Jwfacts and/or Marvin Shilmer I need your help

by ILoveTTATT 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • ILoveTTATT

    How do I contact ajwrb.org people?

    Do you understand this idea? It will sound stupid to most people, but if it saves a life, I say go for it!

    Get white blood cells from mother's milk
    Transfuse/suggest this to JW patients who need white blood cells because it is "not from blood, but mother's milk"
    In the process, you get a desperate witness to call the WTS, and they approve. This would make a massive loophole, leading all to question even more the WTS...

    What do you think of this idea?

  • sir82

    It sounds like a nice idea, but is there even a cost-effective way to extract enough WBCs from human milk?

    I've never heard of it being done.

  • ILoveTTATT

    Perhaps do an ex-JW fundraiser? Perhaps a startup company? I know this stuff is WAAAY over my pay grade...

    Hemopure made sense from an economic and medical viewpoint. If there was something that replaced the function of red blood cells without them being red blood cells, that would revolutionize medicine.

    Doing the white blood cells thing just for JW's is... well... stupid from an economic viewpoint. However, I don't think that it would be too hard... just centrifuge the mother's milk... how much money would a hospital need to have a specific centrifuge/equipment just for JW's, specially if they are the bloodless hospitals? The bloodless hospitals might be interested to try and push this point... They already have done all sorts of things to accomodate JW's... so I don't think that with some fundraising, some explanation from the doctors, a willing person who could donate the mother's milk, plus a doctor looking for a "guinea pig"...

    If you're a person who's involved heavily in blood reform for JW's... I am sure you can find a way!! I am sure the ex-JW community can find a way!!

  • cantleave

    White blood cell transfusions are very rare. They are usually reserved for children who have a low white blood cell count and severe infection that cannot be treated with antibiotics.

  • Narcissistic Supply
    Narcissistic Supply

    why don't you get a bunch of misquitoes to eat the eyeballs out of the watchtower blood policy.

  • ILoveTTATT

    White blood cell transfusions are very rare. They are usually reserved for children who have a low white blood cell count and severe infection that cannot be treated with antibiotics.

    First thing I thought was, why not get the children to drink mother's milk? Then I have a scientific question... why are the white blood cells not destroyed when the baby drinks the colostrum/mother's milk? What changes later? What makes these cells go into the bloodstream and not be destroyed by the digestive system?

  • ILoveTTATT

    Narcisistic supply: oh the stuff that people would love to do to the GB!! Like I said, if there is hell, they will have a special place reserved for them... if God exists, he will make them pay!!

  • snare&racket

    Mothers milk passes antibodies this along with some simple sugars specific to the milk help maintain healthy numbers of bacteria, i.e. not allowing one commensal colony to dominate and lead to disease.

    Mostly, mothers milk (with said antibodies and sugars) helps prevent GI colonies from dominating and causing digestive infections.

    White blood cells are passed to the baby and the placenta again passes antibodies to the child, but this is all temporary and lasts only weeks.

    The watchtower believe white blood cells to be unscriptural to transfuse, despite the above information.

  • cantleave

    why are the white blood cells not destroyed when the baby drinks the colostrum/mother's milk?

    The white blood cells in breast milk are macrophages. Macrophages are present in every tissue of the human body where they are referred to as tissue macrophages, the macrophages introduced via breast milk work along with and add to the tissue macrophages.

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    “The white blood cells in breast milk are macrophages.”

    There is no type of white cell in blood that is not also found in milk.[1]

    Marvin Shilmer



    1. Ho et al., Human Colostral and Breast Milk Cells a Light and Electron Microscope Study, Acta Paediatr Scand 68: 389-396, 1979

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