~Humble and Childlike~

by freeflyingfaerie 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • freeflyingfaerie

    On being 'humble' and 'childlike'~

    You remember the 'encouragement' to be teachable, humble, like little children...

    Well, CHILDREN ASK QUESTIONS, and lots of 'em...

    So, what happens when we keep on wondering and have questions that demand answers?

    According to Jw's, a person has to STOP being teachable like little children. A person is told not to do any real research (which requires humility, a sense of wonder, and openness to new ideas and concepts)....for fear that research done outside of the organizations approved sources- their own- a person may discover contradictions and lies. If those questions are out of line, a person must switch off their openness and substitute that with 'because I said so' type answers.

    Jw's really want people with minds shut off, not those with childlike wonder...


  • Gopher

    They want their followers to be childlike in the sense of listening when they're being taught, and submissive when they're being given orders. These days, they also want their followers to be childlike in the sense of having the teachings "dumbed down" or simplified into a few catch-phrases or buzzwords, rather than considering context and past history as adults may do more often.

  • zed is dead
    zed is dead

    Listen, Obey, and be Blessed! And please do not think.


  • freeflyingfaerie

    Gopher~ I agree. I just got to thinking (dangerous as that is) about learning and being taught and how the society doesn't come close to doing this with honesty and dignity to the listener. I was thinking on the contrast between the society's limited version of being taught and a sincere quest for truth. They are night and day.

    Religion has taken the traits of a child and extracted the vulnerable aspects in illustration to suit their purpose. A kind teacher would not try to shrink his pupil down. I was thinking of how different it would be if instead, the other qualities of a child, like curiosity and wonder, were used in illustration..

    Religion uses every method to keep people dependent on them.

    Zed~ Too bad the Blessed part never comes for the Obedient Listeners...someone isn't holding their end of the bargain...game over

  • CrackingTheWhip

    I find too many religions use this tactic, JW's perfected it.

  • Phizzy

    When Jesus drew the little child to him, and told his listeners they needed to be just like the child, I always thought his meaning was that you should approach new learning as a child does, very few rigid pre-conceived ideas, and so open to new ones.

    Jesus' listeners would have to shrug off all the stuff that Judaism had pushed in to them, and think anew.

    The JW's, in common with other religions, simply want to push their old ideas in to the child, and they want a placid unquestioning recipient.

    Jesus did not discourage questions or doubt, or he would have rejected Thomas.

    To be humble and childlike to a degree whilst learning is good, but you must quickly learn Critical Thinking skills, as most children do, and use them, and never allow any "teacher" to fob off those questions that such skills bring to mind.

    If you cannot question the answers, (the teaching), the answers are worthless, they are simply opinion.

  • jhine

    Phizzy I think that you are right in your comments about what Jesus meant . I am not sure about all other religions being the same , you said on the thread about the GB and the Pope that Catholics can disagree with the Pope . I know that in my own church ( C of E , if anyone has not gathered yet ) there is a lot of diversity of opinion on lots of subjects . I find it difficult to comprehend the level of control that the GB has over the r&f , totally alien to me . I see being a Christian as having my own walk of faith with the Bible to guide me and a vicar to ask questions of if I wish !.If I do not agree with a sermon or the interpretation of scripture in it I can say so and question , respectfully the thoughts of the sermon giver , not necessarily the vicar , by the way . I know "religion " is not for everyone on this forum , at least not after bad experiences in the Watchtower , but I do feel that other denominations sometimes get viewed through Watchtower coloured glasses . Just wanted to put a different view forward from my own experience .

  • Mr Fool
    Mr Fool

    To be humble and open minded is to have no pre-conceived and biased opinions about what we don´t know. The problem is when someone starts to believe, the belief itself removes this innocent state. So, instead of keeping an humble state and open mind, JW want to close you down (even if they believe they are open and humble). But they are to blind to realize it. That´s not a opinion, it´s a fact.

  • jhine

    That , I agree is true of WT . They do like total control , I am not sure that it has to apply to other faiths in general.

  • BU2B

    They want you to have the gullibility of a child, without the curiosity and questioning. They also want you to obey like a fearful child.

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