We are (not) representatives of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society

by VM44 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • VM44

    At one time JWs were issued Minister Identification cards such as the S-65 in which it is officially stated that the bearer "is a representative of the WATCH TOWER BIBLE AND TRACT SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA.

    Now, the Watchtower specifically tells the publishers NOT to say they are representatives of the Watchtower!

    When did this 180 degree change take place?

    Here is the text that appears on the front of the S-65 "Minister Identification Card."

    (City, State)
    is a representative of the WATCH TOWER BIBLE AND
    is authorized to preach the gospel of Jehovah's kingdom from
    house to house under the direction of the

    (Congregation name, state)

    (Presiding Minister Signature)
    (Presiding Minster)
    S-65 EXPIRES AUGUST 31, 1972

  • Simon

    I would guess it's for legal liability issues.

    If they are an official representative then the people who sent them are responsible for what they do as well as having a responsibility for their safety and training etc...

  • mP

    Does this mean they are still Jehovahs Witnesses but not reps of the mother business ?

  • steve2

    JWs relationship with the Watchtower is similar to the one my motor vehicle "enjoys" when it is being serviced by my friendly mechanic. The mechanic has a large sign in full view on the office wall advising customers what will happen if anything unfavorable happens to our vehicles whilst they're being serviced; it reads:

    "All care and no responsibility".

    This type of explicit exclusionary statement acquits the service provider of any responsibility whatsoever for anything that happens to my vehicle when it is in the hands of my mechanics. Ditto the Watchtower: Whatever difficulties the JWs get in when serving the Watchtower or carrying out its instructions, the organization itself can not be held legally or criminally accountable.

    It is highly instructive that the Watchtower Society adopts the secular self-protection mentality where it counts: In the pocket. Jehovah's loving organization indeed!

  • UnConfused

    The love of money is the root of all sorts of injurious things.

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    I think that when you go from door to door these days it's "your personal ministry".

    If you attack the householder they can sue you, but it's nothing to do with the WTS however, they did not send you, they are not responsible for your actions.

    I believe there was some problem in this area with brothers carrying business cards that displayed the WT logo. They had to be removed; similarly KH signs for meeting times etc had to have WT logo removed.

    Always keep the troops at arms length I guess.


  • Zoos


    All this time I understood that my dedication and baptism identified me as one of Jehovah's Witnesses in association with God's spirit-directed organization? " - (WBTS)

  • Heartofaboy

    The Watchtower org tells you what to wear, what to say, what to offer, how many hours you should do per month................yet it's your 'personal' ministry???

    Just a legal wheeze to make sure they can keep their chubby hands on the money you have donated them.

  • Listener

    Maybe the writing in disassociation letters should be changed and advise 'that I no longer wish to be associated with the WTBTS and that is what should be announced to the congregation and make it clear that you are still a Jehovah's witness (unless of course, you are now an atheist). And if they are to announce otherwise then they are slandering you and your beliefs.

  • Splash

    *** km 2/89 pp. 3-4 Our Identification as Jehovah’s Witnesses ***

    As ministers of the good news, we are known publicly as Jehovah’s Witnesses. Our voluntary participation in the field service is motivated by love of God and neighbor. It is not carried on at the insistence of any man or organization but is according to our God-given commission to preach the “good news” and make disciples. (Matt. 24:14; 28:19, 20) Therefore, publishers do well to avoid representing themselves as agents or representatives of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc., or any other corporation used by “the faithful and discreet slave” to advance Kingdom interests.—Matt. 24:45-47.

    In case of an accident or an emergency or if problems are encountered while working trailer parks, apartments, or certain other territory, publishers may need some form of personal identification beyond giving their name along with a brief Scriptural explanation of the nature of our religious work. If questioned, or when asked for credentials, baptized publishers may use the identification card (S-65) signed by the presiding overseer, which shows one is preaching the good news of the Kingdom in association with the local congregation named on the card.

    A supply of identification cards (S-65), which may be issued to baptized publishers when there is a need, will be included with the annual shipment of congregation forms. If any publishers use a personal name card in connection with their field service activities, they should not print thereon that they are representatives of the Watchtower Society.

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