i regret not getting disfellowshipped/da'd

by Django_Unchained 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • jgnat

    The next step in recovery might be to feel sorry for her, and the golden chains she draped herself (and you) with. I mean, what sort of future does she have? The final step, indifference.

  • Truth seeker 674
    Truth seeker 674

    "so i have every intention of living well. i now have the means to accomplish some long standing goals and to live the life i want. i can't get my childhood back, i can't change some of the past decisions, but i can make things better from here on."

    Now thats a lot better than trying to get back at someone for a past injustice. Move on.

  • Django_Unchained

    i'll never feel sorry for her.

    as for simply moving on...that might work for some, i don't think it works for all, at least not me. for sure not today. i wouldn't begrudge someone else for taking that approach, but given my circumstances and how things have played out between the two of us, i'm very much feeling eye for an eye-ish.

    it most certainly won't be my number one goal, but as i start moving in the direction i want to go, if i have an opportunity, i'll seize it.

    say for instance, i end up having a kid or two (heaven forbid lol). as her ONLY child and her ONLY avenue for grandkids, i'd for sure not let her have any relationship with whatever child i may or may not have and i'd get an extra two cents in by telling her i couldn't trust my child with a member of a cult.

    i'm certainly not going to go out of my way to seek revenge. just not worth it for me.

  • Truth seeker 674
    Truth seeker 674

    i'm certainly not going to go out of my way to seek revenge. just not worth it for me.

    As time passes you will absolutely feel sorry, not for you but for her. Trust me I've been through it, it is what it is.

  • Django_Unchained

    perhaps. i honestly can't imagine that though.

    i can't understand, if EVERYONE around you, your parents, sister, friends, etc are telling you the jws are a cult...wouldn't you do more research about them before jumping head first in it? wouldn't any reasonable person do a little digging before dragging their kid into it?

    hopefully research includes more than asking said members of a cult if they really are a cult...but unfortunately i know that's not the case sometimes.

    "i asked them about 1975 and they said it was no big deal..."


  • Truth seeker 674
    Truth seeker 674

    Django I got thrown out of this cult before the internet existed it was a lonely time for me. I moved on but I was young, lost all my familly on both sides my mother's and father's and I still can't feel regret for any of it. Life will get better it always does, I feel sorry for my relatives that are still in.

  • Django_Unchained

    i am thankful i left in the age of the internet. as bad as i had it, for sure it would have been a thousand times worse

  • rmt1

    For what it's worth, I think of my biological family still in the cult as having already died. I am a complete orphan in this context and I owe nothing to the cult in terms of future family arrangements or what have you. I know I owe nothing because I know for a fact that JWs will appropriate, manipulate, extort, misrepresent, abuse or in any way milk every last drop of guilt, blame, accusation, etc, ad nauseum, from any future interaction of any kind whatsoever. So, my mother is dead, my four brothers are dead, my uncles, aunts, cousins - all dead. Dead and rotting in the ground. They had their chance at this temporary thing called conscious existence on a small blue dot in the middle of a completely oblivious entropic and thermodynamic process of impersonal strong, weak, electromagnetic and gravitational forces. They're dead.


    Once in a while a thinking person, all the better if it is a young person, pulls their head out of the sand and says, Uh, something doesn't add up. That person is alive.

  • MrFreeze

    I'm not sure how it would be sticking it to her. Then again I don't know your situation.

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