Chemical warfare in Syria-can man be saved?

by Monsieur 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • myelaine

    I agree Glander.

    The thing is that America should intervene in this battle at this point but then the German and Chinese would have to defend their allies the Assad regime thereby drawing world powers into the conflict.

    I think the chemical weapons were used to deliberately force the Americans hand in this conflict. So far president Obama has found ways around not interfering. As a tactical manoeuvre it is as well conceived as it is evil...will president Obama reveal his impotence to the entire world or start WW III?

    With western forces spread all over the globe...we're sitting ducks in any event

  • 1009

    Although it is terrible what currently happens in Syria, the news about chemical warfare seems to be a hoax.

    • Minutes after the attack people run around in the same street. Some are unharmed?
    • Video's are apparently posted a day before the alleged attack.
    • An attack near Damascus shortly after the arrival of UN-inspectors seems to be pretty stupid.
    • The Syrian army was allready making progress in this region with conventional weapons. Why use chemical weapons instead?

    And for the Dutch readers under us:

  • Glander

    mye.- "... I think the chemical weapons were used to deliberately force the Americans hand in this conflict. So far president Obama has found ways around not interfering. As a tactical manoeuvre it is as well conceived as it is evil...will president Obama reveal his impotence to the entire world or start WW III? "

    I think you are spot on. Assad has been biding his time. Now that Obama has our foriegn affairs in a big mess, and he is pouting with Putin, etc. Our enemies are going to press him.

    "Weakness is a Provocation"

  • Gopher

    Obama made America weak? Ask Osama Bin-Laden. Oh never mind, you can't.

    Is everything that happens in the mideast the result of Obama messing up? The mideast has been roiling with religious and political conflict for ages. Why must America always expend its resources (people and/or armaments, and always tax dollars) on every uprising that hits the news?

    This isn't to say Syria is unimportant. It's just that there are very few if any good options for America in this instance (and this has nothing to do with the political stripe of the current man in the White House). Time has shown we cannot bomb or drone entire nations into reasonableness.

  • Glander

    gopher - loyal friend. Obama depends on the likes of you good souls to not hold him accountable for anything bad and give him credit for everything good!

    go get me a cup of coffee, cream, no sugar and a ham sandwich.

  • Gopher

    Oh I'm no Obama yes-man. I just realize that he doesn't have to jump every time the warhawks yell "jump".

  • Monsieur

    has it been confirmed that the chemical attack was fake?

  • jgnat

    Good article about what can be known and what must remain unknowable:

  • designs

    Iran threatens military action if US begins bombing Syria. Seems like the oil tankers in the Persian Gulf would be targeted and there goes the price of oil through the roof. The President and the US military commanders obviously know the US is being lured into a gordian knot of politics and religious fanaticism.

  • Bobcat


    "...I think the chemical weapons were used to deliberately force the Americans hand in this conflict. So far president Obama has found ways around not interfering. As a tactical manoeuvre it is as well conceived as it is evil...will president Obama reveal his impotence to the entire world or start WW III? "

    I agree with Glander on your thought (Assuming the NBC attack is real), that this is spot on.

    Putin has been spoiling for a fight with the Americans. He's just never been able to get it in a playing field that he's been comfortable with. But now he has a formidable fleet in Syrian waters and sufficient air defense coverage of Syrian air space.

    I find it interesting that there hasn't been as much Western rhetoric over this chemical attack. IMO, Putin has 'dared' the west, especially the US, to respond. The result will be a loss of face for the US either way. If the US doesn't react, it will start to dawn on the world that the US can be stood up to. If the US does react, I'm afraid their Med Fleet (7th ?) will be bloodied.

    That is not to minimize the suffering from this. But this is a global chess match for 21st century world order, and people are just the pawns.

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