A Great rebuttal to the likes of Ray Comfort

by cantleave 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • cantleave

    I was going to add this to the Common Ancestry thread but it covers much more. I love this woman......


  • slimboyfat

    There's something off-putting about a girl militant atheist. Believer-bating is an ugly-man's sport.

  • Phizzy

    Is Atheist baiting a more noble sport ?

    The point is she refutes all of Bananaman's (Comfort's) silly nonsense.

    Believers would have much more credibility if they actually engaged in debate, for an example of not doing so, and ignoring all refutations of the believers arguments, just see Q.C's idiotic posts on his thread on Meyer and Intelligent Design.

  • slimboyfat

    Any sort of bating doesn't suit pretty girls. She'll turn into Ann Coulter if she doesn't watch it.

  • GoodGuyGreg

    Nice vid. Too bad it won't really help anyone not already on the fence.

    @Slimboyfat: Pretty and smart is a pretty winning combination in my book.

  • slimboyfat

    Oh I am all in favour of pretty and smart. Just the polemical side of things, constant sarcasm, mocking tone, I find off-putting. She definitely has a look of Ann Coulter about her.

  • cantleave

    Constant sarcasm, mocking tone, I find off-putting

    Ray comfort needs to mocked sarcastically - he optimises stupid!

  • slimboyfat

    Sarcasm is called the lowest form of wit for a reason. There are alway better ways to make any point. Besides it's just tiresome hearing mock southern drawl "Gawd" a dozen times or more.

    I like how the earth graphic combined with her arm gesture make her look like an angel.

    I doubt there is much money to be made in believer bating at this level. If she's a Republican she could definitely become Ann Coulter's protege. At least her sarcasm could earn a living.

  • snare&racket

    Sarcasm is beautiful and only the lowest form of wit to those unable to dispense it......

  • cofty
    Any sort of bating doesn't suit pretty girls - SBF

    Did you really write that or has somebody hijacked your account?

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