Chemical warfare in Syria-can man be saved?

by Monsieur 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • designs

    We are days away from being drawn into another conflict in the Islamic world. The hardcore neocons and war-hawks in our government are no doubt hoping for a failure by the President who so far has been winding down our large scale attacks. We will have to see how the vote goes in Congress.

  • nonjwspouse

    Gopher, Obama twice drew a line in the sand, no WMB/chemical warefare. Twice Syria with arrogance stepped over the bounds waiting to see the promised response. That never came. THAT type of impotance by the US/Obma will prompt more of the same. Sure the middle east has always been at war, but that does not change the promise the US made to the Syrian people.The US prompted attacks bwcause of the line drawn in the sand. obama knew Syria had this capablity. Yet he posed empty threats. Arrogantly thinking Syria wouldn't dare...

    Also, the percecutions of the coptic christians in the middle east have gone on since about the 6th century. Why is this not even mentioned on the news, and not in my child's history book. It is a very important world history ongoing event. I really wonder how much Obama really knows what the mmiddle east mess is all about. The heads of his national security team all said they wanted to arm the rebels, but Obama said no.

    We didn't stand by to watch the nazis continue the holocost, we should not stand by now and watch civilians being mass murdered, knowing it will continue.

    I do not hope for failure by the president, I hope for failure of his inability to act on his words. I hope congress will follow through for the US. I hope for the president to see the reality of the weakening of the US in the eyes of the world, and how that is a bad thing, not a good thing.

  • sammielee24

    Since I don't know who was responsible for releasing the chemical weapons in Syria - I can't point the finger at one specific group.

    What will get interesting is that all those people who have been killed or injured so far, might pale in comparison with the hundreds of thousands more who get caught in the cross fire should this evolve into WW3. Russia, China, US and allies - it could be a bloodbath or a simple nuke that takes out a lot of people and destroys the environment for decades to come.


  • J. Hofer
    J. Hofer

    removing assad would only make things worse. there's no proof he's been using chemical weapons as of yet. if chemical weapons have been used at all, they might as well have been used by the jihadists. it's not like this is some good guys vs. bad guys story.

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    This stinks. The rebels have been begging for someone to intervene from the beginning because they know they have virtually no chance of chasing the regime completely from the country. Similar to what they had in Libya. Who is good and who is bad? Try neither. Assad is backed by the Shiites and Hezbollah, and also from his Alawite base. The opposition is made up of Sunnis, some affiliated with al Qaeda, others not. This is like if Nazi Germany had a civil war, with one faction led by Hitler and the other one by Himmler. Do you intervene on behalf of Himmler and put him in power because he's not Hitler and doesn't have quite the record of tyranny? Osama shouldn't have bothered himself with running planes into buildings. All he needed to do was inspire revolts against all the Arab governments, and then wait for Western intervention to topple regimes for him.

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