflash: kids like having fun better than meetings and crazy rules! When they left his house to attend college they decided to become JWs. I was elated! What I hadn't counted on is that college teaches critical thinking skills and soon after baptism my living child left the Religion for good. Meanwhile, elder hubby and I left JWs and rock star dad died. My point: The father of your kids has some influence on them and so do you. Your girls will probably adapt to their surroundings- when with you they will pick up your beliefs and when with their father, they will do the same. Time and critical thinking skills will help them to sort out their OWN beliefs. By teaching them critical thinking NOW they will be ahead.

  • 3rdgen

    Nathan N, excellent illustration and teaching points!

  • losingit

    So many good comments. I'm letting it all sink in. I will be thinking about what everyone has said. I do appreciate all the feedback. It helps me to put things in perspective.

    I especially liked the suggestion that Armageddon is just a scary story. I really need to think about that one since, I'll be honest, I'm still afraid of going against him and going against the religion. My oldest, especially, believes so much in what w. taught her that she gets visibly upset and starts crying when she sees I'm going against a teachng. How do I deal wuth the upset while maintaining a level of respect ffor his religion? I don't know how to manage that trick ground. The youngest, I believe, wil be far easierto reach since I ppurposely dropped th e ball on her as a good "jw" mom by not reading any of the WT. children's literature or teaching her how to preach to her little classmates.

    For example, my oldest doesn't want to celebrate birthdays. When I asked her what she wiuld like to get for her birthday if she could celebrate, she refused to.answer the question. Funny girl. But, she does want me. to.throw some kind of life celebration party for her since her. younger sister had one earlier this year. You see, she's already. lookng to bend the rules-- find a gap-- so that she can have. fun. And isn't that the typical JW mindset? I want my girls to enjoy their lives without any guilt. They're good little girls! Why would God be upset if tey miss theur meetings but practice good? is he that nitpicky?

    I need to get over feeling like a hypocrite bc I'veffinally cme to my senses.

  • flipper

    LOSING IT- You are definitely in a tricky predicament with your children. I suggest reading Steve Hassan's 3 books on mind control tactics of cults. His 3 books are titled : " Combatting Cult Mind Control " , " Releasing the Bonds - Empowering People to Think for Themselves " , and " Freedom of Mind - Helping Loved Ones Leave Controlling People, Cults and Beliefs " . These books are chalk full of ways to communicate with your JW children without causing them to be offended by avoiding any doctrinal arguments. It uses reasoning and love to reach them. And these books will assist you to understand the tactics that mind control organizations like Jehovahs Witnesses use to control people including your ex-husband and children. Steve Hassan's website is : I highly recommend reading his books. They really helped me a lot and I've successfully been out of the Witnesses for 10 years now. Good luck and wish you the best, we are here for you too

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    LOSINGIT, you've got some good kids. I admire the determination your oldest is demonstrating to stick to what she was taught is right. Her integrity isn't a bad thing, it's just misdirected. Flipper offers good advice, as he usually does. I wonder if it might be possible for you to call Steven Hassan himself and get his suggestions on how to crack the nut of misdirected integrity.

    You are correct, though, that FIRST you need to "save yourself" by overcoming the GUILT that bubbles up whenever you catch yourself THINKING. This will take time. NEVER indulge in negative self-talk. If you find yourself being critical of yourself, silently repeat the word "cancel" three times, then congratulate yourself for having the courage to challenge your former erroneous beliefs. Form a picture in your mind of yourself walking out af a dark woods into a beautiful mountain meadow filled with sunshine and flowers. Don't think this sounds silly: try it.

  • Narcissistic Supply
    Narcissistic Supply

    I have awarded my kids a license to do whatever they want in this world. I have given them a license for freedom from the wrath of the jehova witness cult. I don’t know if i should celebrate or cry. I do both instead. Because it’s really a sad state of having to satisfy a nasty and demeaning cult of people as the jehova witness.

    Nobody can take that license away. Not the elders. Not the narcissist jw mom. Not the Narcissist co dependent mother in law. ( Special Recognition to Aunti Bay in the Philipines. ) None of them can do anything about it. All of their intense control and mind bending nonsense can be put in a bag and thrown away with the garbage because they can only control the kid for 50 percent of the time. When the kids are here they have a license to play dates, sleep overs, sports, social interactions (at all levels) and a license to do, say, and think almost anything they desire. Few restrictions on freedom of thought in this house. they can say pretty much anything they want and they will not be judged. They will receive unconditional love 24/7/365 and celebrate all holidays with reckless abandon. You don’t have to worry about that. They will pray nightly and finish the prayer with “in Jesus name Amen.” and if the JW’s don’t like that they can pound sand. Lots and lots of sand. Lots and lots of pounding. Have fun ladies.

    Welcome to Social Animal Boot Camp! Pound Sand Ladies!

    The Running joke in this house is when the kid hurts himself it’s not run and get the ice. It’s here comes the ambulance, wooo wooo wooo, You need a blood transfusion!

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