Are JWs creationists?

by Jeffro 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Jeffro

    If you believe what is officially stated on the JW website, JWs are not creationists. They back this up with the fact that they believe something different to "some creationists" (but not correctly referring to those as "young Earth creationists").

    The fact that the exact JW belief is in fact specifically called "day-age creationism" seems to have alluded them.

  • 2+2=5

    Well the JW website is full of 'official' statements that contradict what the WT really teaches and what JWs really believe. The website is just a polish on a turd.

    If it is in the FAQs section, this would make sense, because that section is chock full of BS. They should change their FAQs to FTLs (frequently told lies).

  • 2+2=5

    So I just looked at Jehovah's website, and I really liked this little gem:

    Although Jehovah’s Witnesses believe in creation, we are not anti science. We believe that true science and the Bible are compatible.

    Okay. So JWs are not anti science. They are just against any science that conflicts with their beliefs or superstitions. Mmmmm.

    And what the hell is "true science"!?? That's the science that doesn't conflict with their belief in magic and fairytales!

  • Jeffro

    Yeah, I guess '7 literal days for creation' is ridiculous, but 'humans have only existed for 6000 years' is 'true science'.

  • besty

    could a wikipedia editor get Jehovahs Witnesses name-checked in this article as being modern proponents of day-age creationism?

  • ThomasCovenant

    ''Yeah, I guess '7 literal days for creation' is ridiculous, but 'humans have only existed for 6000 years' is 'true science'. ''

    And all living things were vegetarian less than 4,500 years ago is also true science.

  • AnnOMaly

    This always makes me laugh. I've had conversations go something like this before:

    "JWs are creationists."

    "No we are not, but we do believe God created everything."

    "So you're creationists."

    "No we're not. Creationists believe the earth and universe were created in 6 literal days. We don't."

    "You're limiting the meaning of 'creationism.' The type of creationism you reject is 'young earth creationism.' You, on the other hand, are 'old earth creationists.'"

    "We're not creationists."

    They seem to have no idea how bonkers that sounds.

  • Laika

    The FAQs often work by answering a strawman question.

    So they respond to the question 'Are you a creationist?' by answering the question 'Are you a Young Earth Creationist?'

    My favourite is the one on 'Do you feel you are the only ones that will be saved?' Where they explain that they don't, because some non-JWs may yet become JWs and then they will also get saved! As if anyone only means current JWs when they ask that question...

  • Jeffro


    The FAQs often work by answering a strawman question.

    Indeed. They do the same thing on their 'What is a Bible Study?' FAQ. The old 'bait and switch':

    If I accept a Bible study, do I have to become one of Jehovah’s Witnesses? No.

    Well, yeah, it's true enough that a person who has a 'Bible study' doesn't "have to" become a JW. But the person will certainly be expected to. And they'd better not to expect to remain good friends with the JWs if they don't join up.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Language morphs and I accept that the popular definitions of words are generally the ones to work with.

    WTS is known for using obscure definitions of words.

    There is a group of creationists who believe in the 7 literal days of creation, but in Christian lands like the United States, a creationist is someone who believes that the universe and living organisms originate from specific acts of divine creation described in the biblical account , rather than by natural processes such as evolution.

    Yes, JW's have a slightly different view of the biblical account, but most sects do the same.

    JW's are so silly in their re-defining. Example: Their leaders are not "inspired" but are "spirit-directed." That means they are everything that "inspired" means but are allowed to change their minds.

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